Bai en is in a fog when Lin Xi and he Hong fight. If he Hong didn't say it himself, he really can't imagine that Lin Xi would dare to test he Hong.

He didn't even think that he Hong knew it later and didn't react until now.

It can be seen that Lin Xi's mind is really deep. At least he is also shocked and ridiculous. When he was in Mingzhou, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to plot against Lin Xi. Instead, he was put together by Lin Xi, and it was really unfair to lose.

What he is most concerned about now is whether he really has to let go. If he really does not care, what should he do when the Lin family in Kyoto comes down or when Lin Xi returns to the Lin family?

But if we want to manage it, how should we manage it? Do you want to go to count Pedro and call someone directly?

"Young people like to make trouble, so let them make trouble. As long as they don't make a human life, everything can be solved. If the boy doesn't let us interfere, he will just enjoy himself and let him make trouble as he pleases"

"what you should be prepared for now is to find a way to deal with the next thing. It's your turn to pick up the leak"

he Hong shakes his head and breaks the line However, he refused to help. Since Lin Xi wanted to solve the problem himself, he was embarrassed to meddle in his own business. No matter what the result was, he made the most profit in the end.

Because Linxi won, count Pedro's conspiracy was naturally destroyed. The president of the Hong Kong and Macao Chamber of Commerce was still Bai en. It can be said that he won the battle without fighting. It can be said that he saved a lot of trouble.

If Lin Xi loses, the Lin family in Kyoto will not stand idly by. At that time, the Lin family will do it in person. No matter how powerful the count Pedro is, how can he turn the world around?

No, it should be more accurate to say that the Lin family has already made a move, otherwise he will not let Bai en prepare early!

"Mr. He, I don't quite understand. What do you want me to prepare for? And what do you mean by picking up a leak "

although Bai en has made great achievements, he is still slightly inferior to he Hong. So up to now, he doesn't understand he Hong's meaning, what is he supposed to pick up a leak?

"Do you think the Lin family in Kyoto will really stand by and watch such a big event this time? He is the eldest grandson of the Lin family. He will inherit the Lin family's property in the future, and there are less than two years left for his family to make friends with each other.

"at this critical time, count Pedro dares to fight against him, which undoubtedly offends the Lin family. It's not only about the family's glory, but also about the family's inheritance.

" so I guess that the Lin family has already got the news, and will soon be back Count Pedro will take action, and count Pedro will not walk for a few days. You have to clean up the mess quickly after his downfall, or even swallow him up. Do you understand?... he Honghen has patience and explains slowly, as if he is talking about careless things. However, when Bain heard the four words "Shilu jujiao", his face suddenly changed and became a little shocked With longing in shock.

It's "Shilu jujiao". As long as you can participate in the grand meeting that many families dream of, you will be recognized as a "aristocratic family". From then on, you can rest easy and become the top person.

Even big men like Bai en, such as the Qin family and the Ma family in Kyoto, are just more powerful than ordinary people. In the face of the real ancient families, they are not worth mentioning after all.

The biggest role of "Shilu jujiao" is to accept and identify new family members. It can be said that it is a grand gathering!

Of course, "Shilu jujiao" has other intentions, but these intentions are too profound to be contacted by Bai Enneng.

Therefore, compared with the "diplomatic relations between Shilu and jujiao", count Pedro is dispensable. If Lin Jiazhen makes a move because of this, it is justifiable.

"OK, Mr. He, I'm going to clean up the rest of the situation as you told me"

after a while, Bai en came back to his senses and didn't think too much. He just whispered his consent and left to prepare. Although he was looking forward to "making friends with the world", he was too far away from him after all. It's better to think about the things in front of him and get some real things Department.

"Lin's baby, it's interesting ···"

after Bai en left, he Hong sat on the sofa for a long time, his eyes wandering, recalling the past, until the pendulum rang, he woke up.

But he has a smile on his lips, which is unpredictable and hard to guess, just like an old fox hiding in the dark, cunning but without any trace.

"Brother Xi, what shall we do next? If Macao gambling king didn't cheat us, I'm afraid it will be really difficult this time. After all, people are well prepared and won't easily forget it ······· "

at the same time, after they leave the villa, Lin Xi takes a taxi and goes back to shisan hotel first. On the way, an Youyong thinks about everything and asks the key questions.

As he said, although Linxi and his strength are already very high, they are still far behind count Pedro. If the other side deliberately makes trouble, it will be really dangerous.

The most important thing is that although they know count Pedro's intention, they don't know what the other party will ask. If the request is too rude, what should they do?

"What else can we do? Count Pedro has done so many things. He just wants to lead me to Macao. Now that I have come, if I hide and don't see him, isn't it a disappointmentLin Xi leaned his head against the window and looked at the scenery passing by, but he didn't have the heart to see it. Instead, he was full of thoughts and thought about what to do next.

But he thought about it and didn't come up with a good idea, so he decided to go deep into the tiger's den to see count Pedro and put everything in the light.

"Brother, will it be dangerous for us to meet him like this, or I'll call my father and ask him to help us"

when I heard that Lin Xi was going to go deep into the tiger's den, since last night's incident, he was very obedient and obedient. At last, he was no longer silent. Instead, he became worried. Obviously, the shadow left by last night has not gone away.

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