"Moreover, the people of Xing are fierce and often use beasts as totems, which coincides with the animal face pattern of this bronze tripod. Therefore, it can be concluded that it should be a ritual vessel cast by some princes of Xing state in the late Western Zhou Dynasty."

"Later, after the death of the princes, the new monarch buried the bronze tripod with him, but he didn't know when it was dug up by the tomb robbers, and then it fell to Mr. Su. I think it should be a short time before ·····"

the wind was very direct. He told the story of Xing state and made a bold guess about the relationship between the bronze tripod and Xing state.

However, Feng Qi didn't see it. Su Daqiang's face became darker and more embarrassed. He told Lin Xi that this bronze tripod was obtained by his ancestors' horse racing Gang, and the horse racing Gang is in Yunnan Guizhou area, which is quite different from what Feng Qi said about Hebei Province. It is obvious that he has exposed his lie.

But then again, it's no wonder that the wind blows. He doesn't know Su Daqiang's story. He just tells the truth as he sees it. Moreover, he is quite upright and often has something to say. Otherwise, he won't show Lin Xi face on the day of the opening ceremony.

It's a pity that Su Daqiang's calculations were so many that he didn't realize that Fengqi would come to tear him down, which made his old face hot and embarrassed that he couldn't find a way to get in.

At the same time, Lin Xi and Li Hang Chang are laughing. They just estimated their face and didn't expose Su Daqiang's lies. However, Su Daqiang's mind is so much that people don't like him. They just let Feng Qi cure him.

"Mr. Feng, you are right. This thing was unearthed not long ago. I dug it up not long ago. To tell you the truth, it was handed down by my ancestors, but it was not broken during the cultural revolution, so I buried it"

Su Daqiang did not give up and tried to sophistry and ignore the facts, but he didn't know that explanation was to cover up, not only to explain We can't clear up the misunderstanding, but it will only be blacker and blacker.


Although Fengqi doesn't know what happened just now, he has been in the antique shop for so many years. He has become a mature man in terms of worldly wisdom and insight.

So he quickly recognized something unusual from Su Daqiang's words. Looking at the faces of Lin Xi and President Li, he immediately understood what had happened.

Especially president Li, Fengqi is a good friend with him in private. When Fengqi sees that he keeps winking, how can he not understand? He immediately knew that Su Daqiang wanted to use himself as a pretext to raise his own value.

Even if you say appreciation, it's OK to raise your value. The jury is supposed to do this job. It's impossible and unnecessary to hide anything, but everyone is open-minded. What can't be said?

What's more, we are not three-year-old children. Don't you think it's a joke to use such a bad trick to teach a class in front of their jury?

In addition, Fengqi is upright. If you can speak well, he will reciprocate. But if you want to play tricks to use him, he will never be polite.

"Mr. Su, look here. There are traces left by woven fabrics. They were formed in ancient tombs by the umbilicus mats under the funerary objects. If this tripod is really from your ancestors, these traces should have disappeared long ago."

"So I think Mr. Su hasn't cleaned up the bronze tripod since he got it? Otherwise, we will not ignore this detail! But if you want to say that it was handed down from the ancestors and buried in the lower level for decades, I'm afraid it will be unconvincing. "

"And these teachers and I are all specialized in eating this bowl of rice. Maybe my appreciation is unfair, but you can also ask other teachers to see if they are divine?"

"Especially Mr. Bai, who is the provincial museum's account keeper, should be the tallest one here long ago"

Fengqi was not polite, which directly exposed Su Daqiang's trick and made him blush. He was in his fifties and looked down like a child who had done something wrong.

Until now, he realized that he was playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong. If several experts could be invited to be judges, he must have real ability. How could he be so easy to fool?

It's ridiculous that he still wants to use Lin Xi. He really doesn't know the superiority of heaven and earth.

"Mr. Su, the character of Mr. Feng is like this. You should never take it to heart, but since we are doing this job, we must be responsible for cultural relics and even more for you, and it is our duty to eliminate the false and retain the true. I hope you can understand ····"

speaking of this, why does Dean Bai not stand up?

As the leader of the jury, he has the responsibility to be responsible for the appraisal work. He has met many people like Su Daqiang before. He immediately understands what happened and naturally has a response.

"Understand, can understand, a few teachers are noble, it is I too Meng Lang, I am really sorry, but I want to ask a few teachers, if I want to transfer this bronze tripod, I don't know how to price it?"

Now that he knows he can't avoid it, Su Daqiang is very single. He immediately admits his mistake face to face. He has been in business for so many years, and he has become a celebrity in Mingzhou. Naturally, he knows how to judge the situation. Now he has been exposed. If he wants to die again, he won't admit it. In the end, he will be the only one who will lose face.Only by admitting his mistake as soon as possible can he show his magnanimity.

After admitting his mistake, he became calm. Although he didn't show his ultimate goal, he also directly asked about the appraisal, which is obviously self-evident.

Moreover, Su Daqiang believes that the jury has no reason to hide or refuse.

"This bronze tripod with animal face pattern is an important ritual vessel of Xing state in the late Western Zhou Dynasty. It symbolizes power and national strength and is of great significance. It is not comparable to the later ritual vessels, so it is worth a lot.

"But because there is no inscription, there will be a big discount in the value. If we really want to give a valuation, I think it's about 15 million"

as Su Daqiang thought, the jury really did not hide. Their work here is to appreciate all the exhibits, and the valuation of objects is also the content of appreciation, just a lot People don't care so much that they just ignore it.

Of course, Fengqi, a bronze expert, is responsible for valuing bronzes. Although he was dissatisfied with Su Daqiang's use of him as a Spearman just now, he was still very conscientious and responsible in his work, let alone mixed with personal feelings.

As Feng Qi said, from the perspective of market value, the bronzes of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are undoubtedly of the highest value, especially those bronzes with special significance and inscriptions.

I will go back after the activity tomorrow, so I will resume the normal update from the beginning of September!

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