"Little sir, I've convinced you. I really have."

Looking at the jade material in front of them, the grasshoppers were all amazed. Lin Xi not only had the weapon like Qingshuang sword, but also cut it down accurately. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not believe what he said.

They even doubted whether Lin Xi was a legendary martial arts expert.

More than ten minutes ago, the monkey who was still complaining about Lin Xi in the grasshopper's ear was also convinced. After all, the fact is in front of him, and he can't be convinced.

The most important thing is that although this jade is not big, physical strength is the most precious thing in this deep mountain. Even if it weighs more than ten jin, it will greatly lose physical strength after carrying it for a long time. Now Lin Xi splits this jade, which undoubtedly greatly reduces the weight.

"Elephant, don't follow us to pick up jade later. You'd better stay here and wait for us to come back."

Even though grasshopper is an old jade picker and has rich experience in jade mining, he is also very excited at this time. He has been picking jade with his family elders since he was 15 years old. He has never picked such large jade, and even in his memory, his father has never seen it.

At least 100000 yuan, which is comparable to his income in the previous two years. It's strange that he's not excited.

So he quickly made a decision to let the elephant stay here and save energy to guard the jade and luggage, because carrying such a large piece of jade around, even with the elephant's physical strength, he might not be able to bear it.

"All right, grasshopper, I'll listen to you."

As for the grasshopper's orders, the elephant never wanted to comply with them. He immediately nodded fiercely. Then he picked up the jade and went to a high place on the Bank of the river. He took the blanket prepared in advance from his luggage and wrapped the jade layer by layer to avoid damaging the quality.

"Mr. and Miss Zhang, you've been working hard just now. Why don't you stay here and have a rest. Monkey and I will go to the front and have a look again"

after giving orders to the elephant, the grasshopper got up and asked the monkey to continue to explore. However, just after taking two steps, he seemed to think of something and turned his head very politely.

Zhang Zhiyan found that the jade was already a great hero of their team, and the grasshopper could also see that Lin Xi was not very good at picking jade. Instead of letting them continue to follow, it was better to sell their personal feelings and let them rest.

"OK, Zhiyan and I will have a rest here. If you need help, just say hello"

after thinking about it, Lin Xi immediately nodded and agreed. Just as the noon passed, he used the heavenly eye power many times, and his physical strength was overdrawn. He really needed a rest meeting.

Moreover, he also has the self-knowledge that he is not the one who picks jade. Even if he can't keep up with it, he might as well take more rest to recover his strength.

What's more, there is Zhang Zhiyan. Although she has never been a little tired since she entered the mountain, she is a spoiled and well-known lady. She can't bear all these hardships. Even for her sake, Lin Xi has to rest.

As time went on, five hours later, the sun had turned to the west, and they were about to meet the mountains in the sky. The grasshopper and the monkey went to search for them for most of the day. Sure enough, Huang Tian let them find a few pieces of jade.

Although their luck is not as good as Zhang Zhiyan's, the new pieces of jade are not big, and the quality is not very big, but no matter how small the mosquito is, it's also meat. For them, it's already a big harvest, and their mood has become more cheerful.

Perhaps the return of jade mining will bring them huge profits and change their lives. From then on, they will embark on a well-off life and go straight to Xiaofu.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Lin Xi also had enough rest. He took the green frost sword with him and went to the mountain forest for a walk. Fortunately, he hit two rabbits, which was just like delicacies for them.

So at dinner time, Lin Xi set up a bonfire in the camp, and then skinned and washed the two rabbits, so that everyone had a good tooth sacrifice. He sighed that the taste was really good.

After dinner, the sky has been completely dim, the night sky moonlight starlight emerge, sprinkle silver light, as if dream general.

But tonight, the bonfire did not go out, because camping in the mountains, without the protection of natural advantages, the bonfire is the biggest security, the beast will not come near.

"Why, monkey, do you want to go out?"

After dinner, Lin Xi stood up to move his muscles and bones, but saw that the monkeys and grasshoppers were all armed again. When he mentioned the searchlight, he seemed to have to pick jade.

"Little sir, you don't know. In fact, the best time to pick jade is when there is moonlight at night. Because the jade is bright and lustrous, there will be a faint glow after being illuminated by the moonlight, which is easier to identify than in the daytime. Anyway, monkeys and I can't sleep, so we want to go out and try our luck."

As grasshopper said, jade pickers have accumulated rich experience in jade mining for hundreds and thousands of years. They can not only distinguish jade by naked eyes, but also distinguish jade by favorable weather and location. For example, dawn and dusk are the best time to pick jade.

"Wait for you. I'll go with you too. It's time to eat."

After a moment's meditation, Lin Xi also decided to go out with them. After all, it's still so early. He can't rest now. It's better to go out and see.Hear Linxi to go, grasshopper and monkey naturally will not object, just see Linxi to go out, Zhang Zhiyan also must follow, so that Linxi have no way, had to pull her to follow slowly.

But before he left, Lin Xi especially took his backpack with him, and he also mentioned the green frost sword in his hand. After all, if he was in danger, he could not defend himself.

Starting from the site of the bonfire, Lin Xi and Zhang Zhiyan followed at the end of the afternoon, 200 meters away from the monkeys and grasshoppers. They didn't turn on the searchlight, but just stare at the rocks in the moonlight, looking for the hidden places.

It has to be said that although this method is eye-consuming and the search speed is very fast, in just three hours, they have searched for more than ten kilometers from their position in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, the method summarized by predecessors does not seem to work, even half a piece of jade has not been found.

As a matter of fact, Lin Xi had found several pieces by virtue of his heavenly eye power, but his size and quality were not satisfactory, so he was not interested in picking them up.

"Mr. young man, it's getting late. Let's go back first and continue to look for it slowly tomorrow"

the job of jade picking is a test of patience and willpower. Even old jade pickers like grasshoppers can't bear it after a long time. In addition, they don't even have any harvest, so they decided to come here first today.

"Why, is this one?"

Just as the grasshopper said hello, Lin Xi suddenly thought of a key problem. Today, he used his heavenly eye ability to pick jade. He searched for rocks on the surface of the river bank, and never looked deep.

But the key is that this gully has been formed for countless years. The rocks on the river bank are accumulated layer by layer. I don't know how many layers there are under the surface. Even if it's looking for a needle in a haystack, there should be a lot of jade.

Thinking of this, Lin Xi immediately controlled the heavenly eye power and looked deeper. Because of this move, he confirmed what he had just guessed. There were several pieces of good quality jade hidden under the surface rocks not far away.

"Grasshopper, I seem to have found it again here. Come here and have a look"

the grasshopper and the monkey are walking back in front of them. When they hear Lin Xi's voice, they immediately move in their hearts. They run to help and remove all the surface rocks on the jade discovered by Lin Xi, revealing the true face of the jade.

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