Tall and thin men are full of pressure on Lin Xi, but they don't dare to say it. After all, they really offend people. Moreover, they have cheated treasure here for a long time, and they have got money. There's no need to waste their time here. If the police or the city management finds out, they're afraid they'll make a fuss.

Even for his own sake, he should get rid of Lin Xi's entanglement and leave here as soon as possible. As for Lin Xi's request for the three porcelain bowls, it's a big deal to give them to him. Isn't it enough to buy three bowls today?

Having made a decision in his heart, the tall and thin man suddenly showed a bitter smile and said, "brother, these three bowls are all brought by my younger brother from home. I want to give them to you, but even the guy who eats is gone, and you can see that these three bowls are just ordinary porcelain bowls. Why don't you believe them?"

At this point, the tall and thin man pretended to be embarrassed and waved his hand, and continued: "well, forget it, since the elder brother doesn't believe in his younger brother, his younger brother can only prove his innocence. If he doesn't eat at night, his younger brother doesn't dare to take back the three bowls. The most important thing for him to do is to be honest, but he doesn't dare to break his own signboard."

Hearing the tall and thin man's promise, Lin Xi was overjoyed and even wanted to cry out. After so many setbacks, did he finally get the Chenghua colorful chicken bowl?

Some people may want to ask, what is the significance of Lin Xi's spending so much trouble?

As I said before, Lin Xi certainly can't offer to buy directly. Otherwise, with the shrewdness of street swindlers, even if they can't find the trick, they won't sell it to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi uses a euphemistic method. First, he makes several consecutive bets and takes an unusual way to attract the attention of the tall and thin men. Then, in a deceitful way, he makes the tall and thin men panic, and ignores Lin Xi's real purpose. Finally, he makes the tall and thin men just want to get rid of him quickly, completely relax their vigilance, and give up the porcelain bowl Give it to him.

It has to be said that Lin Xizhen was born in the Department of history, and his use of all kinds of stratagems in the thirty six stratagems was like a duck to water. In such a euphemistic routine, he used five stratagems, namely, attacking the west by sounding the East, attacking the Guo by pretending to be a Taoist, pretending not to be a fool, fighting against the Hakkas, and serial stratagems. It would be a pity not to be a general in ancient times.

"Hey, what are you doing? Stop, don't move, stop..."

at that time, Lin Xizheng was holding three porcelain bowls, ready to pay ten yuan to the tall and thin man, so as to complete the business completely. But before he took them out, a thick voice burst in his ear.

The sound suddenly exploded in his ears from far to near. Before Lin Xi could react, the tall and thin man in front of him had already "leaped" out and ran in the opposite direction of the sound. His running speed was like a gust of wind. It blew past Lin Xi's eyes and ran tens of meters away in a twinkling of an eye.

at the same time, as the tall and thin men, there are also several of his accomplices. After hearing the strong voice, they all run in different directions, as if there were some monsters behind them, chasing them.

The dramatic scene happened in front of Lin Xi's eyes, which almost stunned him. He held three porcelain bowls and looked at the direction of the tall and thin man. He saw that he had run more than 100 meters and finally disappeared at the corner of the street. His speed was not bad.

Then, looking at the source of the thick voice, Lin Xi saw two Chengguan in black uniforms, also speeding up to catch up, and soon passed him, chasing the place where the tall and thin man disappeared.

Until now, Lin Xi realized that the feeling is that when the city management patrols here, they find that the tall and thin men are not right, and they stand in the distance and shout. What they fear most in the business of street deception is to be caught by the city management and the police, which almost becomes an instinctive reaction.

So when they heard the voice of the city management, they immediately reacted and ran away, even ignoring Lin Xi's ten yuan. If they were caught first, they would never get good results when they entered the police station.

When Chengguan saw the tall and thin man and his gang running away, they immediately knew that they had met the outlaws. Even for their professional qualifications, they would not let them go. They immediately ran after Lin Xi and several other stunned passers-by.

The dramatic change is so fast that even Lin Xi can't react. He planned to spend ten yuan to buy three porcelain bowls, but he didn't want to spend ten yuan because of the appearance of urban management.

That is to say, without spending a cent, Lin Xi picked up a leak bigger than the sky and got the Chenghua doucai chicken jar cup worth 30-40 million yuan, which can be regarded as a miracle product!

Unable to resist the crazy joy in his heart, Lin Xi began to run wildly. He finally relaxed when he returned to the hotel with three porcelain bowls and locked the door of the hotel completely.

I don't know whether he was excited or the reason why he ran too fast on the road. When he came back to the hotel room, Lin Xi was panting and his heart beat faster. He could even hear his heart beat clearly, as if he was beating a drum in his chest, beating his chest, as if he could jump out at any time.

After a long time, Lin Xi recited the old man's formula in his heart for many times. He finally regained his composure. Instead of his previous ecstasy and gaffe, he became more calm and calm, just like an old well.He put three porcelain bowls in front of him in turn. In addition to Chenghua doucai chicken bowl, Lin Xi only looked at the other two porcelain bowls, then threw them into the garbage can without hesitation, and then looked at the chicken bowl again.

It seems that in Lin Xi's eyes, the chicken jar cup is no longer a chicken jar cup, but a check with RMB 30 million to RMB 40 million. The wealth that others can't earn in their lifetime is now placed in front of him.

Originally already calm mood, ready to move again, and Lin Xi has a strong demand, need someone to share their joy, but who to find to share?

Of course, we need to find shulao, because he is the real old expert!

After dialing the phone quickly, Lin Xi didn't wait for Mr. Shu to speak, so he cheerfully announced: "Mr. Shu, I have a good news to tell you, I picked up the leak, I picked up the big leak, I picked up the big leak!"

Shulao on the other end of the phone should be preparing dinner. Obviously, he can hear the air cap of the pressure cooker. However, shulao who connects the phone didn't expect that Linxi would be so excited, or even so excited that he couldn't help himself. Shulao felt puzzled. When did this boy become so impetuous?

Thinking of this, Shu Lao's dissatisfied lesson on the phone said: "silly boy, you have been in this business for more than half a year. You have only picked up leaks for five or six times in the past half a year. Others will not be able to pick up leaks all their lives. You are about to pick up experience here. You should be used to controlling your emotions. How can you become more and more impetuous, You have to make a good change to this problem, or you will suffer losses in the future. "

Although he was taught by shulao on the phone, Lin Xi not only didn't restrain himself, but became more and more proud: "shulao, listen to me first. I really picked up a big leak this time. Even if all the previous leaks were added up, they were far less than the one I picked up today. Guess what I picked up?"

Hearing Lin Xi's complacency, Shu Lao became more serious. He turned off the pressure cooker on the gas stove, and then waited for the sound of the gas cap to become smaller. He asked calmly, "that's what you picked up. How can I know? Let's talk about it. What good things can you pick up to make you happy and open my eyes to the old people. "

As long as he is in front of Shu, Lin Xi is like a child who has not grown up. He imitates the family affection of Buddha and sun. He doesn't continue to play the key role. He says directly: "Shu, I just got a colorful chicken bowl cup of Chenghua, and it's complete. There's not even half a crack. Do you think it's a big leak?"

As Lin Xi's voice falls, shulao on the other end of the phone may be shocked. Without a reply for a long time, it's hard to avoid making Lin Xi more proud. It's absolutely rare for shulao to be shocked.

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