On their heads, there was a row of mysterious symbols, which looked like a pattern totem. It felt that there was nothing special except mystery.

However, after Lin's reminding, he found that there seemed to be some special rules hidden in the pictures and texts, which were indeed some ancient characters.

"I don't understand these characters very well. I don't study many ancient characters. Xiao Ning, you come here. I remember that you were studying the previous characters before you came here, right? See if you can recognize these symbols ··· "

sister Qiuyue looked at the runes, and after a long time, she still couldn't see the reason. After all, she specializes in this field, and she doesn't know much about it.

But at this time, she seemed to think of something, turned and called Ning Renjian, although Ning Renjian's main attack is not these ancient characters.

However, before this departure, he had studied the pre Qin characters for some special reasons, and maybe he could recognize the person.

"Judging from these characters, they are indeed Cuban characters. From right to left, they are: Zhen is Lei, Gen is Shan, Feng Shan is gradually, Lei Ze is Gui Mei..."

Ning Renjian went to the front, carefully watched the pictures and pictures, scraped off the moss, and then gradually interpreted them.

Although the words were very obscure to him, and it took him a long time to identify each one of them before he could identify its origin, at least they were identified.

But identification belongs to identification, but people don't understand its meaning. What is the hidden meaning of those pictures?

In particular, Lao Zhang frowned and said, "these words are so strange that I can't understand half a sentence. Is there any clue to untie the mechanism in them"

Ning Renjian thought carefully: "it seems to be the name of the 64 hexagrams in the book of changes, but no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with the mechanism"

as Ning Renjian's voice fell, Lin added with a smile "Yes, this is the 64 hexagrams of Zhouyi, and the mechanism of opening these two stone gates is hidden in these four hexagrams"

after hearing Lin Yu's words, people didn't understand his meaning and looked at him one after another, as if asking for the reason. Lin Yu explained again: "there are four hexagrams in total, and Zhen Wei Lei is the first one. In the 64 hexagrams of the book of changes, there are four hexagrams The main idea of the fifty first hexagram is that when the thunder shakes, everything in the world will panic "

for this explanation, someone suddenly frowned and asked," what does that mean? Mr. Lin, not to say yes or no, "Mr. Lin, our group of people is woodlouse in this regard. You can't speak clearly."

did not give any doubt to the man. Instead, he said, "Qiu Yue Jie," then he said, "this picture does not mean that the tomb is hidden in the grave."

, "after all, we have already experienced it. I don't know how long it will take to get to the last hell hall. Maybe this is to remind us that after passing through these two stone gates, the back will be more dangerous, and advise us to stop moving forward ·· "

maybe it's reasonable that everyone present is shrouded in haze. The future is already so dangerous, and the back is even more dangerous than the future, so they continue to move forward, Don't you really want to live in danger, or even die here?

The most important thing is that sister Qiuyue's explanation sounds reasonable. They have no reason not to believe it.

But at this time, Deng Xiaoyu suddenly broke the atmosphere and asked curiously, "brother Xi, what do you mean by the remaining hexagrams"

although Lin Yu is also heavy hearted, since he has come here and everyone has decided to move on, how can he be timid?

He immediately perked up and went on: "the second hexagram is called Gen Wei Shan, which means the image of heavy mountain pass and lock. It means to camp step by step"

at this point, Lin Fu stopped deliberately, as if he was trying to figure out the deep meaning, but he didn't have a clue. Other people didn't know what to do, which made the already dignified atmosphere even more depressed.

Fortunately, sister Qiuyue was calm enough and said in a deep voice: "brother Lin, you can say all the following two trigrams, so stop playing tricks on them"

Lin nodded and said directly: "the third trigram is the wind mountain gradually, which means that the vegetation is gradually growing, which means that the accumulation of less is more than the accumulation of more"

"finally, Leize Guimei is the image of error, It seems to say that improper behavior will lead to danger ahead. These four hexagrams add up to the fifty first, fifty second, fifty third and fifty fourth hexagrams in the book of changes.

it was not until Lin Yu's voice fell and people thought for a moment that Lao Zhang thought about it carefully: "judging from the meaning of these hexagrams, they are really reminding us that there will be more danger ahead, so we should do it step by step But now the key is, what does these hanging lines have to do with finding the mechanism and opening the stone gate ··· "

maybe as expected, Lin Yu looked at the hexagrams and then looked at the two huge stone gates, thought about the key, and said:" although these pictures and pictures on the stone gate are only hexagrams, But it contains the eight trigrams' directions"If I'm not wrong, these hexagrams all have corresponding patterns. Let's look around and see if there are any patterns similar to the eight trigrams"

"and the moss on the stone gate. If you can clear it out, try to clear it out. Maybe the pictures and pictures are hidden under the moss, and we don't find them. Maybe we can't find them"

we have to say that Lin's thinking really jumps out, If you change to someone else, even if you recognize the hexagrams, you will be confused by the content of them.

But he can jump directly from the hexagram to the eight trigrams. His active thinking is really shocking.

But then again, when the old man forced Lin Yu to learn these things, he worked hard. With his rote memory, he had not forgotten them for so many years. Even if he copied them, he could easily crack those mechanisms.

But Lin Yu was very confused. It seemed that every time something similar happened to him, the things that the old man gave him could always be used. It seemed that he had expected them in advance, so he gave them to him.

So that he suddenly had a ridiculous idea in a moment. As early as ten years ago, even today, the old man left him a way out?

But soon, he put the idea out, and felt that it was too absurd. If the old man really had such a God, he would have been a God for a long time. How could he be left with nothing?

Just as he thought about it, other people scattered around, looking for the corresponding eight diagrams on the cave wall near Shimen. Some even lowered their heads and observed the surrounding ground.

Obviously, they were suspicious when they met the mechanism just now.

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