Chapter 1972

Outside the city, equation, Li Zhaowen and Xiaofei are still struggling on the ruins mountain!

At present, about one fifth of the ruins mountain has been dug down, and there are fewer people standing at the foot of the mountain waiting to dig out their own things and their families!

"Eh? What's this black?"

Xiaofei seemed to find something. He leaned down and stretched his hand into the gap of the ruins. After a long time, he finally pulled out a dark statue about ten inches high and six inches wide.

Xiaofei took it in his hand and felt that it had some weight, so he took out a pad in his pocket and wiped it on it. It's covered with mud and it's a little hard to wipe, but fortunately, after wiping half a cup of tea, it shows some of its original appearance!

"This is a... Statue? It seems to be a statue of a woman..."

Xiaofei muttered while wiping.

Hearing this, he raised his head and looked into Xiaofei's hand. Sure enough, he saw a statue made of copper. It was really a woman, a kind-hearted and luxurious lady!

"This is what the young master Liu is looking for!"

The equation refers to the young master Liu among the big family children at the foot of the ruins mountain!

"Oh, this is the Heirloom he's looking for!"

Xiaofei nodded and handed the thing in his hand to the equation!

"Take it to him! I'll dig something else out!"

After giving something to the equation, Xiaofei turned back and continued to dig up other things!


He nodded, then flew down and fell directly in front of Mr. Liu!

"Mr. Liu, look if this is what you're looking for!"

Equation handed the sculpture in his hand to childe Liu.

And childe Liu's eyes widened instantly when he saw what was in his hand! He held out his hand to take the statue and immediately wiped it on his chest like a baby!

"Yes! Yes, that's it! Thank you so much!"

Seeing the lost heirloom, childe Liu couldn't help but say something excited to the equation!

"I heard my grandfather say that this statue... Is our ancestor, who trained nine gods without any external help, and then created our Liu family until today! So this statue is my grandson, of course... It is also a statue carved by my ancestor for her, and then spread to today! Listen The elders in the family said that the reason why our Liu family has been prosperous for so many years is that the statue of the old ancestor is protecting us. If it is lost The Liu family is afraid to fall! Fortunately, the Lord fangjiang helped me find it back! "

With that, Mr. Liu was grateful again!

"It's nothing. Fortunately, I found it..."

The equation smiled at Mr. Liu, and then turned around to return to the ruins mountain.

"Ah, Lord Fang! You... You are a great help to the Liu family. If you need any help from us in the future, just ask, and I Liu will try my best!"

Young master Liu said quickly! At this time, the young master Zhang, who had just recovered the treasure, nodded hurriedly and said yes.

"Yes! If childe Fang has something to do in the future, just ask, and we will help!"


The equation didn't refuse, just nodded gently, and then returned to the ruins mountain!

These people are all dignified people anyway. If they find something for them, they can be regarded as handing over these people. So in case there is anything they need to help in the future, the equation can also speak without scruples! Of course, this possibility is still relatively small, but There are always advantages and no disadvantages!

The clearing of the ruins mountain continued until night

The whole ruined mountain is almost cleaned up! Most people have found what they want most and "people". of course...... There were also some disappointments. After all, the number of non virtual is too large. It's really difficult to find everything for everyone! And some things have really been killed in huge earthquakes, mudslides and floods, smashed to pieces, and even washed hundreds of miles downstream! I really can't find it!

The three of them have really tried their best, and the majority of the people also understand them very much!

However, this trip to find treasures in the ruins also brought a huge and unimaginable unexpected harvest, that is They found a lot of unmarked property in the ruins! There are gold and silver ingots, some antiques that haven't broken, and some gold and silver jewelry.

To what extent are these things? The three of them carry a big bamboo basket, which is almost full! Even the three of them feel a little hard to carry!

"What about these...?"

Xiaofei was a little confused when he saw so much money for the first time!

Equation and Li Zhaowen looked at each other and were worried! The equation thought for a moment and came up with a compromise.

"The government is obliged to rebuild the city when the city is in disaster! But they won't care how much the people's property has been lost and whether they can continue to live! But to tell the truth, it's not just the people who become poor in an instant after this disaster, but the government also comes back to know Fang in an instant! They really don't have any more money to pick up Give relief to the poor people! Therefore, we might as well give the money directly to them on a per capita basis, so that the people can rebuild the city in peace of mind, and it is not easy for some people to make trouble! "

Equation said his idea and immediately got the consent of Li Zhaowen and Xiaofei!

"Indeed! Even if the Xinjiang lord or the city Lord said that we would help you ten thousand times, you must wait patiently. In this case, it would be better to put a bag of silver spindles in the hands of our poor people!"

Xiaofei is a poor man, so he can feel the collapse, anxiety and fear of these ordinary people when they lose their homes!

"Well, good! Then it's such a pleasant decision. Let's go to the Hui people's house and see how Yuyang divides the house!"

With that, he walked towards Changshan city with a big basket full on his back!

"Compared with the distribution of civilian housing, I'd like to see what that big fool Cao demolished our house!"

Li Zhaowen said with a smile and followed the equation with a big basket on his back!

"Hee hee, I want to know!"

Xiaofei also said with a smile!

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