Because he vaguely saw Deng Xiaoyu's left finger. It's already Xiangzi. It's almost time to fight and face the naked threat. You can only be a hero without immediate loss. After all, he really didn't want to suffer the deep pain of last night.

After breakfast, Lin Xi and Deng Xiaoyu clean up. Take ah live and big black dog. According to yesterday's agreement, go back to Qinglong mountain to find sister Qiuyue and let them walk through the Miao village. When walking up the blind date cage mountain, I saw that there were lanterns everywhere in the whole Miao village, preparing for the third year's wedding.

And Lin Xi also found many, he did not find the details yesterday. For example, the totem of Miao village. It's a huge white tiger. There are also many ancient buildings depicting many ancient symbols. It's like words and totems. Old and mysterious. It also increases the mysterious charm of Miao village.

So the enemy saw their guess. It's not unreasonable. It seems that the ancestors of Miao village. It's true that the Ba people of that year, because they took the white tiger as the totem, inherited to Bashu in the pre Qin period, and can be traced back to the period of Linjun and Duyu. Until the two countries were destroyed. The inherited culture also dissipated. The White Tiger Totem also disappeared in the long history.

"Brother Ming. The sword in your hand should be green double sword. "

Suddenly, when Xiaoyu comes to Lin Xi, he looks at the green double swords in his hand. His eyes were full of brilliance. Seems interested in the sword.

"You know both swords when you are young? light rain. What else do you know? "

I heard Deng Xiaoyu's words. Lin Xi was surprised. I feel Deng Xiaoyu knows him well. He knows better than himself. I can recognize the sword in his hand. It's the legendary green double swords.

You know, ancient swords are in the amateur collection. Ben is a very remote category. Even those old experts with decades of experience may not be able to recognize qingshuangjian. Even with his own knowledge of history behind him, he recognized the true face of the sword. Deng Xiaoyu can call out his name at a glance. How can he not be surprised?

This also surprised Lin Xi. What else does Deng Xiaoyu know?

"I know that. I know the origin of this sword. It's not just Liu Bang's sword. It's about Qin Shihuang. "

Mysterious smile! When the light rain's eyes, occlusion is more obvious. Even a little greedy. I want to take this sword for myself. But he held it back. Because he knew it was useless even if he held it. No one in the world can really use this sword except for connection, and play its real purpose.

Or, more accurately, on the Kunlun mountain. When he found the connection, he held the green double sword in his hand. He recognized it at the time. There is a chance to take it away like Jiuquan graduate flower. But it's because it's not available. That's why I gave up the idea.

But he suddenly felt that now let you know the secret of this sword. Maybe not. After all, the man designed it to get the sword. Ben will let him know the secret sooner or later. If you want to know sooner or later, why don't you tell him now? Although it was the first gift given to Lin Xi after they became husband and wife.

Sure enough, I heard Deng Xiaoyu's words. Lin Xi was stunned. He asked: "is it related to Qin Shihuang? How can it be related to Qin Shihuang? This sword is in legend. It's Liu Bang who won it in the mountains. If it's really the sword of Qin Shihuang, he should be buried with him. How can Liu Bang get it? "

Perhaps as expected, Deng Xiaoyu shook his head. "Why not?" he said with a smile? Brother Ming, listen to me. When the first emperor of Qin unified the world, he dissolved the gold of the six countries and cast 12 people. But after casting the 12 pictures, he found that there was still copper water left, so he decided to cast a sword of the emperor. But all the swordsmen at that time were limited. It's hard for anyone to please him. "

"Until later, meteorites came down from the sky. It's engraved with the word "Ninja Wang," not the word. There is cloud iron in the meteorite. It was obtained by the descendants of Ou Yezi, and then he used this meteorite iron. Plus the copper water left by 12 bronze men. Cast a sword of the emperor. It's called Tian Wen. It means: Heaven is solid and can't be asked, so I send heaven's will with my will. We can see the ambition of Qin Shihuang. "

"Later, when Emperor Qinshihuang died, tianwenjian was buried with him. It's gone. This green double sword is a descendant of Ou Yezi. After casting Tianwen sword, the remaining cloud iron will be left. It's private. Until the end of Qin Dynasty, the world was in chaos. Another meteorite landed on earth. He found the falling meteorite. Then take out the cloud iron from it. To melt two pieces of cloud iron into one. The latter part made this green double sword. I don't believe you. Look at the pattern of green double swords. The two sides are different. Even the peak is stewed on one side and sharp on the other, because the nature of cool cloud iron is different. That's what happened. "

"The one who made the green double swords had other uses. But I don't know why. But he gave the sword to Liu Bang. From then on, it was left in the world. Disappear in the eyes of the world. I didn't expect to get it from brother Lin. it's really lucky. "

Although Xiaoyu has something to hide, it is still about the origin of qingshuangjian. Tell Lin Xi. And in his opinion, after listening to the origin, Lin Xi should be touched.

