In ancient times, Wushan was a place of Jingchu and the former site of Cuba. Qiyao mountain, Wushan mountain and Bashan mountain meet here, making the terrain complex and dangerous.

Just seeing this scene, Lin Yu suddenly felt that it was not right. How could he feel that the terrain here, with a mysterious attitude, seemed to respond to some kind of geomantic theory.

But he couldn't remember what kind of geomancy it was.

But no matter how you look at it, with this magnificent weather, it is definitely a geomantic treasure land, or this area is all geomantic treasure land.

"Brother Axi, look there, it's uncle Aniu and the scientific research team. They are all there ·····"

looking at the direction of your fingers, you can see that there is a relatively flat hillside about five or six hundred meters away, on which there are several tents.

Looking horizontally along the tent, it is connected with a narrow plank road. After passing the plank road, there is a wide platform, about the size of two football fields.

There was nothing on the platform, not even a decent stone, so that it seemed out of place on the mountainside.

At that time, more than ten people were busy on the platform. They were not close to each other. They were holding various instruments in their hands. It seemed that they were measuring something?

But because it was too far away, Lin could not see clearly.

What makes Lin shudder is that not far away from the dozen people, there are several young people in casual clothes, who are quite resolute and simple in appearance, and have nothing special.

But in their waist, they are all armed, obviously from the army, here to protect those scientific researchers.

That's why Lin Yu guessed what the scientific research team was investigating and how could the army protect them? No matter what they are investigating, it must be extremely secret.

When Lin Yu looked at them, the soldiers also saw them, all with alert eyes, making a fighting posture, even the right hand had touched the waist. Ready to fight.

"Cut, those people are so mean, we don't want his things, why do we put them like this, we are not thieves ·····"

"thanks to my kindness, I sent them cantaloupes to eat, but I didn't give them away when I knew it. It's so kind that I didn't give them back ········"

aware of those people's eyes, Zhu was a little unhappy, because in his opinion, those people's eyes It's very unkind. It's like guarding against thieves.

They are not bad people. Instead of robbing things, they still come to deliver things. Why should they be put like this?

"Zhu, do you know why they are guarding us? Why don't other people in the stronghold come to work except uncle a Niu "

hearing a Zhu's complaint, Lin suddenly felt uneasy. The work of this scientific research team is not only strictly confidential, but also cautious.

"Ah Zhu said angrily," well, I don't understand. A lot of people say they want to help, but they don't want any of us. They don't allow us to get close to here. They say that there are some secret people ···· "

" later, they say that there are not enough people. They want to help us here. They went to the stockade for a long time, and then asked me, ADI and my mother, and uncle Aniu, to do it Workers ··· "

" I knew they should not have let them in. They were all white eyed wolves ···· "

while talking, Lin continued to walk to the platform. He thought ah Zhu's idea was funny, so he explained:" ah Zhu, scientific research teams like them, with military protection around them, are specially organized by the government ···· "

" no matter where they are Anywhere, or in any form, they can go with each other, and they also need to provide convenience. The results of their scientific examination will also be fed back to the society and the country in various forms, so that our country will be stronger and have a good life in the future.

although a Zhu is not good at reading, he naturally understands this because of his sister Luo Yiling and his good understanding Truth, so his real atmosphere is not that the scientific research team comes for the scientific research, but that they are angry. They stand at their door and let them go like thieves.

Even worse, if a dog bites LV Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart, everyone will feel uncomfortable.

So he still gritted his teeth and insisted: "even so, they can speak well. Why don't we get close? This is our place. Why don't we come here?

"when robbers break into our house, we are not allowed to complain. Who knows if they are doing scientific research or other bad things?

" and that platform is the ancestral place of our Miao Village. After the old people die, they will be buried there, if they disturb their ancestors Who is it that ghosts and gods have brought their sins to our Miao village?

Lin did not expect that on that platform, it would be the ancestral land of Miao village, burying the ancestral generations of Miao village. No wonder the land on that platform is not barren. Why there are no crops? The feeling is on the ancestral land.

Miao Village reveres ancestors, ghosts and gods, and is afraid to offend ancestors' souls.

No wonder he began to wonder why there was an ancient plank road between the two platforms. That was the reason.Now he finally understood why ah Zhu was angry. The scientific research team stood on the head of their ancestral land, not allowing them to get close to them, and even guarding against them. It was really a bit of a bandit style, and it was easy to make people disgusted.

So that Lin Yu had nothing to say but walked towards the platform.

After walking through the hillside of the tent, Lin Yu and a Zhu walked up the ancient plank road. They only felt the wind was blowing at their ears, and the cool wind was blowing at their feet, just like stepping on the clouds.

Looking down, you can only see the steep mountain wall, the misty clouds, and the torrent sound at the bottom of the mountain, which inevitably makes people panic.

Lin Yu knew that it was a psychological effect. He was used to the strong winds and waves. He just calmed down a little, overcame the psychological obstacles and continued to walk forward.

But along the way, he found many ancient rock paintings carved on the stone wall beside the plank road, with a history of hundreds or even thousands of years, which immediately made him interested and read them one by one.

Most of the contents depicted in the painting are natural disasters or man-made disasters. It's like hell. The style is quite strange and rare. It's like totem and legend. There are landslides, human and animal cruelty, flash floods and wildfire burning. It's really hot and cold.

This makes Lin Yu feel strange. How could all these disasters happen in Miao village? How did the ancestors of Miao Village survive the disaster?

If they really escape from the otaku and survive by perseverance and courage, we can imagine how desolate they are.

In other words, these so-called disasters are just the ancestors of Miao village who exaggerate the actual situation to warn the future generations? , the fastest update of the webnovel!