Perhaps not mentioned in the previous article, although Lin Xi's jade pendant has six kinds of Qinse, it is only common. There is no most precious Xueqin. Otherwise, Zhu Kejin would not have bought it at the beginning. It only costs 7 million yuan, even 10 million yuan.

But then again, Lin Xi's jade pendant is handed down ancient jade, not unearthed ancient jade. It is natural that there is no Xueqin, and its value and significance are far beyond money.

But anyway, Tao Jingyu's jade has a complete range of colors. Although its value is still not as good as Lin Xi's jade pendant, it is worth three or four million yuan. As long as this jade is a real treasure, there is no reason for pawnbrokers not to do this business which only makes no loss, and it is indeed a big business.

Looking at the five colors of jade in front of Lin Xi's eyes, he was shocked and praised, but he didn't judge his inheritance, let alone the authenticity of the jade. You should know that the means of making fake jade on the market are extremely excellent, and the dyeing skills (equivalent to artificial color) are endless. If we only use the color to judge the authenticity of jade, wouldn't it be too martial It's broken!

"Mr. Tao, I think your jade should be made of warm jade?"

When he heard Lin Xi's words, Tao Jingyu's eyes twinkled. He thought Lin Xi was just acting, but he didn't expect that Lin Xi could see through the quality of the jade. So he said in his heart: it seems that he underestimated Lin Xi. Although he looks young, he must have two brushes to sit in the manager's position.

Thinking of this, Tao Jingyu politely said: "manager Lin looks good. It's really a piece of warm jade. It's not only of high quality, but also of uniform color distribution. I've asked experts to identify it. Why, manager Lin also knows this material?"

Lin Xi didn't pay attention to Tao Jingyu's contempt. Instead, he pushed his own glasses, and then said with ease: "of course, I know it. We should know more about it. We can't fool you. Besides, Lantian warm jade is one of the four famous jades in China. If I don't even know it, I must be Tao Jingyu Sir, we should really doubt our business ability. "

Perhaps he had expected that Lin Xi would say so, or he was deliberately embarrassed and tested. Tao Jingyu was not as eager as he was. Instead, he said something else: "Oh, can manager Lin introduce it in detail? To be honest, although I have asked experts to identify this jade, the experts only gave the results, and did not say the specific origin of the jade and the material."

After a pause, Tao Jingyu continued: "manager Lin may not know that I am usually busy with business, so I don't know much about this aspect. It happens that I am free today. If manager Lin is willing to speak, I don't mind listening to you... It just proves that your business ability is really good."

Looking up at Tao Jingyu, Lin Xi sees his smiling face and playful eyes. Then he turns his eyes to Meng Fankai, only to find that Meng Fankai is still smiling and seems to be an outsider.

Obviously, Meng Fankai also knows that Tao Jingyu is studying for Lin Xi, so he is happy to be an outsider, not only to make a fool of Lin Xi, but also to test his depth. Otherwise, how can he show his importance in the pawnshop? This is the root reason why he calls Lin Xi jade.

There is a saying that "see through but not say through". After seeing through the trickiness, Lin Xi couldn't help smiling in the sunshine, and then leisurely said: "since Mr. Tao has said so, I'll make a fool of myself in front of you. If anything is wrong, please ask Mr. Tao and Meng appraisers to give more advice."

Instead of giving Tao Jingyu and Meng Fankai a chance to react, Lin Xi suddenly changed the conversation and directly talked about the origin of Lantian jade: "as you know, Mr. Tao, Lantian jade is one of the four most famous jades in China. It is also known as Hetian jade, Xiuyu jade and Dushan jade. It is named after Lantian mountain in Shaanxi Province. In ancient books, there are also records of Lantian jade, Known as "the blue field of jade seed", it is one of the earliest jade species developed and utilized in China

After a pause, Lin Xi continued: "in fact, as early as ten thousand years ago in the stone age, Lantian jade was exploited and used by the ancestors. Then in the spring and Autumn period, Qin and Han Dynasties, Lantian jade carving began to be popular among the aristocracy and the upper class, and reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty. For example, the famous national seal handed down by the first emperor of Qin Dynasty was made of Lantian Aquamarine jade. Since then, the jade seal has been used as a symbol of imperial power Symbol, in our country monarchy society spread for more than a thousand years

"In addition, scholars in ancient China also praised Lantian jade. In particular, Li Shangyin, a poet of Tang Dynasty, wrote the poem" the Pearl of the moon in the sea has tears, the Lantian jade is warm day by day, and the jade is smoldering ", which has made Lantian jade famous throughout the ages."

After drinking the tea from Song Li Duan and moistening his voice, Lin Xi finally concluded: "although Lantian jade has a long history of mining, it is far from meeting the social needs because of its small output. With the depletion of ancient jade mines and the opening of the Silk Road, other kinds of jade are used everywhere, making the mining and application of Lantian jade gradually lost After Yushan was hit by the earthquake, the exact location of the ancient ore deposit has been unknown. As a result, the original jade deposit in gulantian has not been found until now. "After Lin Xiyan's brief and comprehensive introduction, Tao Jingyu was shocked. He didn't expect that Lin Xi, the manager, was really not paper-based. He not only had two brushes, but also had two brushes. Even if he came to introduce and explain, he would not be able to speak so simply and deeply.

But since he has a mind to test Lin Xi, how can he let it go easily? Even if he is shocked, he will continue to be embarrassed: "I didn't expect that manager Lin is young, and his talent has been so extraordinary. It seems that your pawnshop is really full of talents, but I don't know one thing. I want to ask you again. I think what manager Lin said about Yuzhong Lantian is not groundless "Right?"

Looking at Tao Jingyu with a smile on his face, but with bad intentions, Lin Xi, who has seen through for a long time, can't help but smile in his heart. He even tests himself with this kind of problem. He must be a self righteous and incompetent person.

Of course, it was just Lin Xi's idea. Instead of revealing it, he politely replied, "Mr. Tao is right. This reputation is not aimless. As for its origin, it is an allusion that does not know the specific age. It is said that before Lantian got its name, it was a small villa on the ancient post road of Zhongnanshan."

"There is a poor scholar named Yang Boyong in the village. He is young, studious and kind-hearted. He built a thatched arbor for tourists to drink water and tea. One day, an old man with gravel on his back fell in front of the arbor because he was overworked. Yang Boyong quickly helped the old man up and fed him, saving his life."

"Later, when the old man left, he gave Yang Boyong a bucket of gravel on his back and said," don't look at these broken stones. If you plant them in the ground, you will produce jade and get a good daughter-in-law. "

"It turned out that the old man Yang Boyong saved was not a mortal, but the reincarnation of Taibai Jinxing. He did it according to the old man's advice, and a bucket of jade was born in the field. Later, he made five pairs of white walls out of jade and married a kind and wise girl as a bride price."

"However, because Yang Boyong's hometown has many mountains and few lands, the grain production will be reduced in case of drought, and the people will suffer from starvation. So he discussed with his wife and gave his jade to the people to go down the mountain to exchange for food to survive the disaster. Later, the news spread, and the government and bandits colluded to rob the jade in his land."

"Because there was no jade, Yang Boyong's life and the villagers' life became a problem. At this time, Taibai Jinxing happened to know that the jade had been plundered by the officials and bandits, so she entrusted a dream to Yang Boyong and said," on a sunny day, when you go to Nanshan, you can hide the jade in the light smoke. "So since then, only the insiders can find the gems in the deep mountains, while the officials and bandits can only pick the blue stones that have not grown into jade." , the fastest update of the webnovel!