If you look carefully, you will find that the surface is only a layer of lime soil. And I'm sitting under it. It's smooth and soft. It's pigg. The bottom is covered with pillow shaped rectangular white bricks, and there are withered and yellow long ears on both sides of the stone seat. Even because the time is too long, as long as you touch those long ears with your hand, they will be weathered and fall off.

But in Lin Xi's eye, he could see the truth inside the stone block through the square bricks and long pieces. What was hidden under the black sleep was two ferocious heads. Moreover, the face of the head is well preserved. It's no different for me to collect money. It's definitely not carved, but a real corpse's face with blood dripping from the mouth and eyes. I don't know how Baicun can survive in the air for thousands of years.

In this dark, empty cave. The craftsmen who lived in Kaishan and Jianling a thousand years ago have disappeared in the eyes of the world since they left. More than two thousand years. Today, more than 2000 years later, they inadvertently break into this dark and deep place. Seeing two ferocious heads thousands of years ago, how can he not be afraid of such strange and mysterious things?

And he can see that the blood from the female corpse is more than that from you. It's not real blood. It's a special drug. It can guarantee his immortality for a thousand years. The drug won't disperse in the air. Not even out of her body. Just before he died, he was forced into his mouth. He'll be drowned alive. He suffered a lot during his lifetime. It's appalling.

The key is that there is more than one female corpse under the ten seats. It's six naked bodies. They knelt on the ground in two rows. Some of them bowed their heads and some of them turned their faces, showing a terrible and ferocious state. But they call out their backs without reservation and form a large stool for the stone statue to sit on.

And these six female corpses are the same height. The width of the back is also figured out, the height is the same, and then after special calligraphy practice. Keep their skin together. Soft as leather. The stone statue sitting on it is like sitting on the soft mat on which the dead body rides.

Such a terrible sight. Lin Xi never saw it. Even more terrifying than the snake he saw in Kunlun mountain. Even after a long time. He didn't recover. When he was in college, he also heard the professor talk about it. It has also been recorded in historical books. We need to inject red sand into their bodies before they die. They're not stiff at all. Plus special drugs. So as to keep the Millennium incorruptible. In the past, I thought it was exaggeration by the ancients. Even if there is such a person, Deng may have long been lost in history. It's impossible to see. But I didn't expect to see real food in this situation.

This is equivalent to killing the living as furniture. Walking, lying and standing on the corpses of living people all day long, how can we not make people scared? There's even a strong sense of nausea. I can't help vomiting.

It is said that Xia Jie, the last monarch of Xia Dynasty, was a famous tyrant. He was extravagant and lustful, and compared himself with the sun in the sky. Female slaves wanted to lie down on the ground to be human beings for him. There were also male slaves' chariots and horses for him to ride. All these were invented by him himself, and later This cruel system lasted for many dynasties, and it is said that it still existed until the Yuan Dynasty. Since ancient times, it has been a custom that everything a king enjoys while he is alive must be prepared after his death. This Corpses should be the substitutes of human beings in the underworld.

Seeing that there was something wrong with the connection, he was immediately concerned: "brother Lin, are you ok? "

Lin Xi shook his head. I can't resist the nausea in my heart. Such a terrible sight. Even he couldn't take it. Not to mention Deng Xiaoyu and a Zhu. And he kept it from them. And they walked out of the cave: "this cave is weird, it's not suitable for us to stay for a long time. It's important to get down to business. "

Xiaoyu doesn't know, so he is forced to walk by Linxi. And he could not resist at all. Even when he wants to struggle and is detained by the contact, take out. He couldn't practice all over his body. He couldn't even play a finger to command the love flower.

Ten minutes later, they finally walked out of the cave. Lin Xi releases Deng Xiaoyu and a Zhu. Looking at the bright sky outside the cave, I dressed in coarse clothes, trying to drive out all the fears in my heart just now. I don't even want to go into that memory any more. Until after a long time. He just recovered.

"Brother Lin, are you really OK?"

See Lin Xi so strange. Deng Xiaoyu Qinglin's eyes, bulk Jimo complex only, he has guessed, Lin Xi just in the cave. Something unusual must have been found. That's why I left in such a hurry. And contact and pull him and Zhu away. It's all for their good. I want them to see what they don't want to see. It's the way he is now.

