"Don't say a word. No one thinks you're dumb."

Seeing Jiang's approval and daring to resist, Arzu's stare made him shrink his neck. All his discontent and resentment were swallowed back. Seeing an Youyong beside him, he laughed happily, as if he was gloating.

This fight, let the car atmosphere, ease a lot, direct to the venue.

"Oh, no, brother Yu, the hidden materials of these stalls are missing."

It's because Lin Xi didn't come to the meeting these days. Even if he did, he just looked around and didn't pay attention to it. Today, when he came here, he found that all the dark label woolen materials originally placed in those shack stalls were gone, And every family is so confused.

Perhaps as expected, Qin Huan explained: "all the dark standard materials have been gathered by the organizers to the main venue, which is convenient for everyone to buy together. This is also the practice over the years."

As Qin Huan said, the wool merchants who came to join the public market had several or even dozens of pieces of dark marked materials, Participate in the final bidding meeting.

With so many stalls together, we can imagine the quantity of wool.

As they spoke, Lin Xi and his colleagues came to the main meeting hall and saw that the dark marked materials were concentrated here. They were separated according to the semi gambling and full gambling materials. The scene was quite spectacular. Now it was less than nine o'clock, there were many people in the meeting hall, holding pens and cameras, choosing their favorite woolen materials.

However, the specific time for bid opening is tomorrow afternoon, which means that Lin Xi still has one and a half days to choose these concealed bid materials. Therefore, in Lin Xi's opinion, Qin Huan are too anxious. They still have so much time. Why do they have to come now.

Lin Xi didn't know that even if there was still a day and a half left, Qin Huan thought that time was extremely urgent, even for Lin Xi.

Although he has the heavenly eye power to penetrate the essence of wool, he is not omnipotent after all. He needs to look at it piece by piece. Tens of thousands of wool here are all scattered, and the time and energy consumed by looking at them piece by piece can be imagined.

After he knows it, he will know the stakes.

"Mr. young, don't you like to remove stones? Why are you interested in hidden marks?"

In the bank next to the fat man, watching Lin Xi go to the dark mark area, I can't help feeling a little confused.

According to his understanding of Lin Xi, Lin Xi is very interested in the solution of stone, but before that, he has not seen the dark mark material. How can he change his direction and be so interested in the dark mark now.

Banyaku didn't know that Lin Xi had plans to stock up.

"I'm going to cooperate with brother Yu to buy a batch of woolen materials to stock up, so I'll come and have a look, and I'll gamble on the stones by the way. But I said in advance that I have limited financial resources, so I can only see some cheap materials, and I can't tell the secret by feeling lucky. If the gamble fails in the end, I can't gamble on jadeite, Don't blame me, brother

Not far away, Qin Huan and Yu chubby frowned at each other. One wanted to stock up, the other wanted jadeite raw materials, and naturally wanted wool with good performance. But the prices of those good wool materials were extremely expensive. I don't know how many people were interested in this piece of fat meat, so it was inevitable that they would fight with each other in the end.

However, for them, with their financial resources and strength, even if the other side is a dragon or a tiger, they are confident to win. However, Lin Xi chose wool only by feeling, and only chose cheap ones, which is quite different from their habits.

Thinking of this, Yu said with a big grin: "little brother, you won't be afraid to choose the expensive one. I don't have money to pay, do you? You don't have to worry about this. Just choose according to the plan. You don't have to worry about the capital

Knowing that he would say so, Lin Xike said, "brother, I know you don't have any money. When you meet good materials, just go inside. No one can beat you anyway."

At this point, Lin Xi's voice changed, "But I'm not the same," he said bitterly. "You know I'm poor. I can't be as heroic as you. I can't say for sure if I feel wrong. I really dare not be responsible. You don't think so."

To some extent, although Lin Xi has promised to help fat man choose wool, his heart is resistant.

After several previous gambles, he found that the wool with good performance did probably produce good jadeite, but it was only a probability, not an inevitable event.

Wool with poor skin performance may not be able to produce good jadeite. For example, Lin Xi's red jadeite is the best example.

Yu Pang's choice of wool is to make a profit by hoarding goods. As long as he performs well, even if he can produce the best jadeite, he doesn't know where to put it. In the end, it's useless.

Qin Huan also has the same principle. No matter whether the material is good or bad, he will leave it to himself. It's hard to maximize Lin Xi's interests.All in all, Lin's help to them is purely thankless and may expose himself. If he had no friendship, he would not agree to anything.

