Chapter 1952

Yuan Liang answered the equation on behalf of those who volunteered to help rescue, and then began to disperse and save people immediately!

"Lord Fang, my father has begun to call the uninjured city guard team and the guard team of Lord Jiang's house. I think we can join the rescue team very soon!"

Changfeng also said to the equation eagerly!


Equation nodded, then raised his head and took a look at the way people saved people. He immediately found that some of them didn't save people in the right way!

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is an extraordinary time. There are too many people who have been crushed and injured. Although we have spiritual power, we are just ordinary people with two hands and two feet. Therefore... I hope we must classify the injured when saving people! The seriously injured, slightly injured and dead must be separated. Don't worry about the minor injuries first. All people with healing ability go to treat the seriously injured Patients, as for those who have died... "

Equation paused here. At this time, Yuan Yue looked at him and shook his head helplessly and powerlessly. Equation he couldn't save!

"Don't worry about it first, just put it aside! And... We have a sequence to save people. We must save people first, and then save the elderly and then the middle-aged and young people when the risk coefficient is not so high. But we must remember that once the risk coefficient rises, we must save the middle-aged and young people first. This is... This is for our city For the sake of this territory, even the whole world of gods! "

After listening to the equation, no one spoke at this moment, but then Everyone nodded heavily.

Indeed, this statement of the equation is cruel at some points. But Everyone has also thought carefully. If you really let yourself face a young or young girl like the flowering season and a white haired old man who is already in the twilight, then the danger suddenly strikes. When you can only save one person, who will you choose to save! There is no doubt that at that moment, I will choose the young one. This answer Cruel but realistic! This is the only correct answer!

"OK, we understand!"

They nodded and agreed with the equation. Then they began to lower their heads and save people. They never raised their heads again!

The equation is almost divided into three people to use, one to pick up the ruins pressing people, one to classify the wounded according to the degree of injury, and the third mend his ways to save him!

"Brother Fang..."

Equation has followed the brigade to the end of the street. When he was working hard, he suddenly heard Xiaofei's hurried voice.

"Xiao Fei, why are you here? Didn't you stay in the spiritual college?"

The equation looks at Xiaofei running towards him strangely!

"Brother Fang, the college is in a mess. Some people say it's unsafe and have to leave!"

It turned out that Xiaofei came to complain, but he was a little helpless.

"Then you have to persuade them!"

He didn't relax his hand, but he was still saving people!

"Why didn't we have the right? We had to tie them up with a rope, but it was still useless. We didn't listen to any persuasion. As soon as they made a noise, the people next to us who didn't want to make a noise had to leave the spiritual cultivation college. They felt that it was much safer outside than inside!"

Xiaofei still has a helpless face.

"It doesn't matter. They're going to leave... Don't stop them, but record them one by one and make it clear to them. As long as they leave our spiritual college now and want to come in later... It's impossible. If they think about it, they can leave the spiritual college and run around. We are not responsible for any danger again... We will never help..."

The equation said firmly!

They are a large group of people who have worked hard outside to save people, but they don't know their blessings. They have to die and run away in a safe place. It's really not worth sympathy at all.

"OK, I see, brother Fang!"

After listening to the equation, Xiaofei nodded and turned to return to the spiritual cultivation college.

"Xiaofei, tell your sister Shuqing to take out her momentum when she was a policeman. Some people... Can't get used to it..."

Seeing Xiaofei going back, the equation added another sentence!

"OK, I see!"


Xiaofeifei quickly ran back to the spiritual cultivation college and conveyed all what he had just said to Shuqing. Shuqing immediately nodded to show that he understood! Then she looked at the people who wanted to leave blocked at the door of the spiritual college, with sharp eyes and a hint of examination!

"You want to leave... Yes! But I want to make it clear to you now, and you can listen to me clearly! As long as you step out of the door of our spiritual college today, it's impossible to enter our spiritual college in the future! There are dangers everywhere outside at this time. President Fang and the people are fighting and rescuing outside to get people out of danger Pull the edge back. But you Being in a safe place, you have to drill into danger, which brings unnecessary trouble to yourself and others. OK, it's all right. We won't stop you if you want, but it's easy to go out It's hard to come back! You never come back when you go out, and once you are in danger outside, remember We're not going to save you! These two points You must remember clearly! "

I said so many words with a sigh of relief, and made clear the cause and effect of the matter!

"Brother security, don't block the door. Let anyone who wants to go out quickly. President Fang has no place to send many injured people. We just make room for the wounded!"

Shu Qing greets the security guard at the door again!


When the security guard heard her words, he immediately opened the door of the spiritual college and gave way to his position in front of him. Li Zhaowen's spiritual power only works at the gate of the college. As long as a person walks out of the gate, it means that he has lost the protection of Li Zhaowen's spiritual power!

"By the way, remember to keep a record of the people who left! If they want to sneak back then, we also have a control list!"

"Yes, I'll take a book to record it!"

The security guard hurried to the small room next to the college gate and soon took out a soft pen and a rice paper to prepare the roster!

After this operation, many people did hesitate. They were a very tangled group, and wanted to leave the place and go back to their homes. But I'm afraid I can't cope with the danger outside. So I stood aside and began to be submissive and hesitant!

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