"Master, you said you would live a few more years, which means there are still diseases you can't cure in the world?"

After stopping the action of taking medicine in hand, Dr. Sun looked up at Duan chunlang and said with a smile, "you child, I'm not an immortal. Of course, I have a disease that can't be cured, and it's the first time I've encountered her disease, so I have to check the medicine decocting myself."

Seeing Dr. Sun's repeated deliberation, Duan chunlang couldn't bear that he was so old and worked hard for these little things. He couldn't help saying, "master, you'd better let me come. You'd better go back and have a rest first. It's the Phoenix Festival outside tonight. It's busy. You'd better go too. The third younger brother and uncle Yao have gone too."

After catching three pieces of Angelica dahurica from the medicine cabinet, Dr. Sun shook his head and said, "no, this disease is very serious. I'm not sure. I'd better come in person. Don't you forget that a few days ago, you took the bone searching wind as Bai Ying, and almost didn't kill the patient."

Duan chunlang was stunned by Dr. Sun's words, and then said with a bitter smile: "master, that was ten years ago. I can do it now. You can believe me."

Xu Shi was reminded by Duan chunlang, and Dr. Sun stopped his action. Then he looked up at Duan chunlang and asked, "really, was it ten years ago? Even if I don't have a good memory, you are still children who haven't grown up in Shifu's heart. "

After a pause, Dr. Sun suddenly changed his attention: "well, son, I'll leave it to you. Boss, you've always been meticulous in your work. Let you decoct medicine for an hour, never delay half a minute. It's very like when I was young. Good, that's good."

Duan chunlang looks like a child who has been praised. He is full of glory and pride. But for some reason, he is very worried and even looks sad.

Seeing that Dr. Sun was still working on the medicine, Duan chunlang couldn't help apologizing and whispering: "master, no matter what we do or what we do wrong, all this is for the sake of medical skills and master. You, master, please don't blame us."

As if he didn't hear Duan chunlang's low voice, Dr. Sun pushed the medicine away: "boss, what did you say just now? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you say. If you remember this medicine, you have to simmer it for two hours. Remember that you can't have more or less. At last, you can only leave half a bowl of soup. You have to remember the time. When Miss Deng comes back from putting the lake lamp, she can just eat it. "

Immersed in sorrow, Duan chunlang, after hearing doctor sun's advice, quickly shakes off his emotions and takes a deep breath to cover the moist corner of his eyes. Then he laughs and agrees: "don't worry, master. I know all about it. I'm sure it won't delay you. You can rest assured."

Although Duan chunlang doesn't have a sense of time, he never does things carelessly. He says that how much time is to kill more time. In this respect, Dr. Sun still believes in this apprentice.

Since Duan chunlang was responsible for the decocting of herbs, Dr. Sun didn't stay any longer. He walked out of the stove and saw that the direction he was going was the Phoenix Festival by the Phoenix Lake.

It's reasonable to say that when Dr. Sun is so old and goes out alone so late, he needs at least someone to accompany him. But Duan chunlang doesn't worry. Although Dr. Sun is demented, he is very strong.

Besides, the moon is bright tonight, and the Phoenix Lake is also full of torches. It can be said that the lights are bright, and Dr. Sun will never be hindered.

Looking at Dr. Sun's back, Duan chunlang became more and more complicated. His face was filled with apologies and worries. He sighed twice until Dr. Sun disappeared. Then, from the small cupboard where the candles were placed, he exploded the only two candles with scales inside, put them on the antique Candlestick to light up, and then began to decoct the medicine. ,

from the Phoenix Festival, Lin Xi wanted to see what ails Deng Xiaoyu. It's hard for him to believe that Deng Xiaoyu was terminally ill at such a young age. In addition, he was so curious that he would not let it go at this time.

Unexpectedly, before he came to yaolu or met Deng Xiaoyu, he saw Dr. Sun staggering over and just met him.

What makes Lin Xi even more strange is that Dr. Sun is not accompanied by Bai Qiurong. It seems unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Lin Xi quickly followed up and said, "old man, I was just about to find you. Why didn't I see Mr. three and Mr. big?"

Hearing Lin Xi's voice, Dr. Sun, who is looking down at the road, stops and looks at his old eyes. He looks at Lin Xi, but the light inside is not good. He doesn't see it very clearly.

And because of Alzheimer's disease, even if he saw Lin Xi clearly, he couldn't remember who it was: "who are you, please? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I'm going to see the Phoenix Festival. It's very busy here once a year. Of course, I want to see it. "

"You say my great apprentice is still in yaolu, and the third one has gone to the Phoenix Festival. He is still young, and he likes to join in the fun. I don't need to be taken care of. As for the second one ····"

speaking of this, Dr. sun frowned: "yes, the second one, why didn't I see her? Did I forget?"

Knowing that Dr. Sun's memory was not good, Lin Xi went up to her and supported her. He said with a smile, "old man, I'm Lin Xi. Don't you remember? I went to see you two days ago."However, no matter how he thought about it, Dr. Sun could not remember Lin Xi, and frowned deeper: "well, I don't remember. Alas, when I am old, I can't remember many things. Ah, by the way, Xiaobai, what do you want to do with me, or do you want to see a doctor?"

Holding sun Shu to the Phoenix Festival, he asked: "yes, old man, I want to ask you, before Xiaoyu came to see you, what's wrong with her?"

Dr. Sun didn't hide it, but he shook his head and sighed: "you said Miss Deng, her illness is troublesome. It's too troublesome. It's a pity."

Lin Xi was surprised to hear Dr. Sun's words. He did not expect that even Dr. Sun was puzzled by Deng Xiaoyu's illness. Didn't he say that Deng Xiaoyu was really terminally ill?

No matter how Lin Xi inquired about the specific condition, Dr. Sun was always vague and just shook his head and felt sorry for Deng Xiaoyu.

Since Dr. Sun doesn't want to say it, Lin Xi won't force it. He knows it's Deng Xiaoyu's privacy. If Dr. Sun doesn't say it, he certainly has a reason. Moreover, even if he knows it, it doesn't work.

Big deal tomorrow, use the heavenly eye power to help Deng Xiaoyu comb his body. As for whether it can work, it's not up to him to decide. It's very kind of you to meet by chance.

The main purpose of Lin Xilai's medicine house is to inquire about Phoenix's enchantment with Dr. Sun, because he is always worried about it.

He even suspects that Su Tianlan's request for him to come to Phoenix Village is probably related to the enchantment of the Phoenix. If you don't see him, it's also a phoenix pattern. Maybe there's something to do with it.

To solve the problem, the only suspicious thing is the relationship between Duan chunlang and Geng Xiafei. Only by understanding their relationship can we know why Geng Xiafei is missing, and the person who knows them best is Dr. Sun.

Just listen to Linxi outspoken asked: "old man, boy has a question to ask, do you know Mr. Big and Mr. two, I mean, do they have any special relationship?"

Although he didn't know the purpose of Lin Xi's question, Dr. Sun knew his apprentice very well and didn't hide it from Lin Xi: "ha ha, Xiao Bai, what you said about the special relationship is to ask the eldest brother if he has any feelings for the second one?"

"You young people, just like these affections and love. You love me and I love you. It's really enviable. For example, I'm old and can't love you any more. I remember that I have loved people before, but it's too long. I can't remember what they look like, 50 years or 60 years."

Lin Xi was not in a hurry to ask. Instead, he became a listener and listened to Dr. Sun's sigh and chatter: "at that time, it seemed that I was still very young and liked a girl, but that girl didn't like me. She liked another person, who was also a doctor. I admire him very much. His medical skills are much better than mine."

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