Before long, the crayfish and the kebab were sent up. Yu Qingming couldn't wait. If it wasn't for the inconvenience outside, she would have used both hands and feet. She peeled the crayfish with her left hand and chewed the kebab with her right hand. The exaggeration of eating can be regarded as a whirlwind, which makes Lin Xi look stunned.

Fortunately, Lin Xi has been used to Yu Qingming's eating style for a long time. When he has time, he also helps Yu Qingming wipe the grease on her cheeks.

It has to be said that Yu Qingming's picture of eating is really good to support.

"Children, there are no seats beside. Can I borrow a seat?"

He just gave Yu Qingming the peeled crayfish. Lin Xizheng was about to wipe his hands with a paper towel, but an old voice suddenly sounded in his ear. He followed the voice and saw that there was an energetic old man standing in front of him.

Although the old man was old and full of silver hair, his face was red and he was hale and hearty, and his whole body was full of anger.

Lin Xi guessed that when the old man was young, he must have gone to the battlefield to kill the enemy himself, otherwise he would never have such momentum.

But he was very puzzled, the old man is so old, how can he still come to such a place as the night stand, without his family to accompany him? What if he eats bad?

But also have to say, the old man is really old heart not old!

"Please sit down, old man."

Looking around, this meeting is just the most popular time of the night stand. There are still a steady stream of guests, but the seats are in short supply. There are already many people around, and there are still vacant seats for Lin Xi.

Seeing that Lin Xi agreed, the old man was no longer polite. He sat down in front of him. Then he looked at Yu Qingming and gave a broad laugh: "I'm not polite. Otherwise, I won't take your seat for nothing. How about your meal?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but please forget it, because the fat boss has invited us"

for the kindness of the old man, Lin Xi neither accepted nor refused, and what he said is true. They were indeed wrapped up by the fat boss. After all, they had a dinner, but they were wrapped up.

Although he was rejected by Lin Xi, the old man didn't say anything. When he met Lin Xiping in the water, his kindness was just polite. Lin Xi didn't accept his kindness, but he was happy.

I don't have much time. The barbecue ordered by the old man came up, and all the food was light. Only the bottle of wine was Erguotou. The 60 degree liquor was really good for eating.

He just took two mouthfuls, then he coughed violently, and his face turned red and blue.

"Excuse me, old man. You should have been a soldier before?"

Lin Xi didn't know why. Maybe he couldn't bear it, so he took the initiative to answer the old man.

"Little friend, you have a good eye. Would you like some?"

The old man is easy to speak, not without praise of Linxi's eyes, or perhaps to his appetite, also picked up the hands of the Erguotou shake, signal Linxi want to have some.

Lin Xi is not afraid of drinking, but since he got drunk last time, something ridiculous happened with Yu Qingming. From then on, he made up his mind that he would never drink if he didn't have to, because the disorder after drinking is really terrible.

Even the two bottles of beer he just ordered were specially prepared for Yu Qingming, but he didn't touch any of them.

"Mr. old man, I appreciate your kindness, but I'm too good at drinking, so I'm afraid I can't comply with my orders. However, the Erguotou is too strong, so you'd better drink less to avoid hurting your body"

after politely rejecting the old man's kindness, Lin Xi finally can't help reminding him, because he finds that every time he drinks two mouthfuls, the old man will cough violently, and his lung sound is also a little wrong With a red face, Lin Xi guessed that he must be ill, and it's not a minor illness.

"You see that? Children's eyesight is really good! There's something wrong with my body, and I know that I can't die for a while and a half. Today, I'm not going to come out easily. Of course, I have to have a good time. Cough ·· "

the old man really didn't expect that Lin Xi still has this vision. Just from his two sips of Erguotou, we can see that he is suffering from illness. This vision alone is comparable to those experts who only use instruments It's much better.

However, the next moment, he took two mouthfuls of Erguotou and coughed violently again, as if he could even cough his liver and gall.

"Old man, your body is your own. It's better not to drink too much. I think you have been suffering from this disease for some years. Listening to the lung sounds is the root of the disease. It must be that you hurt your lung when you were young, which led to the stagnation of lung Qi, right?"

Lin Xi's guess is good. This is indeed the root cause of the old man's illness for decades. In those days, because of the lack of rear supply, they had to fight with the enemy in thin clothes in the ice and snow. From then on, they left this root cause.

At that time, he was only 15 years old. Now, 50 years later, he is no longer the young soldier of that year. However, this disease has been with him all his life and is still tormenting him.Lin Xi could see that he was suffering from illness, which was enough to surprise the old man. Now he could see that his lung qi was blocked, which surprised the old man even more. He couldn't help wondering, "little friend, can you see that my lung qi is blocked?"

Lin Xi didn't hide it, and said frankly: "I've learned some skin medicine skills. You are the old root of this disease, so it's better to drink less, otherwise, after a long time, your body will not be able to bear it"

but I didn't expect that Lin Xi's voice was still down, and the old man poured two more Erguotou, and then he coughed red again, and the blood vessels on his forehead burst Lu, I'm really worried about whether the blood vessels will burst.

After a long time, the old man slowed down and said with dissatisfaction: "I have such a hobby in my life. If I don't want to let me drink, I'd better die. Cough ····"

Lin Xi has never seen such a character as the old man. It's better to be forthright than stubborn. It's probably worse than killing him if I want to keep him from drinking.

However, Lin Xi should be advised. As for whether the old man would listen or not, it's his own business. Although Lin Xi is sure to cure this stubborn disease, he and the old man met by chance. Before they met and sat down together, they were going to help each other.

He's not a bad guy!

"Chick, why hasn't I brought the string here for so long? How long do you have to wait for me"

with the passage of time, Yu Qingming finally had a round belly, and then touched his mouth contentedly, ready to greet Lin Xi, ready to run away, so as to eat the overlord's meal to the end.

But at this time, the next suddenly came the arrogant call curse, but also mixed with foul language, people can't help but feel disgusted. , the fastest update of the webnovel!