Dr. Sun grabs Duan chunlang's wrist and touches the artery in his neck, but there is no response. It is obvious that Duan chunlang has lost his life. Even if Dr. Sun is skilled in medicine, he can't bring the dead back to life.

"Boss, boss... What's this? Why do you treat me like this"

the most painful and pitiful thing in the world is that a white haired man gives a black haired man away. After tomorrow's birthday, Dr. Sun is 80 years old. He has no children and treats his three apprentices as if he were his own.

Now that Geng Xiafei is missing, Duan chunlang is haunted by the Phoenix again, which makes the old man burst into tears.

Although Lin Xi sympathizes with Dr. Sun, he has no time to comfort her. He never believes that there is a phoenix in the world. There must be someone doing something in the dark. He wants to find that person!

Open the room behind the medicine stove quickly. If there is a real murderer, there are only Tibetans here. But when Lin Xi looks around on the corridor bridge, he can see the bonfire and Phoenix festival in the distance, as well as the stone walls and sacrificial boats, as well as the lake lights and the frightened villagers. There is no shadow of anyone else.

The key point is that when Lin Xi opened the door just now, it was locked from inside. If someone really committed a crime, killed Duan chunlang and escaped from the corridor bridge, the door would never be locked.

In other words, sun chunlang died suddenly and strangely in the absence of anyone, just like the murder in the secret room on TV.

Moreover, Lin Xi also thought that he was also seduced by the Phoenix. After he was seduced by the Phoenix two days ago, Geng Xiafei might not have been killed if he disappeared.

If she has been killed, where is her body?

In addition to panic, the villagers seem to be unable to avoid it. Moreover, no one has called the police and investigated the truth. Is it really because of feudal superstition? There are other reasons!

At this time, Lin Xi suddenly thought of something. He quickly went back to the medicine stove and had no time to comfort Dr. Sun. Instead, he used his heavenly eye power to inspect Duan chunlang's experience before he was seduced by the Phoenix. However, he failed and finally had to give up.

Lin Xi didn't know how to persuade him, but there was a lot of noise outside the medicine house: "you see, there seems to be something on the boat, ah, it's a dead body, it's a dead man, Mr. two"

the noise came to Lin Xi's ears clearly Maybe God gave Dr. Sun a big night this evening to make him bear the pain of losing his apprentice one after another and make him feel more painful and sad.

Now, Lin Xi can't help but feel pity for Dr. Sun, who is in his 80s. What's wrong? He has to bear so much grief that a white haired man sends a black haired man. Is it someone who asks for a debt from him?

What's more, Geng Xiafei was seduced two days ago, but now his body appears. At the same time, Duan chunlang was seduced, the murderer seems to have planned for a long time. Is there any connection?

Now we can be sure that Geng Xiafei's body will never be on the boat when the sacrificial boat stops by the Phoenix Lake. After all, if the sacrificial boat stays by the lake all day, if there is any body, it will be found earlier.

But the strange thing is that since the lake lamp was set off, people followed along the way. How did the murderer murder Duan chunlang and put Geng Xiafei's body into the sacrificial boat at the same time? Did two people commit the murder at the same time?

It's impossible to put it in front of so many people quietly.

There was no time to think about it. Lin Xi left doctor sun and quickly threw out the medicine stove. He came to the location of the sacrificial boat under the stone wall. Many villagers were surrounded here. They were all scared. They didn't dare to get close to the boat, but they refused to leave. They all pointed to the boat and were in a mess.

Fortunately, there is no lack of elderly people. They are not in a panic. They quickly make a decision to disperse all the people home, so as not to cause any trouble. When other people hear what the elderly say and are frightened by the lonely soul of Phoenix, they all run away quickly.

Lin Xi goes retrograde in the crowd and walks to Wu Younan and Tong Yan. At this time, they all change their faces. They seem to have lost their ability to act. When they encounter such strange things in succession and see Geng Xiafei's body, it's good if they don't cry.

