Chapter 1984

Hongniang looked at childe Li standing next to Xiao Qi, who looked very well matched. She couldn't help feeling sad! She thought that her wandering life might have a chance to find a perfect shelter and habitat, but now it seems It's not as simple as you think! But She really doesn't want to give up!

"Childe Li, i... I just want to say thank you to you face to face! Thank you for helping me out that day, thank you for your clothes, thank you... Thank you for loving me and letting me live in Xiuling College..."


Before the matchmaker finished, Li Zhaowen hurriedly interrupted her!

"Don't say anything that is easy for my wife to misunderstand! It's normal for a gentleman like me to help you out and give you my robe. But you can't talk nonsense if you say that I love you so much that you let you live in the spiritual college! I think you... Think that no one will want to live in a room with you when you go to the people's house, In order to prevent unnecessary chaos in the people's housing, I let you live in a relatively spacious spiritual College for the time being, at least You find a corner where no one lives, and it won't affect others! "

Li Zhaowen always speaks directly, whether the other party is male or female, not to mention At this time, the woman in front of him also had a quarrel with her little Qi. He's welcome!

"Hmm? Why would someone not want to live in the same room with her when she went to the people's house?"

Xiao Qi doesn't know the identity of matchmaker. Naturally, she doesn't know why!


Speaking of this, Li Zhaowen hesitated. He didn't discriminate against anyone, but after all, this profession is not so easy to speak!

"She is the Huakui Hongniang of the music workshop. To put it bluntly... She is a prostitute who sells herself!"

Li Zhaowen didn't say anything, but there were good things in the crowd. He hurriedly said the identity of the matchmaker, with obvious ridicule and irony in his words!

Hearing this identity, not only Hong Niang was stunned, but her face turned red, her hands clenched, and her face was full of shame and anger. Even Xiao Qi was a little unhappy.

"What's the matter with performing arts and selling clothes? It's better to make money on your own than those who go out and steal, rob, kill and set fire to others! If you're so free and have time to watch the excitement here... Why don't you go and support the post disaster construction of Changshan city! You have no home and have leisure to watch the excitement. Find a job to make money first and then come back and laugh at others !”

Xiao Qi even helped Hongniang speak. Not only did the people around him feel strange, but even Li Zhaowen, Yuan Yue and Shu Qing looked at her in disbelief!

Of course, the most surprised is Hongniang herself!

"What's the matter? Am I wrong? My quarrel with red girl is a quarrel, but we can't take other people's occupation as an example! Our quarrel has nothing to do with other people's occupation. Why should we talk about other people for this matter? Everyone has his own way of life, and no one is willing to do that occupation unless forced to a certain extent! I still say that, people make money by themselves No problem! In this era, this industry is legal, so She has no problem in this profession! At least there's no problem with me! So even if I quarrel with her, I will not be low enough to attack others with this matter! "

Xiao Qi looked at the people around him and said word by word!

"Xiao Qi, you are great!"

Li Zhaowen looked at his little girlfriend and suddenly felt that Xiao Qi was really a lovely girl! He is not only beautiful and lovely, but also Sanguan is so good. He is the best in the world. He likes it so much that he kisses Xiao Qi on the face!

"Ah, what are you doing?"

Xiao Qi reluctantly pushes Li Zhaowen away and wipes his face twice!

"So... You see, red girl! Li Zhaowen is mine. Now you have said thank you, returned your clothes and seen your face. Do you have anything else to do? If not, you can go!"

Xiao Qi looked at the matchmaker in front of her and said to her very seriously and seriously!


Hongniang is actually a little moved. Since she did this job, no one has ever said such words to her. She admitted that she was really moved by Xiao Qi, but But she still wants to give herself a little other opportunities. She finally met a man like Li Zhaowen and really didn't want to give up!

"Childe Li, I......"

"Don't say anything!"

Unfortunately, her hope was destroyed by her childe Li!

"Here, I just met you by chance. You are just an insignificant passer-by in my life! I said so, but I'm telling the truth! My life... Is so long that you can't understand it, so I've seen countless people, but at this moment, only my lovers and relatives remain in my life , they have been with me for many years! Maybe in my life, I will have more friends and like-minded partners! But My relatives It won't change! my lover...... It won't change! "

With that, Li Zhaowen pulled Xiao Qi to his side and held her in his arms!

Red Niang looked at everything in front of her. She seemed to understand and didn't seem to understand very much!

"But... As you said, you may live for many years. Then you... There has always been only one person around you. Won't you be tired of it?"

After listening to the matchmaker's words, Li Zhaowen suddenly smiled and laughed It's weird. From this smile, Hongniang saw a little contempt, her heart He pulled it up in an instant!

"Red girl, I don't look down on your career... But what you just said really makes me despise you! Maybe the relationship between your career makes you used to the ugly side of many men and think that the feelings in the world should be like that! Men will change their minds forever, and women... As long as they are young and beautiful? But I tell you, you will What do you think Just because you live in such an environment, and in fact There are many true love in this world! The reason why two people can stay together is definitely not their appearance and money, but their very harmonious heart. As long as you are with someone you really love, you will never be tired, because you will find that when you get up every morning, you will love her as you did when you saw her the first day... "

Li Zhaowen was so affectionate that he heard that Xiao Qi was smiling at the corners of his mouth and lowered his head in embarrassment!

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