So that Deng Xiaoyu moved compassion, although he and Lin had a feud in previous life, but Lin was not bad. He knew that no matter in Fenghuang village, or now here, no matter what happened, he would be protected behind his body. Even if he was like Lin last night, Lin was the same.

Maybe he and Lin can coexist.

"Let's go. The mausoleum should be nearby. This is far from the area covered by the clouds. It's only more than an hour away at most. If Shumin is really in this area, it will leave traces. If you find him, you shouldn't come. "After a long time. Contact, and finally calm. But he became silent. Greet Deng Xiaoyu and a Zhu to move on. It was as he said. They find those realizations here. It proves that the location of the trees is not far from here. It was craftsmen who carved stone statues here. I will certainly find a way to transport it to the mausoleum. If it is too far away, it will consume unimaginable manpower and material resources. So I'm sure it will be.

The key is to connect with the stone bench just now. In addition to the female corpses, they were also on the long square bricks. I saw many as like as two peas of white tiger totem. It also proves the origin of those stone statues. It's really for the general's tomb.

It's just hard to imagine. 80000 generals respected by 10000 people. Even if they were buried alive. Use Ren Dong this type of house. Maybe it's not his intention. And the system of martyrdom was also very common in that era. But for the connection, it has caused a great impact. It's like subverting his perception. He used to be a great dragon slayer. All of a sudden, one day it became the dragon.

In that case, they did not stay. Continue to blaze the way with kitchen knives. Go in the direction they set. Lin Xi was also in this period of time. I readjusted my mind. I can't be normal. Forget what you saw before.

And as they move forward, they get closer to that area. And they're all starting to pull themselves together. Watch what's going on around here. Although the mountain forest is vast, if Su min is really here, he will certainly leave traces. But again, it's a grave robber hiding in the dark. It could be around here, too. If they meet, sister Qiuyue tells her about the ferocity of those tomb robbers. And they probably have guns in their hands. Even if Lin Xi himself can retreat. Xiaoyu is definitely not the opponent. So they have to look carefully. She's afraid she'll meet the explanation as soon as possible.

"Look there, brother. There's blood on the ground. "

suddenly, r-zhu seems to find something? At least a boulder in the distance. It's under the boulder. There's a bright red bloodstain. The blood has dried up. It's full of ants. It's obvious that the bloodstain was left by these two days.

"No, it means it may be dangerous. Look around here. There are obvious signs of fighting. She is likely to come here. Meet those grave robbers here. Then there was a conflict. That's why there's this pool of blood. "

Lin Xi rushed over. Looking at the blood on the ground. Then he looked around. Show the color of the forest. Make an analysis and judgment. Besides the blood, there are several other people's footprints. It is clear that there was a violent conflict at that time. Finally, it shows that we are not equal to each other. So much so as to clean up the layout.

"Second, brother. What shall we do? They have guns in their hands. We can't beat them. "

Hear Lin Xi's analysis. I became nervous in the first week. I've been running around these two days. He also knew that the grave robbers at that time were extremely vicious. If they meet, it's dangerous. Children are simple minded. It's hard to avoid being surrounded by fear. It gives birth to the heart of retreat.

On the contrary, it was Deng Xiaoyu. Not only was he not afraid, but his eyes were very bright. He seemed eager to try. He said excitedly: "since the tomb robbers are nearby, they must have found the general's tomb. Maybe we've found the entrance. As long as we walk over now, we can catch them and beat them unprepared. Big black dogs can smell them and find them

But he shook his head. Analysis: "I have a point. Now it's not clear. It can only prove that Shumin has a conflict with the other party. But how many people are there? What's the situation like? We all know nothing about it. If we rashly follow the past, it will certainly be bad for us. Especially you and Zhu. I can deal with them then. But I can't protect you. If you are in danger, what can I do when I go back? "

At this point, I ponder a little. Looking at the surrounding mountains and forests, observing the terrain and shape of the mountains, he buried his head for a moment, and then continued: "if I'm not wrong, you can feel the approximate position. It should be under that hill. But look at that hilltop, most of Sanyo has fallen off. Proof of collapse. In other words, the real location of the wooden door. It's covered up. So if the grave robbers want to enter the tomb, they will certainly surround the location within 300 meters.

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