Li Li, as an old hand, who can make money skillfully, such as the oil man, although it is said that she only knows how to make money.

The old man was the first one Li Li met since she opened the shop. She would not let it go easily. She didn't even consider the consequences. She used the old trick again. She changed a worthless string for another one. She thought that after the event, she would transfer the bead and put tens of thousands of yuan into the account.

Although the money is not much, it is better than nothing.

However, she didn't expect that she would be so unlucky today. When she met the hard stubble that she couldn't afford, she happened to be knocked out by Tong Yan and shaken out by her. Lin Xi was even more difficult to be provoked, so she got to the field.

So when she came to the monitoring room, she contacted manager Zhou urgently, and she didn't come to find a way to remedy it. When things were revealed, both of them would suffer, and there would be no good end.

This is Li Li's only reliable support now.

When manager Zhou learned that the matter was very serious, he rushed to stop it. Unexpectedly, it was half a step too late. However, as a veteran in the workplace, even if the matter was exposed and the risk was minimized, he could stop a lot of losses. Therefore, now, he avoids talking about the matter itself and blames captain Zhu for no reason.

And in his view, as long as the spearhead is shifted, with Lin Xi and Tong Yan, two unknown young people, I'm afraid the society has not come out and it's easy to deal with them.

He must solve all the problems before the general manager comes.

But he never thought that no matter who was here, he could not be provoked. After being reprimanded by him, Captain Zhu turned red and said impolitely, "manager Zhou, even if you report to the investment company, you have no right to deal with me, and the general manager has said that she will deal with it in person ···"

as captain Zhu said, manager Zhou has a case However, the final decision lies with the general manager. What's more, what captain Zhu did was ordered by the general manager. Even if he made a mistake, he would not be dismissed.

Besides, he was born in the army, and he had a good spirit. How could he be threatened by manager Zhou.

On the contrary, it was manager Zhou who came up to criticize him and ignored the general manager's instructions. He was obviously suspected of exceeding his authority.

"You can't deal with all these little things well. What are you doing here?..."

manager Zhou was choked for a while, and his face suddenly became gloomy. His affairs were not seen. If the general manager came to deal with them, he would know the whole story, find out what happened to him, and then he would be dismissed just because he wanted to seek private benefits from the public.

The most important thing is that his years of corruption are enough to keep him in prison.

As for his backer, let alone saving him, it's lucky that he won't be involved.

At the critical moment, he has every reason to believe that the backer will throw him out without hesitation.

"Manager Zhou, right? Who gave you the courage to cheat your consumption and slander your customers? How can Lin Xi tolerate it when things get to this point? He has seen many wonderful flowers, but it's the first time he's ever met such a twisted fact that his face is not red and his heart is not beating.

"Who are you? It's none of your business ·· "

manager Zhou obviously realized that if he continued to consume like this, he would not be able to run when the general manager came. He was inevitably impatient. When he was sneered at by Lin Xi, he was furious and lost his old demeanor.

After he scolded Lin Xi angrily, he looked at team leader Zhu and said, "we will solve the problem of internal staff. I will accept it. All irrelevant people, please go out immediately"

the so-called irrelevant people are nothing but Lin Xi and Tong Yan. As long as they are not there, the old man and little potato are old, weak, sick and disabled, and they are not at his disposal.

So far, he didn't understand the situation. It's strange that Li Li only mentioned the string of beads when he sent the message to him. So when he came, he saw the string of beads in the hands of the old man and thought that the old man was the party. That's why he had such a naive idea.

Even so, he didn't get what he wanted, and captain Zhu didn't move. He pushed him back: "manager Zhou, they are all parties, and I have no right to let them go out ····"

after being pushed back by Captain Zhu, manager Zhou suddenly yelled: "Zhu Zhenguo, you ···"

when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything, and manager Zhou didn't agree I realized that he was only the floor manager, and the logistics department was not in his charge, so I couldn't deal with it directly. Now the most important thing is to suppress this matter, so I have to swallow my anger.

After taking a breath of fresh air and temporarily suppressing the thunder and anger, manager Zhou said in a trembling voice: "no matter who is right or wrong in this matter, it's all up to now"

speaking of this, he raised his hand and looked at the time. The meeting was almost over, and he was more anxious. He continued: "and I think this matter may be just a misunderstanding

Lin * * became interested. His eyes twinkled. He was surprised and said, "misunderstanding? What misunderstanding ··· "

manager Zhou glanced at Lin Xi and gave a silent response:" Julie's original intention is not to extort consumption, but to give the bracelet and everything to the old man. It's just that she didn't understand it for a moment, which led to this misunderstanding. Now that the misunderstanding has been solved, don't you understand it all ·· "At this point, he turned to look at Julie and said, "Julie, I don't want to take the old man out yet. I'll go through the rest of the procedures well"

manager Zhou is so bold and reckless. In order to make things better, he turned black and white. It's obvious that it's cheating consumption, and he said it's a gift. That's why Lin Xi was so angry that he laughed. This kind of blatant sophistry is really lawless.

The old man with a small potato also looks strange at this time. He has experienced wind and rain in his life. He has seen all kinds of people and many idiots, but there are really not many such idiots in the world.

I don't know how such a fool got to this position!

What they don't know is that manager Zhou just wants to send them away. As long as there is no party involved, he will use his power to delete the monitoring records. Even if the general manager comes and there is no direct evidence, there is no way to take him.

He is not like the deputy general manager. He is a fool. He not only revolts against the general manager, but also gets caught by others. At last, he is pulled down. Moreover, he has a backer behind him. Even the general manager, he has to give face.

But at this time, Lin Xi suddenly showed a smile, bright and bright, and mercilessly said: "manager Zhou's good skills, the means of reversing black and white, let me open my eyes, but you arranged so much, why don't you ask, the old man agree? Why don't you ask us if we are willing to leave "

for this matter, Lin Xi is extremely angry, how can he let the other party do it?

If we don't eradicate this cancer, or say that he is behind the scenes, or cheat on consumption, I'm afraid that it will be a big disaster for pawnbrokers in the future.

Looking at Lin Xi, a little boy, and jumping out to miss his good deeds, and delaying the time for the general manager to come, manager Zhou could no longer restrain himself and roared: "boy, there's nothing for you here, so don't mix with him blindly"

in manager Zhou's view, it's commendable that he can make concessions, and these people, he has seen the old man, and he's very proud of him Impression, stay in the old can deceive, completely did not pay attention to.

Lin Xi is the only one who has done bad things to him many times. He really deserves to die!

"What if I have to get involved? I don't need to say much about manager Zhou's backbone. I'd like to know if you can get a sentence for cheating consumption "

manager Zhou's idea has been seen through by Lin Xi. He strides half a step and blocks in front of the monitoring screen with a smile on his face.

Since you don't know how to repent, he is not afraid of death. Anyway, as a consultant, he just put up a name here, which is not what he wants to do.

If we don't clean up manager Zhou, he can't make it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!