"Otherwise, if I come across good wool, I can untie it on the spot. I'll take it as my own contribution and play around."

What kind of human spirit is fat man? Immediately from Lin Xi's words, he recognized his unwillingness and guessed his intention. He quickly changed his tone to show his attitude.

To tell you the truth, last time he saw Lin Xi's gambling rise one after another, he made a lot of money. He said that he was not itchy in his heart, which was pure bullshit.

And the reason why he hoards goods is that he used to gamble on stones. All of them collapsed. He didn't dare to invest any more. He took the money to take risks and was greedy for the fat meat. Then he thought of this way to minimize the risk and get a lot of profits.

But the profit of hoarding goods, compared with the profit of gambling stone, all fools know the difference. It is not impossible to make a profit in advance if they can take Lin Xi's free ride.

"As long as you are sure, I can also take part in a share, but you should say in advance that if you encounter good materials, you must give priority to me, and I will not let you suffer losses. How about purchasing at the market price?"

Qin Yu knew what he meant when he heard about the string. After a little thought, he reached an agreement. However, his ultimate goal was to consider the company, So explain in advance.

"Now that we have reached an agreement, let's go to see mingliao. Don't waste time here."

After Lin Xi had meat to eat, an Youyong and Jiang agreed with each other these days. They had already made it clear that they didn't even need Lin Xi's consent. They pulled Lin Xi's arm and walked outside the meeting.

In other words, with their wealth, they may be able to invest a little if they are clearly marked materials, but if they are secretly marked materials, especially those with good performance, they will lose their wealth and will not be able to drink soup.

After all, their coffers are so limited that they have to be cautious.

For this reason, Lin Xi had no choice but to promise and said as he walked along: "I have something else to say. Don't be too superstitious about me. I can't say good luck by myself. If I feel good every time, I will be rich and invincible. What's more to do here? If you feel wrong, you can't blame me. "

In fact, Lin Xi's subtext is to show his heart. He is too popular in front of him. It's hard for him to make any further publicity. Even if he helps them choose wool, it's impossible to choose too good one. Otherwise, it will be hard to say if it goes up again.

Hearing Lin Xi's words, people's faces became strange, because his excuse seemed to be used every time, but it rose sharply every time. He didn't say it was ok, but it made them pay more attention to it.

Of course, they know very well that it is unreasonable for them to ask Lin Xi too much. If Lin Xi had been so powerful, he would have gone to solve the stone himself. Isn't it good to eat alone?

What's more, with his wealth, as long as he has the courage, who can't afford the wool of the whole market?

"Boss Yu. Your husband is right. I think it's better to be careful in this matter. After all, luck is such a thing. Sometimes good luck comes first, sometimes good luck turns. But I can't stand the time when I'm out of sight. Like Mr. Lin, I've been in this business for many years. Only three times. Don't be too blind. "

Xu was moved by Lin Xi. Master Zhao is behind the fat man. He also came forward to express his opinions. And it's obvious that it's because Lindsey Street's company commander, and it's said that he's the one who calculated Bain, so he's taking an attitude towards him. Dare not have the previous contempt. And brought the honorific.

I heard his master's words. Qianyu and yupang hesitated. They have money. It's true to have courage. But if you ask them to throw money on the wool that they can't say for sure. It's like throwing it in a pond where I don't know when I was alive. In the end, I get nothing. Or get a pile of waste, is absolutely heartache.

At their level, after all. It's about judging the situation. To maximize the benefits. Let them lose money in vain. It's impossible to say anything. It's not about friendship. It's about character.

He even said yes. It's a little passive. Sneak up to Ann's swimming pool. I can't say: "fat brother! It's not easy for us to save some private money, or we'd better forget it. Let's come to work this time. I've made enough! Don't lose everything. "

Ann shook her head. "I believe in sigo. After all these years. He never let us down. When you come here, it's not blocked. Doesn't that mean it's in vain? Let's talk about it. Pick a few cheap ones. How much can it cost? Not too iron cock. Light can't get in or out

I have to say that an Youyong's trust in Lin Xi. It's almost blind, and it's bigger than anyone else. Although he lost a lot of money because of the porcelain vase. But it's a few yuan. He can still get out. Even if it's really broken. In the end, it won't hurt.As the saying goes. Isn't money for spending?

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