Although Lin Xi and Wu Younan all said that they had something to do with each other, Tong Yan didn't think so. Instead, she looked at Wu Younan seriously and said, "sister Younan, are you spoiled by Lin Xi? How can you sell things? I'll tell you that he's not a good man, and the most hateful thing is him."

At this point, Tong Yan turned to look at Lin Xi again, and gave a vicious warning: "Lin Xi, I warn you, you'd better stay away from sister Younan, or I want you to look good ····"

looking at Tong Yan's little tiger's appearance, Lin Xi couldn't help rolling his eyes, feeling that he shouldn't come to this Phoenix Village, I was also threatened by such naked threats. Is there any place to reason.

Different from Lin Xi's white eyes, Wu Younan's pretty face is suddenly stained with a touch of scarlet.

Or in order to cover up something, Wu Younan quickly changed the topic: "Yan Yan, when we see this stone pillar, it should be not far from Fenghuang village. Otherwise, we'd better hurry up. It's getting late, or we can't get to Fenghuang village before dark."

At the same time, Lin Xi seemed to think of something. He pushed his glasses and looked deeply into Tong Yan's eyes. He asked meaningfully, "Yan Yan, I've always been very curious. How can you choose your school assignment here and only give you one assignment? Is Huaqing university training students in this way?"

After a short pause, Lin Xi continued: "in such a remote place as Fenghuang village, it's hard for outsiders to find it without the guidance of the map. Tell me honestly, is there something you're hiding from me?"

Or was Lin Xi said to break the heart, Tong Yan suddenly eyes twinkle, dare not look at Lin Xi's eyes, even panic turned around: "want you to manage, you how so annoying!"

Looking at Tong Yan's back, Lin Xi's eyes become more and more profound. In fact, when he received Tong Yan's phone call, he already had this kind of speculation. Even if Tong Yan really had homework to finish, he would never come to Phoenix.

And just now Tong Yan's panic, also proved Lin Xi's guess, but what is Tong Yan hiding? Why do you have to come to Fenghuang village?

In other words, why must Lin Xi accompany her to Fenghuang village? Who arranged for them to come here? Or is there something unusual about Fenghuang village?

There is a saying that "when you come, you will be at ease". Now that you have come, of course there is no reason to go back. Besides, Tong Yan also said that you only need to be here for ten days. I think everything will come to light at that time.

What's more, Lin Xi's curiosity also drives him to know what's different in Fenghuang village.

Carrying two suitcases, Lin Xi followed them. After more than half an hour, they finally finished the long mountain road, climbed up the mountain from the bottom of the mountain, and arrived at the near destination.

Phoenix Village!

To be more precise, Fenghuang village is not on the top of the mountain, but on the middle of the mountain. Its geographical location is special. It is close to another high mountain, even far higher than Fenghuang village, which is more than 1000 meters above sea level. However, because the two peaks are connected, Fenghuang village is more like a mountainside.

In front of Fenghuang village, there is an open land of more than ten square kilometers, which is cultivated by villagers to grow crops. Presumably, these limited crops are their whole source of livelihood.

Then through the open land of more than ten kilometers, it is a steep, smooth, high cliff, and even you can see the misty clouds under the cliff all the time.

The only way to Fenghuang village is at the foot of Lin Xi. If this mountain road is isolated, I'm afraid Fenghuang village will be isolated from the world. People from outside can't get in and people from inside can't get out. It's hard to influence here even if the outside is turned upside down.

In addition, there are not many villagers in Fenghuang village. There are only about 50 households with a total population of less than 200 people. Moreover, the buildings in the village are not built with bricks and tiles as in other villages. Instead, they are all made of smooth stones, giving people the feeling of ancient wilderness.

In principle, on such a high mountain, water resources should be scarce, but perhaps because of the special geography, Fenghuang village is not only rich in water resources, but also very rich. There is a very broad lake in the village. The water is clear and transparent, like a mirror. It is called Fenghuang Lake by the villagers, and the residents in the village are mostly built around Fenghuang lake.

It also depends on the good ecology of Taihang Mountain. The ecological environment of Fenghuang village is good. Unlike other parts of Taihang Mountain, there are cliffs, Danxia landform, or Wanren abyss. On the contrary, in this season, there are birds singing and flowers fragrance everywhere, butterflies chasing wild flowers, bees circling flowers. Even along the way, Lin Xi saw grass There are many rare Chinese herbal medicines in China.

From the distance of Fenghuang village, we can see that the mountains in the distance rise and fall one after another, extending from the sky to the front like a dragon dance, which is very vivid. The streams and rivers under the mountains float around the mountains like jade belts.

In addition, the mountain behind Fenghuang village is surrounded by Fenghuang lake, which forms the "water holding grid" in Fengshui pattern, while the mountains and water in the distance form the "mountain surrounding grid".In other words, the location of Fenghuang village, which Mr. Feng Shui called Dragon Cave, is a rare "mountain surrounded by water" geomantic treasure land, and such a geomantic pattern usually shows both wealth and wealth.

If you use superstition, maybe there are treasures buried in Fenghuang village, but these are just nonsense.

It took a long time to climb the mountain road. It's more than five o'clock now. Although it's not dark yet, the setting sun has set on the top of the mountain, and cooking smoke has risen in Fenghuang village. It turns into white waves, and finally disappears into the void.

Besides, standing outside the village, Lin Xi could still hear the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs. It must be those domestic dogs who have a good sense of smell, smelling the smell of strangers, and welcomed them in this special way.

Even on the ridge in the distance, Lin Xi saw a few naked children coming out of nowhere. They were chasing and fighting, and some local dogs were following them. Some adults in the village scolded their children for coming home. At the same time, they were also curious about Lin Xi.

"Yan Yan, we have arrived at Fenghuang village, but where do we live at night? Would you like to learn from the cave people and find a cave to live in? Don't tell me that you haven't prepared in advance? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!