Only Tong Yan, after seeing the girl, immediately showed his vigilance and asked Lin Xi: "well, Lin Xi, who is she? I can't see that there are still many of your acquaintances in Kyoto ·· "

instead of answering, Lin Xi pondered for a long time, turned to his childhood and said:" Yan Yan, you take the miracle doctor back to the hotel first, I have something to talk with Meng Lao, and I'll come back to pick you up later ·· "

Tong Yan was stunned, her question didn't answer, and now she has to drive him away, what is this What's going on?

Don't you agree to buy some gifts and have dinner at her house in the evening?

This makes her more confused about who the other party is.

"Why? I don't want to go back ·· "

Tong Yan was upset. Before she finished her words, she was interrupted by Lin Xi's stern eyes and said," listen! You go back first "

facing Lin Xi's eyes, Tong Yan suddenly realized that something might have happened, otherwise she would never be so serious with her understanding of Lin Xi.

You should know that before, no matter how unreasonable she was, no matter what big things she met, Lin Xi was calm and never so serious. Unless she was not sure about what she met, Lin Xi would send her away first and bear the consequences alone.

The younger brother and sister were childhood sweethearts. They knew their faces clearly. They suddenly looked at Meng Lao with infinite worry. They didn't know what to do.

More do not know who the other party is, why to find Linxi.

"Well, let's go back and wait for you, you remember to come back early, if, if time passes, dad will not be happy ··"

Tong Yan wants to stay, but Lin Xi's eyes can't be refuted at all, and don't look at her pettiness. Whenever the key time comes, she still has self-knowledge, even if she stays, it won't have any effect, and she will give Lin a lot of help Xi tianluan, on the contrary, she left now, to get rid of her worries, more able to let go of her hands and feet.

So after a little thought, she decided to follow Lin Xi's advice and go back to the hotel to wait for him. At the same time, she reminded Lin Xi that if it was time, he would tell his father if he didn't go back.

As a child's father, as long as you are willing to do your best to find Mencius in Kyoto, it can't be easier.

After hearing the hint of his childhood, Lin Xi understood it, nodded his head and agreed. Then he looked at the fat and thin brothers and said sincerely, "the promise I gave you, after you have considered it, you can come to me at any time"

the thin man didn't know what the promise was, so he was at a loss.

But the fat man nodded and agreed: "don't worry, wait for our brother to discuss, I'll give you a definite word ···"

Lin Xi nodded again, then came to Meng Lao, and said in a deep voice: "Meng Lao, this is not a place to talk, let's find a place to talk in detail ···"

Professor Meng didn't object, but moved his eyes and looked at them His eyes twinkled and he felt funny. Could he be a ghost Shura, so serious that he could explain everything?

But on second thought, he promised: "you don't want them to know, I promise you! If I remember well, there is a teahouse outside the Huoshen temple, and the environment is quiet and elegant, I might as well go and sit down "

then Mr. Meng turned around and walked out of the alley, and Lin Xi followed him, walking with heavy and difficult steps, which made him worried.

The girls around Meng were bored because they didn't pay attention to her. Lin Xi complained: "brother Lin Xi, we are old acquaintances. It's hard to meet him. Don't be so serious. Are those people your friends just now? Who are they?

however, Lin Xi's thoughts are all on Meng, so he is not in the mood to respond.

The girl was so bored that she restrained herself and ran to Meng Lao. Holding Meng Lao's arm, she whispered: "grandfather, you are right. We came out today and met elder brother Lin..."

while talking, the girl turned her head and looked at the child who was still standing in the original place and didn't walk. Although she was a little curious, she was just curious, because she didn't walk I don't know why they are so serious now.

As for Tong Yan's side, after Lin Xi left, the fat and thin brothers wanted to say hello to Tong Yan, but they found themselves embarrassed. Tong Yan didn't pay any attention, turned around and dragged Zhou zhe away, and called her father to talk about things here.

Although Tong Yan told Lin Xi that she would tell her father if she didn't come back in the evening, she didn't stop caring. Fortunately, her father advised her not to think about it and wait until the time.

If the old people are willing to help them out, they should not have too much malice. Maybe there is something really wrong, or some elder has something important to talk about, which is inconvenient for outsiders to know.

