Many people are dissatisfied with the way Lin Xi participated in the auction, because their price increases are 100000 or 50000, which is a lively and exciting picture.

But when Lin Xi came up, his mouth opened to five million, and his posture could only be described as overbearing, which made them at a loss as to where to start.

Because the price of five million yuan is very embarrassing. If you exceed the market price, you will suffer a loss. If you give up the competition, you are not reconciled, but you are in a dilemma.

Besides, they went to the auction just for fun and excitement. How could they be so stupid as to spend five million to buy a broken painting?

Even if they are the rich second generation, even if their family is rich, they can't afford to spend so much!

Even Ying Yikang couldn't sit still. He didn't know what Lin Xi thought, but it was hard to accept that he spent five million to bid for the painting.

He is not the other rich second generation. He spends his father's money. On the contrary, he earns every cent by himself. It's not too much to say that he is hard-earned. How can he be so extravagant?

If his parents knew, they would be taught a lesson.

"Lao Ying, calm down first, you have to believe the boss"

seeing that Ying Yikang can't sit still, Jiang agreed to hold him down again and persuade him to calm down first. Maybe the consolation worked. Ying Yikang took a deep breath again to calm down and trust Lin Xi.

Because he also knew that since he chose to ask Lin Xi for help, he should not doubt the use of people, doubt the use of people, and believe in his own choice.

But even so, he still had some worries in his heart. He was worried that Lin Xi would play too much and would not be able to get off the stage in the end.

"5.5 million ····"

as Lin Xi expected, other people were talking about whether or not to continue the bidding. When Fang could not sit still and stood up to bid.

It seems that he is impulsive. In fact, Fang Da Shao is not stupid. Instead, he has his own plan. The purpose of his coming here tonight is not only to earn the limelight, but also to suppress Ying Yikang.

Because he also knows that although Ying Yikang's family background is above him, he is too strong to use much capital, so he has an absolute advantage in capital.

He just wants to use his capital advantage to meet his purpose. At the same time, he knows Ying Yikang very well and knows how to choose. Otherwise, the auction will not be held here tonight.

Although in the previous auctions, he did not respond to Yikang's sarcasm, but Ying Yikang did not hear of it. He loved to answer him and let his fist hit the cotton. He did not feel at all.

What's more, even he felt like a clown jumping up and down.

Now Lin Xi's next auction undoubtedly represents Ying Yikang. As long as he can get the painting, he will have the capital in his hand and can ridicule whenever he wants.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, after this village, can not be easily missed without this shop.

As for the value of the painting of Shuimu Qinghua, for him, it just disappeared. Anyway, he has plenty of money, and what can be solved with money is not called a thing.

"What's the origin of this boy"

on the contrary, Shen Xingzhou frowned faintly when he heard Lin Xi's participation in the auction. Although he hated Lin Xi and intended to teach him a lesson, he was afraid because he could not guess his origin.

Normally speaking, Lin Xi's participation in the auction should be a good opportunity to teach him a lesson. However, Shen Xingzhou hesitated because he knew that his insiders would never be so irrational as Lin Xi.

So that he could not see what Lin Xi wanted to do.

However, Shen Xingzhou thought that since Lin Xi's participation in the auction proved that he was also interested in the painting, he simply used the painting to give Lin Xi a long memory. What is respect for his predecessors.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head and whispered to Fang Dashao, but made Fazhan Shao frown. He didn't seem to agree with him, but because of his repeated persuasion, he finally reluctantly agreed.

"5.55 million ····"

"5.6 million ····"

"5.7 million ····"

at the same time, there were also those who were optimistic about the painting and followed the bidding, but they were very conservative, obviously the auction price exceeded the market price, which made them difficult to accept.

"6 million ···"

suddenly, Lin Xi's voice sounded again, still clearly spread to everyone's ears, let them talk again, because Lin Xi raised the price so fast that they didn't have time to respond, and even lost interest in bidding.

This kind of domineering behavior is really uncomfortable.

Even they are still secretly scolding, where is Lin Xi to come out of the bumpkin, in the end do you understand the auction? At the same time, I feel happy for Yi Kang. I feel that Lin Xi, a local urchin, is not distressed to spend his money.

Although Ying Yikang was also frightened, he thought nothing had happened, and told himself secretly that since he asked Lin Xi to help, he had to believe him. It was masturbation.

"6.01 million"As soon as Lin Xi's voice fell, Fang could not wait to bid. It was quite a matter of duty, but the price he quoted made many people look strange.

Although the auction did not specify the minimum price increase for each auction, they all had a tacit understanding that 50000 would be the minimum price increase.

But this time, Fang Da Shao only increased the price by 10000 yuan, which is very interesting. But does he want to deliberately suppress others?

"6.05 million ·····"

"6.1 million ····"

"6.15 million ····"

bidding to more than 6 million has been difficult for many people to accept, but some people are still reluctant to give up so easily. Although it is only 1 million higher than the market price, it may not be unacceptable.

"6.5 million ····"

with Lin Xi bidding again, those who still insist on bidding finally choose to give up. Maybe they can accept it if it is 1 million higher than the market price, but if it is 1.5 million higher than the market price, it is really not worth the loss.

"6.51 million ····"

everyone can be sure that Fang Dashao must be targeting Lin Xi, otherwise, how could it be only 10 thousand yuan higher? This is obviously trying to crush him!

Moreover, he only pressed one head, which is much more disgusting than directly raising 50000, 100000, or hundreds of thousands, or millions. This is simply a provocation.

How many people can bear this kind of humiliating provocation? At least others think they can't bear it!

At the same time, they are also very curious. Lin Xi and Fang Dashao have a tit for tat fight. Who will win in the end? They are more interested in the final result than the auction itself.

This is the result of Shen Xingzhou whispering to Fang Dashao just now, because this method is the most humiliating, and it is the best way to teach Lin Xi a lesson.

"7 million ···"

when Fang Dashao pressed him continuously, Lin Xi also noticed something was wrong and looked at Fang Dashao, because only Shen Xingzhou, an old man, could think of such a cunning move. It seems that the old man is going to attack him.

But he sneered at the bottom of his heart. He was worried that he couldn't find a chance to catch you, but you sent it to him. So don't blame me for being impolite.

Feeling Lin Xi's eyes, Shen Xingzhou turns his head and smiles. If he doesn't know his sinister intentions, he is afraid that Lin Xizhen will be cheated by his appearance, which shows how hypocritical he is.

"7.01 million ····"

feeling Lin Xi's eyes, Fang Da Shao's mouth was filled with contempt, his eyes were full of contempt, and he continued to press Lin Xi.

However, in Lin Xi's eyes, he is always a clown, not worth the same. What Lin Xi cares about is only Shen Xingzhou.

"Eight million, I'm determined to win this painting!"

Now it's a fight between immortals. Other people have to watch it, and they can all see that Lin Xi has been angry. Otherwise, he would not stand up on the spot and behave so impolitely.

But then again, even if anyone else is held down three times in a row like this, I'm afraid I can't sit still!

"Coincidentally, you like this painting, and I also like this painting. We all depend on our abilities at the auction, but we can't just play with the screen, 8.01 million yuan"

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