However, Lin Xi's guess was just thinking about it. He didn't have a special hobby to blame other people's secrets, let alone Qin Huan.

"Mr. Wang, look at that young man. He's Lin Xi we're looking for. If you're right, he's the eldest grandson of the Lin family, the son of Lin Jingwei"

when Lin Xi thought about Ma Tinglin, Ma Tinglin was also paying attention to him, and her eyes were shining with complicated light, and then she answered with the person around her.

The reason why her eyes are complicated is that she suffered a big loss in Lin Xi's hands. Although she suffered a small loss at the private auction in Chengdu, she lost only a few million yuan. Although she went back to her house in a rage and fell two blue and white porcelains, he recorded the loss on Qin Yu's head.

In other words, she didn't care about Lin Xi at that time. She just thought it was a dandy from a small family who was sent out by Qin Huan to embarrass her.

However, at the dinner party of Yunjian Jewelry Fair, Lin Xi really let her suffer a big loss, so that she was angry that she used the relationship between the old man in her family to carefully investigate the origin of Lin Xi, and wanted to get back the loss.

But it's OK not to investigate. When she saw the results, she almost lost her chin.

Some people may want to ask, the five families have been investigating for so many years, but they have not found out where Lin Xi is. Why can't Martin Lin find out so quickly? Is Ma's family bigger than the five families?

Of course not!

Ma Tinglin investigates Lin Xi because he already knows Lin Xi's existence. He just needs to follow the rattan to find out the past. When the five families track down Lin Xi, they don't even know where he is, let alone what he looks like or what his name is, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, even if they don't know whether he is alive or dead.

no matter how strong they are, they are useless.

According to Ma Tinglin's original idea, as long as she finds out the origin of Lin Xi, she will settle accounts with him and the family behind him. However, when she knows that Lin Xi's identity is likely to be the eldest grandson of the long lost Lin family, she dare not have this idea again.

Not to mention that she did not dare to have this idea, even the Ma family behind her did not dare to have it. Although Mr. Ma was a meritorious minister, the five families wanted to suppress them without any effort.

Moreover, the survey also shows that Lin Xi grew up from a young age, and there is a shadow of the Lin family behind him. Otherwise, with Lin Yunxian as a woman and a poor family, how can she afford to go to university? Even if Lin Xi gets a scholarship every year, he can't afford it!

So the final truth is that the Lin family is behind him to protect his eldest son.

After seeing the results of the investigation, Martin Lin immediately woke up and knew that Lin Xi could not be provoked by herself, or even set herself on fire. But she was angry, so she just let it go, and came up with other tricks.

Her method is very simple, that is to reveal the news of Linxi, but she is also very close, know that the five families are not iron, and each has his own mind.

Even though the Lin family and the Yan family seem to be allies, they have plans for each other. In fact, the Gao family and the Wang family of the alliance are also related to each other.

As for the rest of the family, it's not warm or hot these years. No one on either side helps them. They live their own lives. They seem to be detached from the outside world and become peacemakers. But who knows what they think about settling down?

After thinking about it, Ma Tinglin decided to disclose the news to the Wang family. Although the Wang family is also against the Lin family, it's not too much hatred, it's just a local conflict of interest.

It's not like the Gao family. Almost all of them are against the Lin family. If you stand in line with the Gao family, it's clear that they are against the Lin family. Although the Ma family has become a new rich in recent years, they are still too weak in front of the Lin family.

After all, the five families have a thousand years of history, which is not comparable to the newly rich families who have only 20 or 30 years. If the Lin family is in a hurry, the Ma family will be removed from Kyoto within three months.

But if you tell the Wang family, there will be room for change. As long as you don't get involved with the Wang family too much, it shouldn't be a big problem. Besides, forming an alliance with the Wang family is also good for the Ma family.

So taking advantage of this gamble, Ma Tinglin told the man around him the news of Lin Xi.

This man's name is Wang Chuang. He is nearly 30 years old this year. He is tall and burly. He looks a little simple and honest. When he walks, he looks like a tiger. Either he has been in the army or he is a trainer. It gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Although Wang Chuang looks naive, he is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart. He is the second in the Wang family, but he is not the complete dandy of the Gao family.

On the contrary, he is more capable than any of his brothers. It is even rumored that the master of the Wang family is going to hand over the Wang family to him, rather than his elder brother, who is the eldest son and the eldest son.

This time, Wang came to Mingzhou at the instigation of the Wang family. He came to see what the eldest son of the Lin family looked like. Compared with Lin Jingwei, he had some ability.

As for what decisions the Wangs will make and how to deal with the eldest son of the Lin family, they have to go back and invite Mr. Wang to make a decision.But judging from the current situation, it seems that the other three families of the five families, except the Gao family and an family, have already known the identity of Lin Xi. In other words, in fact, the Gao family also knows, but they have been concealed by Lord Qiao and have not reported it.

What's more, it's Mr. Qiao's tonight, which indirectly represents the existence of the Gao family. As for whether the Gao family sent someone else, it's not known.

"Miss Ma, you are wrong. He is not supposed to be the eldest grandson of the Lin family, but must be the eldest grandson of the Lin family. Hehe, this Lin Xi is really interesting"

"tonight, for him, all five of us are here. We just want to see what he can do. What's the point of Lin Jingwei, but he himself is kept in the dark It's interesting "

in fact, Wang Chuang has already recognized Lin Xi without the introduction of Ma Tinglin. If he can appear here tonight, he must have enough understanding of Lin Xi, otherwise what will he do here?

However, what attracts Wang Chuang most is not Lin Xi himself, but Zhang Zhiyan beside Lin Xi, because Zhang Zhiyan is so beautiful. No matter where he goes, he is the most conspicuous. People can't help but be attracted by her, and Wang Chuang is no exception.

Even when he saw Zhang Zhiyan, he felt a little thirsty and couldn't wait.

"What, all the five families are here, so are the Lin family?"

To tell you the truth, Ma Tinglin is very disgusted with Wang Chuang's lust. Although he is the most favored younger generation of the Wang family, he is also a lower body animal. Even a few days ago, he paid attention to Ma Tinglin, but he was rejected.

So don't want to know, see Wang chuanggang just like that, I'm afraid it is to Zhang Zhiyan understand the crooked mind.

Zhang Zhiyan is Qin Huan's niece, and there is a down-to-earth Zhang Jia behind him. Now he is beside Lin Xi, proving that he has a good relationship with Lin Xi. Although Wang Chuang is lustful, he is a very smart man. He will never go to the brain to make a fool of himself and try to attack Zhang Zhiyan.

At most, Wang Chuang is just thinking about it. He will never offend Lin Xi and the Lin family for a woman's sake, because it's not worth it at all.

What surprised martinlin was that all the five families were here tonight. She thought Wang was the only one, but she didn't want all the five families to come. It seems that the situation tonight is far more complicated than she imagined.

"You think you're smart, and all five families are stupid? Hei hei, our five families can inherit for more than a thousand years, and their ability is far greater than you think. No matter how they change their dynasties, no matter how they are beaten down, we are still us, swaying in the wind and rain, but we are still standing at the top forever. "

"The ability of our five families is beyond your imagination. Even if you have a horse family behind you, what's the matter? I want you to die. Can you survive? "

Just as Ma Tinglin thinks, with the relationship between Lin Xi and Zhang Zhiyan, Wang Chuang is a hot potato. He will never touch his hands casually. At most, he has two eyes. Besides, there are so many women in the world, and Zhang Zhiyan is not a must. , the fastest update of the webnovel!