"What are you doing? I don't want to go yet. "

I'm angry. It's also because he's experienced things that are beyond imagination. These legendary monsters are snake and zither worm. It's not all legends. If there is a similar monster in this brother's deep place, with his ability to swim with Ann. They can't be slaughtered. Not careful!

Good thing Ann goes when she's swimming. He doesn't know much. So I took the golden silk. Keep up with it. But not long after. I found something wrong again. Ann stopped there suddenly. Looking at the darkness ahead. There was a look of horror. It's like I'm tied. You can't move it.

Lin Xi is curious. He walked up quickly. I couldn't help taking a breath in the dark. I couldn't believe it. In the dark. It's a natural depression. And in the digging. Flashing countless green fluorescence, ring those sunshine. You can see it in the ground. It's full of countless bones. There are big and small. There are rotten ones. There are still some not rotten, emitting bursts of stench.

And those bones are all wild animals in the forest. Big as jackals, tigers and leopards. As small as snake, rabbit, badger and frog, they are full of chase. It's creepy. Especially the stench. It's killing people.

"Where is this? How can there be so many colors. All died here. "

After a while. Ann came back from swimming. Ann came back from swimming. Ann swallowed her saliva. Obviously, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. I just don't understand. Why are these beasts? Will die in this brother's place, and will die in this digging. How did they get in? Why do you die here?

"Blame us for the last three years. I didn't see any rabbits. They all died here. It's kind of weird. "

Lin Xi looked at the accidents and suddenly thought that when he came, the road was quiet. But according to common sense, there should be many wild animals in this primeval forest. Not to mention the jackals, tigers and leopards, there must be a lot of pheasants and rabbits. But they didn't see any of them. At that time, they didn't pay attention to this because they wanted to do something else. Now I see this depression. It was only then that he finally responded. At the same time, it's like Ann swimming. It's amazing. Why are these beasts? I'm going to die in this place.

"No. These beasts are here. There seems to be something wrong. The one on them is. It's like a bone. Some people raise Tigers with them. My God

All of a sudden, Lin Xi noticed, digging in the bones of the body. The flashing green light. It's like a firefly. It looks rather strange. Can't help but look carefully. Why are there fireflies on the bodies? It seems to be too unreasonable.

When he turns jasmine to the extreme. After seeing those fireflies, his face suddenly changed. Only the fireflies. It's the size of a ladybug. The whole body grows red transparent crystal. The wings are crystal clear. There are seven heart spots on the back. Even through a transparent carapace. See their transparent viscera, faint green light in the flow. It's mysterious and weird.

And these fireflies, all lying on the body above, eating rotten flesh and blood. As they continue to nibble. The streamer in their bodies became stronger and stronger. It's like it's burning.

When Lin Xi saw the fireflies, he seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed. Eyes full of aggression. I can't help retreating. There was a cold sweat on his forehead.

"What do you say, brother? What kind of insect? "

Hearing Lin Xi's exclamation, Ann didn't seem to hear it clearly. She turned to look at him. Ask about the origin of these things.

Lin Xi swallowed his saliva. The voice trembled: "look at those green fireflies. They are all poisonous insects raised by others. Some people use these colored corpses to practice drums here. "

As Lin Xi said, those strange fireflies made him think of Deng Xiaoyu. Especially Deng Xiaoyu. All kinds of ancient trees emerge in endlessly, which are very similar to these. It instantly reminded him that he knew some evil stories when he looked up the ancient materials. I like to use corpses in Yanggu. Even with the human body to practice drum.

Although this kind of phenomenon has been put an end to in this society. But it's always the same. Some people go astray. Use animals to practice insects. It's not impossible.

Who is so evil? I dare to be here. So many ancient insects. What's the use of these ancient insects? What is his purpose?

"No! It's all in this society now. Others dare to do such a thing. "

An's explanation of Lin Xi. I didn't say I didn't believe it. However, it is obvious that the operation is uncertain, so it is difficult to believe in the present society. Some people dare to do such a thing. I even feel cold on my back. I feel creepy. Even the voice trembled.

"While you never find us. Get the hell out of here. I have a bad feeling. Maybe someone's looking at us. "

Lin Xi didn't answer Ann. Because he couldn't answer. It's just a moment's hesitation. He asked Ann to swim away. He didn't know what these ancient insects were? Or is it useful? But according to his personal experience, they can't cope with it. Only leaving can ensure safety.

"Right, right, get out of here. Let's go. It's really bloody today. How can I meet this kind of thing? It's a ghost. "If Ann has any hesitation, she will go on immediately. Stay away from this place. However, not far away, the foot suddenly stepped empty. The whole man fell down, frightening him. I can't help but cry out in panic. Thanks to Lin Xi's quick eyes and quick hands. In fact, hold him: "you should be careful. There's something weird about this place. Don't rush about. "

Ann was rescued from swimming. He seemed to be in shock. And because the foot is empty. When it came to his ankle, he showed his teeth in pain. He took a cool breath and said, "who knows, there's a ditch in front of me. But it's killing the fat man. Hiss. "

Lin Xi was also surprised. Why on the road ahead? There's going to be an extra ditch. I couldn't help looking down. Then he turned pale for a moment. Nian Yakuan is always cooking. Because under the ditch, there are many kinds of bones, the number is hard to estimate. It's all wild animals. It's like a large burial pit.

And there are some bones in it. Probably because of the age, it has begun to appear weathering. It seems to have a lot of years. For hundreds of years.

This is Ann swimming. I see the white bones. Suddenly forget the voice. It seems to be scared, too. First the bodies in front, then the white bones. Who is so evil? It's so outrageous. Kill so many sound pro, even if it's just a beast. That's a living thing. I'm not afraid to kill too much. Going to hell?

"Don't just laugh! Tell me about it. What's going on? "

However, the statue in front of him just kept laughing and saying nothing. It made him feel more and more strange. There's a bad feeling.

"What are you doing? It's in broad daylight. That's not good. Listen

The next moment. Suddenly stand up when playing chess. Start taking off your clothes. Soon he took off clean, then stretched out his tender palm and put it around his neck. Press his head. Came between the chest. And straddle him. Show a charming look. It's exciting.

"Mother, ghost! Well, well, ah "

Ann swimming summer night yes. I feel bad. Although he was busy giving birth every day after his marriage. But never. Do it in the daytime. No, he can't stand it. I feel embarrassed to play chess, but I just did it. And so lewd. The chess in his mind is totally two people.

Since this is not chess, who is this man?

Ann tried her best to swim. Push away the tenderness in front of him, but after pushing away, what appears in front of him. But a pale face. Long hair hanging shoulder, covering the body. The seven orifices are bleeding. With tusks on his mouth, a chill came to his face, frightening him to death. Isn't that a ghost?

"I'll eat you. Eat you. "

Ann lost her voice when she swam. The ghost is no longer silent. A sudden, eerie smile. Issued a low cry, and stretched out two claws, Chang'an swimming body to catch, mouth long tusks. It's all around his neck.

Ann wants to fight? Want to struggle, but find their own body. I can't move at all. They can only be slaughtered.

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