At that time, Lin Xi took two pieces of flesh to replenish his physical strength from his supply knapsack. At the bottom, he turned out a flashlight as big as a palm.

This flashlight is for convenience. It's used to search for supplies at night, but it's in use at this time.

When Lin Xi turns on the flashlight, it suddenly lights up the dazzling light in the dark, as if he sees the hope of a new life. Lin Xi hands it to Zhang Zhiyan, and then stands up to look deep into the cave.

But he can't see through the darkness in front of him and the end of the cave. It can be seen that the cave is very deep. Maybe there is some secret in it.

"Lin Xi, it seems that there are traces of artificial chiseling on the wall of the cave. There must be some people here who say ····"

with a flashlight, Zhang Zhiyan follows Lin Xi closely and walks to the depth of the cave. Although she was flustered by fear before, now she is calm and can support each other with Lin Xi.

The most important thing is that her mind is delicate. After walking for less than half an hour, she found traces of artificial chiseling on the cave wall, which strengthened Lin Xi's conjecture that there might be another way out.

"Hey, Lin Xi, look, there is a stone mural on the front of the mountain wall, which seems to be telling a story ···"

Lin Xi and Zhang Zhiyan stop and go. When they are tired, they have a rest. After a rest, they continue to explore. They don't know how long it has been and how far they have gone.

But at this time, Zhang Zhiyan suddenly found that on the front of the mountain wall, there was an ancient stone mural, which was carved directly with stone carvings. Although it was slightly weathered, it was still clear.

Looking for fame, Lin Xi saw that in the stone wall painting, an ancient tribe was carved. The tribe was peaceful and peaceful without war, singing and dancing around the campfire, and everyone's face was filled with joy.

Seeing the stone mural, Lin Xi was almost sure that the cave must be related to the ancient tribe. Maybe it was left by them.

"This kind of stone mural is usually used to record important events or some unimaginable art, and it will never be the only one. There should be... Behind it"

Lin Xi pondered for a long time, and saw that what was recorded in this stone mural should be the ancient tribe. He was very curious about the origin of that ancient tribe and why it was here Where did you go in the end?

Hearing Lin Xi's words, Zhang Zhiyan also thought deeply. He continued to walk in front of me. As expected, he walked not far away and saw the second stone mural.

In this stone wall painting, a baby is born. The baby does not know whether it is male or female. However, after birth, the elder of the tribe holds up his hand and kneels down for all the people of the tribe.

Further on, there is the third stone mural. In the painting, the baby grows up and becomes a beautiful girl. The girl becomes the holy daughter of the tribe, which is the most sacred symbol. All the people of the tribe worship her in an attempt to get the protection of heaven.

With the deepening, until the last stone wall painting, Lin Xi finally finished reading all the contents of the painting, but he was not relieved. On the contrary, he became more confused, and even had some uninteresting feelings between his eyebrows.

Later on, the content of the stone wall painting was intended to be mysterious. After the baby became a saint, she was worshipped by all the tribe members and attacked her with tiger skin clothes, tiger teeth scepters and tiger head hats.

As they worshiped, the virgin also sheltered the safety of the whole tribe. Many wars led the tribe to beat back the powerful enemies and become the most powerful tribe. Everything was going well.

Until one day, a powerful army came to the East. The king, with eight horses in his chariot, waved weapons on the chariot and asked the tribe to offer their most precious things.

Of course, the tribe didn't want to. The saint led the people to fight, but she was defeated in front of the army. In order to preserve the tribe, the saint had to reconcile with the king.

For the survival of the tribe, the saint presented herself to the king with tears, because she was the most precious thing of the tribe, and only she could ask the king to completely eliminate the will to invade the tribe.

In this process, the saint was bewildered by the king's sweet words and told the tribe the biggest secret. But unexpectedly, the king's heart was sinister and he turned his face and asked the saint to call it out.

The saint girl washed her face with tears and gradually became haggard. However, faced with the threat of the king, for the sake of her own people, she could not give in. She led the king to the palace on the high mountain and held everyone else away. She lived with the king in the palace for three days and three nights.

In these three days and nights, all kinds of strange scenes appeared over the palace. The enchanting splendor enveloped the palace and sent out the enchanting fragrance.

The fragrance attracted many birds and animals, revolving around the palace, guarding the palace, and singing to each other, just like the mythical world.

Three days and three nights later, the enchanting splendor disappeared. The saint and the king went out of the palace. The king got what he wanted and led the army back to the East.

As for the saint, although she gave the greatest secret of the tribe to the king in order to protect the survival of the tribe, some people still said that she betrayed the tribe and that she was the chief culprit of the tribe.

So these people, with the majority of the tribe's people, left the original habitat of the monarch, and also left the saints they once worshiped. They trekked westward and moved to the mountains, trying to find a new paradise that was not disturbed by outsiders.On their way, they went through hardships and dangers, crossed the vast desert, the snow capped mountains, the deserted glacial lakes, the collapse of snow capped mountains, the eruption of mountain torrents, and the disaster of mysterious valleys, and finally found a vast forest to live here.

They think that this place is far away from any place, and there are many natural dangers to protect it. They will never be disturbed by outsiders and can live a carefree life.

So they rebuilt their homes in the forest, built high altars to worship heaven and earth, and dug caves on the mountain behind the altars to continue to worship the biggest secret of the tribe.

Originally, there were two so-called secrets of the tribe. One was an adult and the other was a minor. When the monarch coerced the saint into taking it, the saint only let the monarch take the adult one at the cost of death.

The minor part was left behind, and then taken away by the migrating part. Finally, it was consecrated in the deepest part of the cave, and the most powerful warrior of the tribe was appointed to guard against theft.

Later, for some unknown reason, the tribes in the forest seemed to have suffered from natural disasters. Most of them disappeared overnight, leaving only a few people.

The rest of them thought this was an ominous place. After leaving the last mural, they started a new migration. As for whether they went there and lived in the world, no one knows.

The most important thing is that there is no explanation in all the contents of the stone wall paintings of what is the mysterious secret that can make the king abandon the saint and turn against her, and that can make the tribe fight to defend it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!