
Finally, when the brewing reached its climax, it suddenly declined. The prince of Persia's Capricorn drum was smashed by him, sweeping away all the atmosphere.

This is Kang Long's regret.

Because of the loss of the drum, the dancing steps of the high-speed rotating singers were disordered, and the hall was in a state of confusion. Some of them didn't know why, and some of them fell to the ground and groaned softly.

"What a wet blanket!"

At that time, the prince of Persia threw away his drumstick and kicked the drum in front of him. He was quite dissatisfied with his scolding, but he didn't stop because of the arrival of Xu Yi and ye Wen.

Or more precisely, he did it for them.

"The Buddha of all families is Xu Mo Xia in Chang'an. I've heard about Xu Mo Xia for a long time. I'm very lucky to see him today. He's really a young hero. It's true that there are rumors in the market."

As if nothing had happened, the prince of Persia looked at Xu Yi and ye Wen, then walked in front of Xu Yi, looked at Xu Yi for a moment, and boasted a lot. If it had been replaced by other people, he would have been flying.

But it's not hard to hear that he claims to be a "widow" and obviously regards himself as the king of Persia. He is higher than Xu Yi, which shows his murderous spirit.

Xu Yi was polite and bowed to return the salute. He said in fluent and elegant words, "the people in the rivers and lakes are very frightened when they are heard by his Royal Highness the king of Persia."

The prince of Persia did not say yes. He looked at Ye Wen in his Taoist robe. He looked at him for a long time and said, "yesterday I had to see the immortal master. I'm really surprised. But because of the hurry, I couldn't meet him more. Today I take the liberty to ask him to go through the palace. Won't it disturb the purity of the immortal master?"

Ye Wenyi saluted with his hand and said with a smile, "the sage lives first and then lives outside his body. The poor man is just a man who is outside. What can I say to disturb him? The prince of Persia was stunned and said, "there's something in the fairy master's words. There's always something mysterious in his words. It's hard to understand. "

Ye Wen replied: "the speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention. It's a good man who thinks too much."

The prince of Persia didn't like it. He turned to the first seat and sat down. He asked Xu Yi and ye Wen to sit down. Then he asked, "but I don't know how you two arrived at the same time. It's not such a coincidence. Did you meet outside the mansion?"

While speaking, the prince of Persia takes his glass, but he does not drink. Instead, he looks at Xu Yi and ye Wen quietly with narrow eyes. His eyes show solemn and murderous spirit, and Xu Yi clearly feels it.

Xu Yi was about to say something, but he was stopped by Ye Wen's wave. He said in advance: "it seems that there is a slight murderous spirit in the poor Taoist temple. Why do we come here together? Don't you know why?"

Hearing Ye Wen's words, the prince of Persia was stunned again. He even shook his wine glass twice. He thought Xu Yi and ye Wen were sophisticating in every way, but he didn't expect that ye Wen was so direct that he broke his mind. On the contrary, he was a bit tied up and even began to hesitate.

If Xu Yi really robbed the holy things, or had something to do with Ye Wen, they should not be so calm now that they are in the tiger's den.

But the prince of Persia can't think of anyone who dares to rob his holy things except Xu Yi and ye Wen?

Even after a little hesitation, he put down his wine glass, put on a smiling face and said, "xiaoxianshi is serious. Xu is in a bad mood and collided with xiaoxianshi."

before ye Wen could react, he looked at Xu Yi and continued: "people in Chang'an say that Xu Mohist is brave and righteous, and he has the righteousness of mengchang king. Must be working hard all day? If you ask Mo Xia to go through the mansion, it won't disturb Mo Xia's good work, will it? "

The prince of Persia said this with a great edge, can't Xu Yi hear it?

He calmly laughed, shrugged his shoulders and said: "it's just a false name in the world! Your highness may not know that I don't have great ambition, so I like to be drunk in gentleness. I like the white lady of Yulong gang and the Su family of Wenxiang Pavilion

At this point, Xu Yi pretended to pause, and then continued angrily: "but there is something today that worries me to death."

Xu Yi's relationship with Su Ran'er and Bai Yan has long been a secret in Chang'an. The prince of Persia was not surprised, but Xu Yi's words moved his heart and his eyes twinkled: "Oh, what's the matter?"

Xu Yi said in a deep voice: "everyone in Chang'an knows that qisuoer is a friend of Xu Yi. Today, some people are dressing up as qisuoer in Liquan, causing a lot of trouble. Even my lover and Jin Wuwei are alarmed. Some people say that I am the instigator. Don't let me find out who it is!"

The prince of Persia gently raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I've heard about it, and I've heard that among the beggars, you are Xu Mo Xia."

When Xu Yi heard that Yan was very angry, he immediately stood up with his left hand holding the barrier knife and said with a keen eye: "is that right? I don't know who your highness heard, but dare you ask him to come out and confront him? "

"Although I Xu Yi is not disrespectful, I can't tolerate other people's slander. If I don't let him make it clear, I won't agree to this one at my waist!"

The prince of Persia didn't expect that Xu Yi was so upright at this time, which inevitably made him more hesitant. Was he really wrong? It's not the holy thing that Xu Yi and ye Wen robbed?Before he knew it, he took it up again. After pondering for a long time, he suddenly calmed down and said, "I don't want to hide from Xu Moxia. Yesterday, the Daqin temple in Zhongnanshan wrote a letter saying that the statue of God in the main hall suddenly collapsed. Today, I'll send a trilogy to pray."

"When I passed by the sages in Liquan, there was a riot. Some of the beggars rushed out and beat me. So I asked Mr. Xu to come here just to ask Mr. Xu. Do you know the origin of those beggars?"

Xu Yi's eyes twinkled and his eyebrows were faintly smiling. He said in a high voice: "Your Highness, dare you call the trilogy to confront me, or tell me what those beggars look like, so that I can know what they look like. I'm looking for them, too."

The prince of Persia hesitated for a moment, put down his wine glass, waved his hand, and rushed out of the hall with a loud voice: "don't you come in yet!"

As the voice fell, he came in from the outside, waiting for a long time in the corridor of the hall. He was about to fork his hand in the hall, but he was stopped by Ye Wen, who had been silent for a long time.

Ye Wen looked at the prince of Persia and said with a smile, "good man, I'm looking at you here. The stars are outside and the palace is inside. It's a bad omen. If I guess well, the good man should have lost his valuables?"

The prince of Persia believed in metaphysics. After hearing what ye Wen said, his heart moved and he almost believed it.

However, he remembered that these two people might conspire with each other, so he said with a sneer: "xiaoxianshi inherited from huangguanzi. It's really unpredictable! It's true that master xiaoxianshi is right. I lost a valuable object, and it was lost in the confusion of the elites in Liquan today. It's probably what the beggars said

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