Tong Yan can't help it, but as time goes on, Lin Xi never comes back. She doesn't even have any news, which makes her more impatient. Finally, she can't help but take out the phone and call another person, hoping that he can help herself.

That person's name is Su Tianlan.

As for the two brothers, after Tong Yan left, they also left there.The conditions given by Lin Xi can change their fate and allow them no delay. We must discuss the results as soon as possible.


after leaving the alley, Lin Xi followed Mr. Meng to the teahouse called "xiangmingxuan", where he asked for a quiet room. After the two sides sat down, they began to negotiate.

"Brother Linxi, don't be calm! It's frightening "

along the way, Lin Xi is always calm. After seeing Lin Xi, she is very happy. She is really depressed. It seems that her hot face is close to her cold ass.

In her memory, the former Lin Xi was not like this.

Lin Xi looks at the tea in front of him. The tea is misty and fragrant, which makes the room full of fragrance. However, he is not in the mood to taste it, nor does he respond to the girl. Instead, he whispers: "I think it's not a coincidence that old man Meng finds the boy because Kyoto is so big"

as Lin Xi says, Kyoto is the capital city. The environment is complex, not to mention people The density of the mouth is very high. If you don't want to do it intentionally, if you want to have a chance encounter here, it's not much different from looking for a needle in the sea.

Moreover, not long after he came to Kyoto, few people knew that if he was not familiar with his life and land, how could he meet such a strange "old acquaintance"?

Lin Xi didn't believe it. All the coincidences in the world happened to him. There was only one possibility for the appearance of Mencius. Mencius mastered his whereabouts and even monitored him.

It's really so terrible. Why did Mr. Meng spy on him and what's his intention?

As expected, Mr. Meng kept smiling, opened his hand and put it firmly in front of Lin Xi. In the palm of his hand, he saw six copper coins. The copper coins were very humble, just ordinary copper coins, but the surface was polished, like a slurry polished by a plate.

"I expected you to ask this question. There's nothing to hide. It's OK to tell you. I got up in the morning and got the hexagram image of Xiazhen Shanggen, which is called shanleiyi hexagram. I heard that you are knowledgeable and familiar with this hexagram image"

looking at the six copper coins, Lin Xi subconsciously gathered his eyes. Obviously, he didn't think of it, either The old man has this ability.

Moreover, as Meng Lao said, he was no stranger to this hexagram. After pondering for a while, he easily replied: "the lower shock and the upper Gen are the 27 hexagrams of the 64 hexagrams in the book of first Sutra, the Shan Lei Yi hexagram ············"

"the hexagram shock is thunder, the gen is mountain, the mountain is up and the thunder is down, the exterior is solid, the interior is weak, the exterior is solid, the interior is weak, the exterior is solid, the exterior is solid, the interior is weak, the solid is supporting people, and the empty is supporting people, so the elephant said:" Taigong alone. " When he was fishing for the Weishui River, he had a lot of worries with a screw rod in his hand, and he met King Wen from time to time. Since then, he has never been tortured.

Lin Xi has learned many skills from the old man since he was a child. Although all of them are half baked, broad but not precise, the good thing is that he memorizes them by rote.

The ability of divination is one of them. It is not difficult to recognize the divination.

So when he saw the copper coin, he was shocked. He didn't expect that as a Mencius, he would be familiar with it. If he didn't guess wrong, the reason why he ran into Mencius by chance was that he fell on six copper coins.

If it is as he expected, then Meng Lao's ability is far more profound than he imagined.

Lin Xi's answer satisfied Mr. Meng. He said with admiration, "it's not bad, it's not bad. It's true that he has some skills. What the hexagram says is that the King Wen of Zhou visited the sages in Weishui. It can be said that it's good luck. The location of the confirmation of the hexagram is just in the Liulichang"

after a pause, Mr. Meng continued: "I didn't care about it, but this little girl is not If you want to distract me, I don't want to meet the hexagram. When I met you in jinbaozhai, I thought I had recognized the wrong person, so I followed him a few more steps, and finally confirmed it. Isn't it right for the hexagram , the fastest update of the webnovel!