However, it's strange that Deng Xiaoyu, who is beside Tong Yan, doesn't look half afraid. She comforts Wu Younan and Tong Yan with a sweet smile, as if the strange and Geng Xiafei's corpse she saw just now had no impact on her, which seems unreasonable.

"Linxi, what shall we do? I want to go home. This is a broken place. I will never come again. I will never listen to the elder martial brother. He will cheat people ······"

seeing Linxi coming, Tongyan immediately finds a way to rely on her. Only Linxi can let her rely on her and make her feel safe. She immediately runs to Linxi and cries about her grievances.

May be really scared, this girl unexpectedly forgot Su Tianlan's entrustment, without hesitation betrayed him, but also thanks to Linxi's mind is not in Tongyan, just didn't pay attention to her mention Su Tianlan.

"Yan yanguai, don't be afraid. I'm here. Don't worry. It's OK. Younan and Xiaoyu, please take care of Yan Yan for me. I'll see what happened to Mr. two."Compared with Tong Yan's panic, and even with the fear of crying, Wu Younan is much better, at least not panic God, especially after Lin Xi came, can completely calm down.

Even in the face of Geng Xiafei's corpse, the strangeness of Phoenix's enchantment didn't make her afraid. Maybe Lin Xi's presence gave her the power of "believing".

After giving the girl to Wu Younan, Lin Xi looks through the obstacles and sees Geng Xiafei lying in the boat. At that time, Geng Xiafei is also pale and bloodless, wearing the same suit that Lin Xi last saw her wear, and covered with a white cloth to completely cover her body.

It's ridiculous to say that the man who committed the crime secretly gave Geng Xiafei a white cloth after he killed her. It's too humanized.

When Lin Xi came to the legend, he wanted to explore Geng Xiafei's pulse, but suddenly stopped. He found that there was a big dent on the side of the awning boat. The dent seemed to be a new one, and the trace was still obvious.

But isn't this boat a new one? How could it have such a dent?

There was no time to think about it. When Lin Xi put his hand on Geng Xiafei's wrist, he felt extremely cold, not like the body of a living person. In other words, Geng Xiafei was not only dead, but had been dead for a long time.

Lin Xi doesn't have to feel the pulse to make sure that Geng Xiafei is dead. He sighs in his heart and wants to leave the boat to comfort Tong Yan. But he walks away two steps and suddenly turns back. His eyes fall on Geng Xiafei again, showing a dignified color.

Because he suddenly thought, whether Duan chunlang or Geng Xiafei, although they were dead, there was no wound on them, which seemed very unusual.

You know, human life is fragile and strong. Even if you cut off your head, you have to go through a few seconds of thinking experience before you completely lose your thinking and die. There are also sudden sudden deaths without any wounds in your body.

However, it is worth noting that Duan chunlang and Geng Xiafei had no wounds on their bodies, and they were never fatally injured and died. However, they were doctors themselves. Even if they did not reach the height of Dr. Sun, they were also highly skilled doctors.

As the saying goes, "you can't cure yourself", but if you feel unwell, you'll find that there's no problem. What's more, with the expert doctor sun, how can you not see their physical condition.

Since sudden death and fatal injuries are excluded, the only way to survive is poisoning. Most of the poisoned people are sallow or black, but Duan chunlang and Geng Xiafei are pale and have no sign of poisoning.

In other words, the death causes of Duan chunlang and Geng Xiafei can be called bizarre. Are they really enchanted by the Phoenix?

The feeling is that Geng Xiafei still has Duan chunlang's child in his stomach, which is equivalent to two corpses and three lives. It's really a pity that the murderer can do it.

"Second, second, what's the matter with you? One of you is like this, two or three are like this. Why on earth is this? Oh, my God"

doctor sun, who got the news, finally came late. He came with the help of Bai Qiurong. It must be Bai Qiurong who got the news and was afraid of another accident, so he rushed by I'm here.

However, seeing that Bai Qiurong, who was also sad and helped doctor sun carefully, Lin Xi suddenly looked strange · ·

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