But he didn't know. The connection does touch. But it's not the touch he imagined. I think this sword has something to do with Qin Shihuang. Undoubtedly, it has increased its value. Almost a top national treasure. He'll use it to carry on his family later. It must be another story.But at this time, if he didn't want to do something, he looked at Deng Xiaoyu and said, "no, Xiaoyu. Even if you know the story, it's the first time you've seen the green double swords. How do you know that the two sides are different? Have you ever seen "

as Lin Xi said. Deng Xiaoyu knows the origin of qingshuangjian. Although it surprised him, he didn't think too much about it. After all, similar legends. It is popular in many places among the people. So it's not surprising. Even Deng Xiaoyu knows about qingshuangjian. But it was no surprise. After all, Deng Xiaoyu knows so many secrets about him. It's not surprising to know the green double swords.

But I just thought about it and thought something was wrong. Even if Deng Xiaoyu knew that story. I know he has green double swords. But after all, he didn't see qingshuangjian with his own eyes. And qingshuangjian has been lost for two thousand years. How can we know that the peaks of qingshuangjian are different.

Unless there's only one possibility. Deng Xiaoyu has seen qingshuangjian.

But since getting the green double swords, the star has always been inseparable. Except for a few people, almost no one has seen it. Where did Deng Xiaoyu meet?

"I haven't seen it, but I know it! Because the people who live in qingshuangjian are the ancestors of our family. This story is also handed down from generation to generation. How do you think I recognized it? "

There is something in Lin Xi's words. Let Deng Xiaoyu Leng for a moment. Whether or not he has answered. All fall into the trap of connection. Too tight proves he's lying. And it's proved that he must have seen qingshuangjian. Otherwise, how can we know that the two sides have different peaks.

He's smart in the world, too. He confessed that he had seen the sword. Although he made up the excuse, it sounds absurd. But also let Linxi impeccable. Can only be asked in reverse: "what you say is true."

Zhang Xiaoyu nodded: "of course it's true. Brother Ming. You're not doubting me, are you? You'll make me sad. "

See light rain raised fingers, contact can not help but scalp numbness. Those who are wise dare not ask. Anyway, green double swords are in his hands. How does Deng Xiaoyu know? It has nothing to do with him.

He can't afford to stir up trouble.

It's just that he feels very depressed. Think of the money drum in my stomach. He was threatened by Deng Xiaoyu. It's a shame. But he is still gradually away from Deng Xiaoyu. So as not to offend the little fairy. Let the former flower drum torture themselves.

That's it. I came to the platform three years later. After seeing sister Qiuyue and saying hello to each other, they began to move on to headless mountain. It was just their direction. Instead of passing the ladder yesterday, he chose another path to walk from the back of Qinglong mountain to the valley. The United monk under the Three Kingdoms. There is a huge tree with three people in their arms, and the play henggeng is on both sides of the river bank. Become a natural wooden bridge.

Zhu told Lin Xi. The way they're going now. It was opened up many years ago by hunting in the mountains of Ming Dynasty. It's just not necessary. It is gradually abandoned! And the road is extremely hidden. Even Liu Fanglin didn't know. They sneak up headless mountain from here. It will not be discovered by Liu Fanglin. It's just a long way around. It's just a little more work.

Ah Zhu has a big black dog. Go ahead and cut through the thorns. Open up a pedestrian road. Though rugged and difficult. And it's a long way around. But it's also safe. By noon, they were halfway up the mountain. The distance to the area covered by the clouds is close at hand. But contact also knows. Although they now look close, even straight-line distance is less than a few hundred meters. But if you really want to go there, you can't get down without two or three hours. It's true that a dead horse is running in the mountains.

"Ahigo. There is a cave ahead. Let's go and have a rest. Eat before you go. It's not easy to walk in the back. "

Another half an hour. A Zhu suddenly found something, showing great joy. He turned his head and pointed to the natural cave in front of him. Outside the freezer, Cao is forced to grow many beautiful cities. It falls down to cover the cave. There are also many towering technologies to cover. If not for Zhu's shrewdness, it would be hard to find out.

Hear ah live words, contact also feel hungry. They've been walking since morning. It's been four or five hours. Except for stopping occasionally on the road. I didn't stop at all. The physical strength is almost consumed. It's time to stop and rest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!