Judging from the shape of the vase, it should be a palace article in the Qianlong period, and the feedback result of the heavenly eye power also proves that it is genuine.

There seems to be no trace of cheating on these two antiques, and there is no need to cheat them with two real objects. Moreover, although these two objects are genuine, the amount involved will never exceed 500000 yuan.

Meng Fankai doesn't need to cheat for the sake of three melons and two dates.

The most interesting thing is that Lin Xi saw that the label showed that these two antiques were collected by him the day he left the pawnbroker. Obviously, when he was still there, no one in the pawnbroker dared to act rashly. Even if there were small moves, he would be aware of them.

In other words, cheating happened when he left and was not in the pawnshop. Meng Fankai and Pete only dare to commit crimes against the wind at this time.

Skipping all the objects of the previous few months, Lin Xi focused on the three most recent objects: a landscape painting by Wang Hui, a jade ring, and an inkstone of the Southern Song Dynasty.

What Lin Xi first saw was Wang Hui's landscape painting, which was called "the painting of Yushan maple forest". The content of the painting was the early winter scenery of Yushan Mountain. He saw the beautiful mountains, red leaves and green mountains, the trees were dyed, the streams were crisscross, the Banqiao was slanting, the mountain path was zigzag, the haze was floating, and the houses and huts were hidden in it.

In the upper left corner of the picture, there is a small block script with the title: after Xiaochun in Wushen, Taoist priest Yiren has seen Yushan to see maple leaves, and has been driving wasteland in vain to describe the joy of traveling. Before he leaves, he asks Yu to take a picture of the scenery. As a result, this picture will last for three days. Yu Shan's younger brother Wang Hui.

The seal of Wang Hui is engraved on the bottom of it.

In addition, in the upper right corner are Wu Weiye's Qijue poems and seals, as well as appreciation seals: zhiyuantang Zhenshang, hezhousuo and zixueshanfang Jiancang.

It is reasonable to say that this landscape painting is full of antiquity, the paper is also in the early Qing Dynasty, and the artistic conception of the painting is impeccable. Even if the old experts of calligraphy and painting come, they have to be careful to make a conclusion.

But when he saw the painting, Lin Xi didn't bother to test it with his heavenly eye power. He could conclude that it was a fake, but it was a fake. He even sneered in his heart. Meng Fankai's problem was really not small.

As we all know, Wang Hui is a famous painter in the Qing Dynasty. He is known as the saint of painting in the early Qing Dynasty. Together with Wang Jian, Wang Shimin and Wang Yuanqi, he is known as the "four kings" of landscape painters. He advocates using the brush and ink of the yuan Dynasty, conveying the Qiuhe of the Song Dynasty, and using the charm of the Tang Dynasty.

His painting skills are profound, and he is good at imitating the ancients. His works are full of the interest of sketching from life, and the composition is changeable, the outline is smooth, and the style is bright. He is regarded as the orthodox painting, and has many followers. Because he is from Changshu, there is Yushan in Changshu, so later people call him Yushan school.

Why can Lin Xi conclude that the painting is a fake?

The reason is very simple, because the treasure of this painting is now in the Palace Museum. It has been on display two years ago, but I don't know for nearly two years. But Meng Fankai has been engaged in antique identification for so many years. When he collected this painting, would he even forget this common sense?

But he just took the painting in. If there is no problem, who will believe it?

Leaving Wang Hui's words aside, Lin Xi looked at the jade ring of the Han Dynasty. According to the label notes, it shows that it is a gold jade of the Western Han Dynasty, which is called dragon pattern jade ring. However, this jade ring has some traces of repair. The shape of the jade ring was broken into six pieces. After splicing, it is complete and smooth.

This jade ring is light and transparent, delicate and moist, soft and bright in color. It is made of high-quality Xinjiang Hetian Sheep fat jade. With the help of light, the pattern is clear and the thread is tight.

The front and back of the jade ring are decorated with the same patterns. They are all carved with four dragon patterns that intersect the head and tail. The dragon's body is circling, just like wandering in the clouds.

In the process of carving, the craftsman adopts the traditional S-shaped composition technique, the lines of the decoration are smooth and unrestrained, the modeling is lively, and full of the rhythmic beauty of dynamic art.

Let's not say whether this jade ring is genuine, whether it is handed down or unearthed. Lin Xi didn't bother to see the color and refractive index just by its name.

Because it's another fake that people forbid.

