"Hey hey, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, I'll know when it's time"

Lin Xi deliberately pretends to be mysterious, but from his determined eyes, Qin Huan can see his strong self-confidence.

Now that he has Zixin, he can rest assured that even if the final result is not satisfactory, it is not a waste to come here tonight.

"All right, we'll wait to see you play, but don't let us down at that time... By the way, this one will let us down at that time... By the way, this Mr. Banku is also looking for you. You can talk to him first."

After hearing that, Lin Xi saw a middle-aged Uyghur man sitting on Qin Huan's right hand. He recognized at a glance that he was banerku, the son of Jade King.

When I entered the box just now, because my mind was on Zhang Zhiyan, I talked with Qin Huan for a long time, so that Lin Xi now noticed that banerku was here.

It's just that Lin Xi is very puzzled. How could ban Erku be here?

No matter why, Lin Xi said hello first: "Mr. Banku, what can I do for you?"

Banerku stood up, crossed his hands on his chest, bowed to Lin Xi, and said: "little sir, my father asked me to invite you. Half a month later, it will be the day for us to move to our new house. I hope you will be able to attend at that time"

now Lin Xi is stunned. Will yutianwang move to our new house again?

Is that new house rebuilt so soon?

You know, it's only half a year since then, and the place that needs to be changed in that new house is almost the same as rebuilding, and the area is quite large, and the amount of work is huge.

At the beginning, Lin Xi speculated that it would take more than half a year for a new house to be rebuilt. But now, just half a year later, he has to move to a new house.

However, he was soon relieved that yutianwang had almost superstitious attachment to xinju. Since he was cheated by Wang Xianshi and exposed by Lin Xi, although he superficially admitted that he was wrong, he was actually more persistent.

With his financial and material resources, it is not impossible for him to complete the reform in half a year as long as he continues to invest regardless of the cost.

"Well, I already know. If I have time, I'll go there in person. Is that why Mr. Banku came to Mingzhou in person?"

Originally, Lin Xi planned to go back to Cangxi's hometown to have a rest for two months after the antique appreciation meeting, but now it seems that it is impossible.

After all, yutianwang invited banerku himself, which proved that he attached great importance to the relocation. If Linxi didn't go, it would be disrespectful..

Besides, he has nothing to do in the next period of time. It's good to travel in the past. Besides, fengshui, his new residence, is his survey. He should be in charge of the housewarming in both emotion and reason.

It's just that Lin Xi is very curious. Is it really for the purpose of inviting himself that he appears here?

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I went to Yunjian first to invite Mr. Qin and other gentlemen, and then to Mingzhou to invite you, but I heard about the gambling from Mr. Qin, so I came together curiously"

as banercu said, in order to get rid of the entanglement of the five families, yutianwang even did not hesitate to do something to destroy his reputation and integrity He made so much noise about moving to a new house, even worse than last time, just to avoid the persecution of the five families.

And he asked him to invite him to work in person for the five families.

Although he was shocked that yutianwang would personally invite guests one by one, Lin Xi didn't know the reason. He just thought it was yutianwang who cherished his face that made such a stir.

"It's really Mr. Lau banyaku. I can stay a few more days in Mingzhou this time, and let me do my best to be the host"

"master, that guy is calling again ····"

before finishing his polite words, Lin Xi's phone suddenly rings. He takes it out and looks at the caller ID. It turns out that it's from big head, which makes him feel curious What are you doing when you call.

But he didn't think much about it, and soon got through the phone. It turned out that big head came to the casino with his wife. As a result, he was stopped by the security guard in the attic. After arguing with each other for a long time, he refused to let him in.

so he had no choice but to call Lin Xi for help.

In fact, it's not surprising that the security guard won't let in. For the sake of tonight's gambling game, Lord Joe has long declared that he will temporarily close the casino and will not let ordinary acquaintances in at all. Those who can come into the casino are also dignified tasks.

Although he has a lot of money, he is just a nobody, so it's reasonable that the security guard won't let him in.

I thought it was a big thing. It turned out that it was such a small thing that made Lin Xi laugh and cry, but he couldn't help it. Since the phone call came and he invited him in person, he couldn't ignore it, could he?

"Brother Yu, I'm really sorry. There's a friend outside. The security guard won't let him in. I have to go out to pick him up ····"

after hanging up the phone, Lin Xi greets Qin Huan and is ready to go out to pick up the big head. To his surprise, Qin Huan laughs and scolds: "you're the main character tonight. There must be a lot of things to be busy, so you don't have to worry about us. Let's do it again Just sit down for a while"It's almost half an hour before the game starts, so you don't have to come back to us. I'll see you in the Gambling Hall later. I'm very curious about what surprise you can give us tonight"

after hearing Qin Yu's words, Lin Xi laughed twice, then quickly turned around and left, but he didn't walk a few steps, and was called by Qin Yu: "wait, let Zhiyan go with you, that's all right It's too stuffy in the box. It's better to let her out for a breath "

now Lin Xi was stunned and immediately showed a bitter smile. Since he saw Zhang Zhiyan just now, he always tried to avoid her, even didn't even call for a long time.

Even if he finds an excuse to pick up the big head, he doesn't want to escape? After all, to meet this kind of thing, just say hello to Cui Shiben. It's not necessary for him to come out in person.

But don't want to see about to slip, and Qin Huan pushed Zhang Zhiyan over, this is not harm!

What's more, he still has a reason to refuse?

"Zhiyan, let's go, just to introduce some friends to you!"

Holding down the emotion in his heart, Lin Xi turns to smile and greets Zhang Zhiyan next to Xia Qi. Zhang Zhiyan gathers the hair beside the dragon's ear, shows a beautiful gentle smile and walks slowly to Lin Xi.

Although she can feel Lin Xi's emotion and know that Lin Xi intends to avoid her, she has never thought too much and never asked too much. Even if she can only stand beside Lin Xi, she feels satisfied.

"Brother Yu, let's go. I'll see you later in the Gambling Hall"

after greeting Qin Huan, Lin Xi takes Zhang Zhiyan into the elevator. But in the process, they don't say anything, as if they are in a constant silence.

Because he didn't know what to say, how to talk about it, and how to face Zhang Zhiyan. Zhang Zhiyan thought it was because of her personality. As long as Lin Xi was by her side, she would feel very happy.

"Lin Xi, uncle Yu gave it to you. I want you to take it first"

however, the silence didn't last long. Even before the elevator reached the Gambling Hall, Zhang Zhiyan broke it. She handed out a check with the amount of 10 million on it and handed it to Lin Xi.

"What's this?"

Lin Xi did not expect that the silence between them was broken by Zhang Zhiyan. He did not expect that Zhang Zhiyan would give him this check. He was surprised.

Why did Qin Huan give him this check? I'm afraid he didn't have enough money for gambling? Or something else!

"Uncle Yu said that Lu Chen who gambled with you was very insidious. You may use the money. Let me give it to you just in case, and then give it back to him after the end of the gambling game"

"but Uncle Yu also said that you can only win but not lose, otherwise this check will be your deed of sale, and you will work for him in the future"

Zhang Zhiyan smoothed his hair again, She knows that Lin Xi is hiding from him, but she doesn't care because what she is doing now is what she wants to do.

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