Chapter 2012

After listening to the equation, Li Zhaowen couldn't help nodding. Then he continued to stay aside and wait to see the next play!

"They all say what they have in mind and what they will say in their innermost heart! I've heard a lot of things you just scolded for the first time. I haven't heard such words in my education since I was young! So... I want to know how long you've been in those places to memorize these things? Oh, I think... Do you want to ask the older generation here Look, have they seen you in all the big music houses and brothels? Alas, I really want to see your style in those years! With the talent of several people It must be deeply loved by all kinds of guests! "

Yuan Yue smiled and said the words with obscure meaning! It would be nice to only understand the surface meaning of this passage, but as long as there is something wrong, then

"You... Your little girl speaks so insidiously..."

"We're insidious? So many people's ears are listening. Who's insidious? I want to beat every dirty word you say with a washing stick. It's good for you to say we're insidious?"

Shu Qing directly interrupts each other, holding them back so that they can only stare!

"I've heard the saying that state officials set fire and people are not allowed to light the lights! I didn't expect it to be fully reflected in you! But... You're wrong. You're not state officials and we're not people here. If you're dragged by others, you may win, but you're right with us... We'll let you know what it means to be bitten by a snake once and eight times later You've been afraid of the well rope for ten years! "

Xiao Qi continued to talk with Shu Qing.

The eloquence of these three girls really shocked the people who were watching! This eloquence is different from those shrews who can only swear! They didn't say a dirty word, but they belittled these shrews to nothing!

"I'm not ashamed, but proud. I'm glad to say that we'll be finished when your son comes! Go back and ask your son if he feels ashamed of you every time you call him? Does he have to come to rescue you every time because of your arrogance? Do you think your scenery is infinite? Is it the result of your son being scolded for you behind your back? Hum, what's more Really naive to think that everyone let you because they love you? Afraid of you? Hahaha, no, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you! It's impatience that wastes too much time on you. It's unnecessary. A few soft words can buy you a stop. Why not! Don't think that all of you are afraid of you and respect you, no! But everyone is busy and no one is willing to spend time with you, including your family... "

Yuan Yue said impolitely!

These words seemed to poke into the lungs of these shrews. They were stunned at first, and then they all stood up and rushed towards yuan Yue like a madman.

"Let you talk nonsense, I'll tear your dog's mouth..."

A group of shrews rushed over, and Yuan Yue naturally wouldn't wait to get hurt! Yuan Yue waved to Xiao Qi and Shu Qing who were about to do it, and then raised her hand to release her cute little bees!

Numerous and innumerable sharp bees roared and flew towards the group of bitch women, followed by the screams of horror. Who would be afraid of such dense sharp bees? Even spiritual practitioners with strong force value would be afraid, not to mention these unarmed shrews!

Fortunately, Yuan Yue's instructions to the sharp bees were intimidation rather than attack, so these spikes just trapped the five shrews together, and then the spikes turned around them, so that they didn't dare to break away from the encirclement!

While the sharp peaks entangled several shrews, Yuan Yue went to the Douhua stall and finally filled Xiaoqi, Shuqing and everyone with a bowl of Douhua! Three people sat at a small table and began to eat. They looked comfortable and happy!

The onlookers realized that the reason why the three girls were so confident was that they had financial resources, which could be seen from the money they had just given to Uncle Douhua stall; Second, the force value is also OK, at least it can't be hurt by these shrews. Therefore, with the above two points, people dare to be so unscrupulous against the members of the shrew group!

Seeing the three girls eating bean flowers there, but they were surrounded by sharp bees, they were trembling. These shrews were really persistent enough! Despite the siege of sharp bees, they still cried loudly!

"Help! Help, someone has killed, someone wants to kill..."

The five shrews made the loudest sound in their life. Let alone, they were really penetrating, which startled the people around them!

Yuan Yue and the three of them don't care whether the shrews shout or not. They just want to eat up the delicious bean flowers in the bowl. After all This bean flower cost a lot of money!

After eating Douhua, Yuan Yue even started business as if she didn't have these shrews!

"If you want to buy Douhua, you can hold it yourself! The money depends on consciously throwing it into the money box next to you! Everything depends on everyone's self-help!"

Hearing yuan Yue's words, many brave people thought this situation was very interesting, so they came forward and really filled up the bean flowers, then threw the money into the money box, sat aside with a bowl and ate the bean flowers while watching the excitement.

Don't say, in a while, I sold more than ten bowls of bean flowers!

The voices of these bitch aunts were loud enough. After a while, the noise they made attracted the attention of the city patrol officers, and a team of officers walked quickly towards the Douhua stall!

When the officer saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being stunned. They first looked at the five shrews shouting at themselves, and then looked at the people around them. For a moment, they couldn't judge what had happened here. This scene was different from usual! On weekdays, these five shrews shout that others bully them! This time Which hero made them look like this! If it weren't for the fact that his immediate boss was the son of one of them here, he would have clapped his hands!

"Inspector Zhang, where's my son? Let my son save me quickly. Someone wants to kill his mother..."

Cried the woman in the red dress!

"Er... The chief inspector has been called to the city patrol team for a meeting. He hasn't come back yet!"

Zhang patrol did not dare to slack off and hurriedly replied!

"Then why are you still standing there? Don't you get us out quickly? We'll be killed later!"

The red skirt shrew shouted to inspector Zhang impolitely, without the slightest respect or politeness!

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