"Lin Xi, are you really OK here? Will they rush down"

at that time, the Seven Snow wolves were still wandering at the mountain pass, but they just refused to rush down the slope. Even so, Zhang Zhiyan was still worried that they would suddenly attack.

Lin Xi shook his head. According to what he had seen in the tree before, he explained: "although snow wolves are social animals, their habits will not change. This season is when they give birth. They usually dig holes under the rock cracks to give birth ······"

"there are no snow wolf cubs in these seven snow wolves, which proves that the cubs are still in the cave, and they will never put them After a pause, Lin Xi continued: "and snow wolves hunt at night. As long as it's daybreak, they will go back to protect their cubs, and then we can go back"

although Lin Xi was right, he forgot that snow wolves are not only gregarious animals, but also have a sense of teamwork I don't know. There are seven snow wolves in the pass. Why should we chase them all?

"Ouo ···"

after listening to the Seven Snow wolves, the only male wolf looked up to the sky and roared, the other six snow wolves were unwilling to retreat, while the male wolf showed bloodthirsty color, staring at Lin Xi and Zhang Zhiyan, suddenly dived down from the mountain pass and went straight to Lin Xi and Zhang Zhiyan.

"Zhiyan, run!"

Lin Xi is shocked and pulls Zhang Zhiyan to the depth of the forest, but the male wolf is chasing them. He is about to kill them.

Due to the complex terrain in the forest, there are towering ancient trees blocking the way from time to time. Although they blocked the way of Lin Xi and Zhang Zhiyan, they also greatly reduced the speed of the male wolf, and could not sprint like on the river.

But I don't know why, that male wolf seems to be dead heart, chasing Lin Xi and Zhang Zhiyan, deep into the forest for two kilometers.

"Linxi, I, I can't run, really can't run"

however, when manpower is poor, although Linxi can still hold, Zhang Zhiyan can't run, but the male wolf is behind him. What should we do?

"Zhiyan, you stay here, I'll kill the beast"

now there is no way to retreat, and Lin Xi has no other way. He knows that the male wolf is staring at them, and either he or I will die tonight, so he decides to face the difficulties and try to kill the beast.

Although the fighting power of the male wolf is the highest among the snow wolves, Lin Xi also has the green frost sword in his hand, so he may not be afraid of it.

"You, you, be careful"

Zhang Zhiyan didn't want to see him take risks, but he had made up his mind. In addition to the current situation, he had no other choice but to ask him to be careful.

Speaking Kung Fu, the male wolf has chased 20 meters away, and is eyeing Lin Xi. But he doesn't rush on them immediately, but is looking for the flaw of his prey, so that he can kill them.

And it can see that as long as Lin Xi is solved, Zhang Zhiyan can only let it be slaughtered, and what Lin Xi can make it feel threatened is the shining green frost sword.

However, he is not afraid. Since he became the wolf king, he has hunted countless prey. As long as he rushes to bite Lin Xi's neck, he will win the hunt.

At the same time, Lin Xi also clenched the green frost sword, his eyes fixed on the male wolf, and a big cold sweat came out on his forehead. The fierce animals paid attention to killing their prey, so he had only one chance. If he could not kill the male wolf, he and Zhang Zhiyan would be finished.

He even regretted that he would have been in such danger. He should have brought a composite bow when he came to Hotan this time. Otherwise, he would not have been so passive.

"Ouo ···"

Lin Xi confronts with the male Wolf for several minutes without any action. But at this time, there is another high wolf cry in the distance. It must be other snow wolves waiting for the male wolf at the mountain pass. Seeing that he hasn't come back for such a long time, he uses the wolf call to call him.

Hearing the wolf cry, Lin Xi appeared for a moment, but the male wolf caught hold of the flaw, made a deep leap with his feet, and rushed straight forward, his fangs flashing ferocious breath.

"Zhi Yan, be careful!"

The most important thing is that the target of the male wolf's fight is not Lin Xi, but Zhang Zhiyan behind Lin Xi. After he reacts, it's too late to reach out to save him, so he can only jump in.

"Puff, hiss ···"

thanks to Lin Xi's quick reaction, he rushed to Zhang Zhiyan before the male wolf, which temporarily solved the crisis. However, it was because of this that Lin Xi was scratched by the snow wolf on his back and scratched his sportswear, leaving a trail of blood.

Lin Xi was in pain, but now he couldn't think about it so much. He could only stand up quickly with the pain and continue to confront the male wolf. If he didn't kill the animal tonight, it was hard for him to get rid of his hatred.

But Lin Xi saw that after the male wolf succeeded, he did not continue to come up to fight, but retreated to the distance to continue the confrontation, to continue to look for flaws in the hunting attack.

That pair of twinkling green wolf eyes, even reveal the cunning of humanity, so that Linxi heart, just male wolf rushed to Zhang Zhiyan, not to attack Zhang Zhiyan, but to attack him.This beast has such a high IQ!

"Ouo ··"

"good beast, it's you who are waiting. Die for me ··"

Lin Xi had to stand up and continue to fight, but the male wolf didn't mean to attack, as if playing with prey. Until another wolf call came, the male wolf caught Lin Xi's flaw again, so he threw himself at Zhang Zhiyan again.

However, Lin Xi had been cheated once, and how could he be cheated the second time? Just at the moment when the male wolf pounced on Zhang Zhiyan, he lifted the green frost sword up, and the radian was the only way for the male wolf.

"Pooh, hoo, Hoo"

How can a male wolf resist the sharp edge of cutting gold and jade with a green frost sword, which is only flesh and blood?

With the sound of "puff and sniff", the green frost sword cut through the head of the male wolf in his frightened eyes, cut off all his four claws, and spattered blood all over the ground. As a result, he fell from the air, shaking his body and Howling before he died.

Lin Xi had no mercy. Seeing that the male wolf was not dead, he went up to mend two swords one after another, and finally killed the beast and relieved the immediate crisis.

"Are you all right, Lin Xi? Are you seriously injured"

although Zhang Zhiyan is still in shock, he is still not in a panic. Seeing that Lin Xi killed the male wolf, he runs to help him and cares about whether he is seriously injured.

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