There are always some people in the world, who are not for fame or profit, and point to doing something for others on their own. They don't want to get fame, they just want to be worthy of their hearts.

If it is true, as the old nurse said, Mr. Liu's character is indeed noble, and let people respect him from the heart. The person with such a character in history must be a well-known sage.

For example, Ming Renzong and Ming Xuanzong, who created the "rule of benevolence and publicity", were such people, thus laying the foundation for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty. Later, two hundred years later, Liu Lao had such a character that he could be regarded as a unique scholar.

It's really sad that such a scholar died.

Then the elder nurse said, "unfortunately, it's not a year in the future! Old Liu is only 70 years old this year. He is suffering from congenital heart disease. Because he is old and his condition worsens, he has to retreat and cultivate himself.

"last year, he recuperated in Zijin Mountain of Jinling, but his condition has improved. As a result, because of the carelessness of his secretary, old Liu went out without emergency medicine. On the way, old Liu fell ill, causing his body to deteriorate again and again.

" later Liu knew that time was running out, and he was also from Chengdu, so he wanted to go back to his roots, but he didn't expect that in less than a year, his old family would be gone, and fortune made a fool of people "

while talking, the two nurses walked away, and Lin Yu listened in his heart, stopped and turned to come to Liu's sick room. Although he didn't know Liu, he didn't know him It's to show respect. Even if you look at it more, you can know who he is.

At that time, in Liu's ward, several experts in white coats were busy, trying to save Liu from death.

There are also traditional Chinese medicine in the ward. These traditional Chinese medicine are also from the hospital. Lin remembers that Zhou zhe said that when western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine diagnose at the same time, it proves that this person is dying. It seems that he is really good.

In addition to the doctors, there was a six or seven year old boy in front of the hospital bed. The boy held Mr. Liu's cold hand and cried loudly, calling for his grandfather not to leave. However, Mr. Liu was so blind that he might hear his call, but he could never wake up.

Next to the boy, there are also a group of middle-aged couples. They seldom look sad. It must be Mr. Liu's son. Seeing that they are well dressed and not angry, they must have a bright future.

Especially the woman, though she was over middle age, still had a lingering charm and was in tears. She wanted to call her son back and not disturb the doctor's diagnosis, but she was stopped by her husband. Maybe his son's voice could wake him up.


In addition, the ward is also full of people. They are all very impressive. They are all rich or expensive. They may be feudal officials or big people. At this time, they all feel heartfelt sorrow for Liu Lao's breathing.

Although he was surrounded by the crowd, he could still see clearly by his heavenly eye power. His eyes were closed, his face was pale and haggard, his cheekbones were high, his face was covered with senile spots, and he was now a dying man.

He has only one breath left now. If his breath is gone, I'm afraid there will be no one left.

But the next moment, Lin suddenly froze, and then frowned, as if thinking about what, how does he feel the old Liu, as if he had seen him somewhere?

"Doctor Fei, how long will your teacher be here? I'm afraid that if Mr. Liu continues to drag on like this, he won't be able to do it. Otherwise, he should be sent to the ICU first. When your teacher comes, it's not too late for him to start his work ·· "

at the same time, among the doctors, the president of the provincial people's hospital is the first one wearing a white coat. He brings the best experts in the hospital to help Liu Bin consult his illness. However, they can't go back to heaven, even if they can drag on It's not a long-term solution if you get it for a while.

So if you want to save Mr. Liu, you have to root him out. But Mr. Liu has a congenital heart disease, which can't be solved by western medicine. Therefore, the only hope is that he can only rely on traditional Chinese medicine, and there may be a way back to heaven.

Coincidentally, Lao Fei, director of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, although he has no way to solve Liu's illness, according to him, his teacher may have a way, and he has convinced his teacher to come to Chengdu to diagnose Liu himself.

It's just that his teacher didn't arrive, but Mr. Liu was dying.

If something happens to Liu Laozhen, let alone the president, no one in the provincial people's hospital can take the responsibility. Therefore, the president can't help but suggest that he be sent to ICU for monitoring, and maybe he can wait for Lao Fei's teacher.

"President, Secretary Jiang has gone to pick up the teacher. I believe he will be here soon. He specially asked that before he came, Liu Lao should not be admitted to ICU ·····"

"Liu Lao's body is very weak. If you use the instrument again, I'm afraid the teacher will come, and there's nothing he can do at that time"

although Lao Fei is only three years old Although he is over ten years old, he can still be the director of traditional Chinese medicine department. Instead of wearing a white coat, he is wearing a blue gown, a pair of round frame glasses and a big back. It is quite like an old doctor.

As for the president's suggestion, he directly refused. He has the medical skill now, and all thanks to his teacher. Therefore, he respects his teacher very much and regards his advice as the golden rule.However, he also knew that Liu's condition was very dangerous, but he had no choice but to sigh: "Alas, Liu's illness this time is really too urgent. Now the disease has spread, blocking his viscera, causing organ failure. There is a trend of five failures between man and nature, and ordinary medicine stone is useless ·······"

"only when my teacher was young, he was lucky enough to be taught by God and man Although he is not unique in the world, he is also unique. His unique acupuncture technique is likely to save Mr. Liu, so we have to wait ···· "

as Lao Fei's words fall, the dean and other experts all frown, surprised and suspicious of his teacher.

He was surprised at whether the "mutual instruction of God and man" was true or too mythical, and doubted whether he really had the ability to rescue Liu.

Otherwise, if we delay so much time, Mr. Liu will die in the end. I'm afraid they will be miserable.

After hearing Fei's judgment, Liu's family members cried more bitterly. There was despair in the air, which made people feel sad and cry.

"It's all said that doctors are kind-hearted, but I think quack doctors harm people"

but at this time, there was a sigh outside the door. It seemed that he was heartbroken by Lao Fei's judgment, and also disappointed that the president and others were helpless. It seemed that in his memory, doctors should not be so incompetent.

The source of this voice is Lin Yu who is peeping. , the fastest update of the webnovel!