This genuine jade ring was unearthed in the tomb of Queen Yuyang in 1993 and is now stored in the Museum of bamboo slips and bamboo slips in Changsha. Since the genuine jade ring is in the museum, what is it?

There's something wrong with two pieces of Jue Dang products in a row. It's almost true that Meng Fankai cheated him. Moreover, the price of these two pieces of Jue Dang products is not low, which adds up to more than 800000 yuan. Only the financial flow of this scale can tempt Meng Fankai to take risks.

After reading these two things, although Lin Xi had an idea in his mind, he kept silent and continued to look at the inkstone behind.

, it is as like as two peas, which are different from the ordinary inkstone. The shape of the ancient Qin is very similar to that of the ordinary inkstone. The inkslab is slightly concave, and the seven strings are printed at the beginning and end, and the mountains and emblem are very delicate. They look exactly like the Qin faces.

On the back of the inkstone, Hufu and Yanzu are skillfully used as inkstone feet to make the shape of inkstone and Qin integrated into a natural one. In Longchi at the bottom of the abdomen, there is a section of seal script and inkstone inscription: "deep and quiet, it's hard to get this good result. The craftsman and the stone worked hard to make Yaqin, and the signature was fangweng.

Who is fangweng?

Looking at this ancient inkstone, Lin Xi frowned, because he could not see the origin of this ancient inkstone. In other words, this ancient inkstone used the fake to confuse the real, unlike the two pieces in front of it. Although it was antique and famous, it was fake in the eyes of the insiders.But this square ancient inkstone, regardless of the modelling or the origin, all in order, does not see the slightest flaw.

As we all know, the greatest value of ancient inkstones, in addition to their own material and age, is the famous master. The more famous the master is, the higher the value of inkstones will rise.

Among the celebrities in the past dynasties, Lin Xizhen can't think of a second person besides Lu You, a patriotic poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. If this is really the inkstone used by Lu fangweng, it's really a treasure.

Lin Xi vaguely remembers that Lu Zhe is the present-day Surabaya in Shandong Province. There is a zhe ditch in the place. The soil in the ditch is very suitable for firing pottery inkstones. Unfortunately, the craft of zhe inkstones has been lost since the Southern Song Dynasty, and the number handed down is even less.

Therefore, Lu You's inscriptions and Donglu zheyan are absolutely wonderful objects. Moreover, they are still unique and worth millions.

From another point of view, Lu You's title is very easy to understand. It means that the stone workers go deep into the mountain and knock down stones in the pit to make Qin and inkstone. It's not easy to get. There's nothing special about the font or the carving technique.

But Lin Xi is very strange. When will Donglu zheyan knock a stone?

You know, zheyan in Donglu is Chengni inkstone, it's pottery inkstone burned out of clay, it's not Duan inkstone, She inkstone and so on. How can you talk about the hardship of quarrying in the inscription?

There is doubt in his heart, and Lin Xi is uncertain. Although the truth of this thing is not important to judge Meng Fankai, now that he sees it here, he has to distinguish it first.

The best way to distinguish between true and false, of course, is to use the heavenly eye power. Lin Xi takes the ancient inkstone in his hand and is about to use the heavenly eye power. When he looks at it, he suddenly feels that his nose is cold and something is about to flow out.

Originally thought it was runny nose, Lin Xi subconsciously reached out to touch, the result is covered with blood on the hand.

Shit, nosebleed!

Now this time, it is the plum rain season, humid and comfortable climate, how can suddenly nosebleed?

Are you tired recently? Or the body over nutrition, eat more leeks?

After touching his nose twice, Lin Xi rubbed his hand with blood everywhere. It can be said that it's not true to wipe it or not. There are even a few drops of blood on the ancient inkstone.

There is no way, Lin Xi had to put down the inkstone, head up to the bathroom to stop bleeding, it seems that today's bad age, good end actually red.

The pawnbroker's bathroom is also downstairs, located in the small porch behind the reception area. Moreover, the design of the bathroom is also quite special. It is not the traditional sense that men and women are separated, but it is divided into several separate small toilets. In today's era, it is also advanced.

He asks song Li for some paper towels. Lin Xi covers his nose, looks up and walks to the bathroom. As he turns around the entrance, he is about to arrive. However, because he looks up and his vision is not clear, he bumps into someone and gets even more hurt.

"Oh, God stick, what are you doing? You've killed my girl"

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