"Kyoto is where I'm going this year. Maybe in two months, I'm going to meet two elders. I can't let them wait too long"

after hearing that Lin Xi met his elders, Yan Shijing thought it was grandfather Lin, and she was even more happy, but she didn't know that the elders Lin Xi said were actually childlike parents.

People have called and told him several times, and Tong Yan has agreed with him. If he doesn't go, he can't say it.

Even so, Yan Shijing's eyes are still shining, beaming: "that's a deal. I'll wait for you to come to Beijing. You can't go back, you know?"

Speaking of this, Yan Shijing looked at Lin Xi suspiciously: "how do I feel that you seem to be fooling me, you first guarantee that what you say is true?"

Not angry rolled a white eye, Lin Xi speechless way: "I'm not full to support, why to cheat you?"? Besides, Kyoto is your territory. If I don't kill you twice, I'll be sorry for my stomach ···· "

" well, I'll wait for you in Kyoto. If I dare to stand me up, I'll be careful when you go to jail. Besides, the favor you asked me to help will come to fruition next week. Remember the favor you owe me, and I'll pay it back in the future ··· ",

send Yan Shijing After returning home, Lin Xi also went home to have a rest soon. There is a saying that "the plan is better than the change". He planned to resign after this year, but he didn't want to be cheated. When it disrupted the plan, he had to resign ahead of time.

Moreover, Lin Xi plans to pick up Lin Yunxian in the second half of the year. Now he has to cancel his plan. Looking at the house that he has only bought for less than three months, Lin Xi can't help but smile bitterly. It seems that he is still in a hurry.

Because this house is really weak now, I don't know how to deal with it!

but in any case, he still has several things to do at present, otherwise he can't leave at ease. As for this house, it should be a temporary residence in Mingzhou, and he must come often in the future.

After all, Shu Lao and Yu Qingming are here. He can't forget that the first thing he wants to do now is to solve cheating!


originally, it was said that the results would come in a week, but Lin Xi waited ten days before Yan Shijing found out.

On that day, Lin Xi sat in the office, picked up the ancient inkstone and continued to look at it. He used the heavenly eye ability to explore the conditions for using the new ability. After ten consecutive days of failure, he succeeded unexpectedly today.

The fluorescent screen and those pictures came back to his mind.

This unexpected joy made Lin Xile feel even happier than having won the chicken bowl. It seems that there is nothing special about the process of exerting new powers in the past ten days.

If it's really special, it's ten days apart.

This discovery made Lin Xi even more excited. No wonder he couldn't use the new powers continuously before, and there was a time limit for his feelings. He had to wait ten days before he could use them again, and he had to drop his own blood.

After learning about this condition, Lin Xi became very strange again. How did he feel that the heavenly eye power was becoming more and more mysterious? It was like online novels and games. He needed time to recover with his skills.

If it didn't happen to him, it would be hard for him to believe it.

Although there is a conclusion, but Lin Xi is not happy too early, because the test conditions, is not very sure, to wait ten days to try again, to finally confirm.

And he thought, next time can't use ancient inkstone to try, have to change object to be sure.

After converging his joy, Lin Xi takes the ancient inkstone downstairs and gives it to Xiao Feng, a shop assistant in juedang district. He has kept the ancient inkstone for some time. Now he suddenly puts it back, which makes Xiao Feng a little surprised, but only surprised.

"Xiaofeng, I had a nosebleed on it last time. You clean it up and put it back in place. Brother Jing is in charge of the district. I dare not embarrass him"

when he said this, Lin Xi glanced at Jing Yong who knocked the code, but he looked as usual. There was nothing unusual about him, so that Lin Xi doubted whether he had wronged the dead man's face.

Just then, Song Li ran over and said, "manager Lin, that officer Yan has come to see you again. He is waiting outside."

Song Li really doubts what is the relationship between Lin Xi and Yan Shijing, because Yan Shijing often comes to Lin Xi, but his attitude is different every time. Sometimes he is like a good friend, sometimes he is like business, and sometimes he seems to have a special meaning in it.

Unlike Lin Xi, he is not only married, but also has children. He is a sentimental past person, much more discerning than Lin Xi. It can be seen that Yan Shijing is so strange to Lin Xi that he can't figure out what Yan Shijing is doing when she comes to Lin Xi this time.

Looking back, Yan Shijing really stood at the door and waved to herself. She was wearing a work uniform today, with a serious look of business. But when she saw Lin Xi, she still showed a smile, with a little charming smile.

"OK, I see. Brother song, go ahead and get busy first. By the way, you can bring up a cup of fresh orange juice with less ice"

after greeting Song Li, Lin Xi goes to Yan Shijing and greets each other. Then he goes to the office on the second floor. When he enters the office, Lin Xi directly locks the door."Master Jing, you are not efficient. You said you could handle it in a week. It's been ten days. Can you do it or not"

after hearing Lin Xi's complaint, Yan Shijing, who was in a good mood, immediately smashed the information in his hand, and didn't have a good way: "you'll be satisfied. The three people you mentioned are in trouble one by one, especially that one Meng Fankai is involved in a wide range of things, and he has hidden a lot of things. The police officer delayed a lot of relationships before he got to know his details clearly. As a result, you are very good, and you don't even have a thank you. "

Looking at Yan Shijing, Lin Xi is in a cold sweat. Then he thinks of the terrible part of the female devil. He says that he really doesn't know which pot to open, and why to provoke her.

So he picked up the information to check, and soon frowned: "master Jing, Jingyong information on these, nothing else?"

As Lin Xi said, Jingyong's materials can't be any simpler. They can even be said to be transparent people.

According to the information, Jing Yong's family condition is not good. He has a sick mother and his younger sister who is studying in University. His father disappeared when he was five years old.

In addition, Jing Yong had no other job or contact with any special people except the pawn shop.

The key point is that Jing Yong's educational background is blank, that is to say, Jing Yong has no diploma.

Lin Xi absolutely does not think that this is an oversight of Yan Shijing's investigation. After all, this female devil is a member of the system, and she is from Kyoto. Jing yongru is searching for something.

The information also shows that there is nothing suspicious about Jing Yong recently. Only last month, there was a mysterious account that remitted money to his bank account three times, each time it was 30000 yuan.

After receiving the money, Jing Yongquan used it to treat his mother and study with his sister. From this point of view, he is really a filial son.

According to the information, Jing Yong has nothing to do with cheating. Is he really wrong?

"That's all you can find out about Jing Yong. I don't know what kind of wonderful person he is. He doesn't even have friends around him. He seems to be a transparent person. When I got this information that day, I thought I had read it wrong and asked someone to confirm it twice, but it was the same result."

As for Jing Yong's dead face, Lin Xi believes that he is transparent. He says that he has no friends, and Lin Xi reluctantly believes it. But his information is not so strange as modern people. He even has no relatives. It's really a wonderful work.

"Compared with Jing Yong, that Pete is easy to check. All his information has been available since he was born, especially his last month's information. You can have a closer look at it. It's very interesting ····"

Yan Shijing said that it's interesting. It's not really interesting, but relatively transparent, and there is no secret to speak of.

Before he went to work in a pawn shop, Peter's life experience was a standard child of other people's family, and his grades were extremely excellent. He was also recommended to study abroad, but it was during the period of going abroad that his life was greatly changed.

In particular, after returning home, he became addicted to the bad habits of foreign countries, had the problem of lust, often went to fireworks places, and even contracted sexually transmitted diseases.

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