Chapter 2036

I thought it was inconvenient to work and live in founder's hall, so I bought another yard to live in. Founder's hall has completely become a place for him to work and practice medicine! Although master Mo and the two young masters of the Mo family have been planted, the family members of the Mo family are still alive. Therefore, the Mo family still lives in the master's house of Xinjiang. We can't drive the Mo family out. Stay in the master's house of Xinjiang by ourselves! Besides, he is just a temporary Xinjiang Lord!

"Go back to the house first! I brought some people back. I need to settle down first..."

The equation turned and pointed to the team behind him. Captain Qi also looked at it! I did see some strange faces! Xiao Fei, Xiao Si'er, and so on!

"OK, my subordinates will escort you back!"

Qi Zhenglong stepped back and made way for the team!

"No, I've already arrived at my own place. What escort do I need? Captain Qi will do something first. After I've arranged it, I'll reward the brothers who have worked hard these days!"

Equation smiled and waved his hand, indicating that Qi Zhenglong didn't have to send it!

Qi Zhenglong also knew that equation was not the kind of person who talked falsely, so he knew that equation really didn't need his own escort, so he hugged his fist and saluted equation slightly!

"The leader of the frontier is serious. It's incumbent on his subordinates to do their best to broaden the sea! The leader of the frontier will first go back to the government to rest, and then his subordinates will cooperate with other colleagues to report to you all the matters of the broad sea and the sea city during this period!"

He said respectfully!

"OK, hard work!"

The equation nodded at Qi Zhenglong, and then took the team towards his "fangfu"!

Along the way, many people who recognized him greeted him. He responded one by one. The whole atmosphere was very friendly!

Xiao Fei and Xiao Si'er riding on the horse, Shu Qing sitting in the carriage, and Xing Yulou sitting on the carriage with a little girl in her arms, are all surprised and filled with emotion!

"Wow, Haicheng, the main city of the vast sea, is really prosperous! It's much bigger than our Changshan city!"

Xiaofei looked at the bustling streets around and couldn't help sighing!

"After all, it is the main city in the most prosperous territory of the Pantheon. It must be different!"

Qian Yuyang looked at Xiaofei's surprised expression and explained to him with a smile!

"There is no comparison in Changshan City, especially in Jiaocheng where our family lives!"

Xiao Si'er shrugged his shoulders and turned to look at his mother in the carriage behind him! Xing Yulou felt his son's eyes and looked at him and smiled softly! For her, whether the place is prosperous or not, whether it is rich or not is not within the scope she cares about. She only cares about whether her son is happy or not!

"It's nice that you live here!"

Shu Qing pointed to the scene outside the window and said to Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi!

"Yes! Our yard is still very beautiful. We can plant flowers and grass, raise fish and pets, and sit in the pavilion drinking wine and watching the moon! Xiao Qi and I also found someone to make swings and slides. We can play together at that time!"

Yuan Yue excitedly introduced to Shu Qing!

Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi have made full use of the small courtyard of Fang's house. The decoration is both lively and interesting!

Soon, the carriage stopped! When they got off the bus, they saw a gate facing the street. A plaque was hung above the door frame, with the words "Fang Fu" written on it!


Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi are the two most excited. You should know that "no matter how good it is outside, there is no home". This is a very famous saying!

The people in Fang's house seemed to hear the sound at the door and hurriedly opened the door to see what had happened. As soon as I opened the door, I saw that they were already standing at the door!

"Brother Fang, you're back!"

Wen Liang rushed out of the door first, came to the equation, and looked at him with an excited and a little stiff face!

"Wen Liang seems to grow tall again..."

Before he finished, there was a burst of laughter and noise from the gate,

"Brother Wen Liang, who's here..."

Then came the cute voice of Niu Niu.

"Brother Fang? Brother Fang is back... Xiao bin, brother Fang is back!"

As she shouted at the door, she "whooshed" into the arms of the equation, took a step back from the collision of the equation, and then struggled to pick her up!

"Niuniu, have you eaten too much recently and gained weight!"

Equation smiled and looked at Niu Niu with a red face, but her words were immediately despised by Niu Niu!

"Brother Fang, I'm a girl. How can you say I'm fat? Sister moon, brother Fang, he says I'm fat. Take care of him..."

Niuniu looked wronged at Yuan Yue standing aside. Yuan Yue immediately "poof Pooh" smiled!

"Yes, there is no other girl who is fat. It's really annoying! We Niuniu are not fat. It's cute! Come on, Niuniu, come to Sister Moon!"

Yuan Yue smiled at the equation, and then took Niuniu from the equation's hand, but she really couldn't hold Niuniu. The eight year old Niuniu has grown to her shoulders!

"Brother Fang..."

Then a dark figure came out from behind the door, and the "miso" ran up the thigh of the equation, and then was raised by the equation all at once, over his head, and frolicked!

"Brother Fang, you're back at last, so you can play with us!"

Xiaobin giggled so much that they wanted to laugh with him!

"Xiao bin, you have no conscience when you say this! When your brother Fang is not at home, I played with you with your brother Wen Liang and brother Ma Shao. Why did you forget all about it as soon as your brother Fang came back?"

Yu Yien smiled at Xiao bin and "complained" of his little heartless!

"Hey, hey..."

Xiaobin smiled a little guilty!

"I didn't. I'm just glad to see brother Fang back! That's why I'm so happy!"

Xiaobin held the neck of the equation and rubbed it hard. This is the most common way for children to express their thoughts and love.

"Xiaobin, do you see us?"

Xiao Qi reached out and clicked on Xiao Bin's nose,

"I can't see us at all. I only have their big brother Fang in my eyes!"

Li Zhaowen stood aside, extremely sour!

"Brother Zhaowen..."

"Brother Zhaowen..."

Hearing Li Zhaowen's words, Xiaobin and Niuniu leaned towards Li Zhaowen and shook his waist constantly, which made him headache and happy!

Children are really the incarnation of angels and demons!

But just as the two children were jumping and jumping happily holding Li Zhaowen, a simple and thick voice came out of the door!

"Xiaobin, Niuniu, come back and write the calligraphy homework left by your husband!"

Then, I saw the horse spoon coming out of the door with steady steps!

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