Chapter 2048

After all, student dormitories are much larger than ordinary civil houses. In case of problems such as pipelines, it is even harder to repair! Try this technology in ordinary houses. It's not too late to use it in student dormitories when you think you can!

"Then... There is basically no problem with the infrastructure of the school!"

Wu Xiang nodded and felt that the hardware of the spiritual cultivation college had been prepared enough!

"The hardware is OK. Now... I'm going to see how the software is!"

The equation nodded and said!

The so-called software is the teacher team and teaching plan of the whole spiritual cultivation college! Wu Xiang is also responsible for finding teachers suitable for the school, but he can't be busy alone, so he gives these jobs to his children! Every child is responsible for interviewing the people who come to the door to register. Only those who pass their level will come to Wuxiang for a second examination!

The interview conditions of all teachers are divided into two parts! His spiritual ability and his own personality are very important! Only those with ability but bad morality will not accept it, and those with good morality but poor ability will not. Only those with both morality and art can go to the spiritual cultivation college to be teachers to educate their children!

Even so, many people came to the spiritual College for an interview, just like in the border town! Many people think that the spiritual Institute has a good reputation. If they can teach in the spiritual Institute, it is not only an affirmation of their ability, but also an affirmation of himself. It can not only realize the value of life, but also do the glorious thing of teaching and educating people. Drink and don't do it!

So many high-level gods who think they are capable and kind-hearted have come!

Originally, they would worry that many upper gods are unwilling to come out and join the WTO, but after the enrollment of the first two spiritual schools, they feel that their worries are actually superfluous! The reason why the upper gods, especially the higher gods, were unwilling to come out before was that they felt that there was no platform in the world for them to show their abilities and apply their strengths. Now, with the platform of Spiritual Cultivation College, they are still willing to come out and shine for the Pantheon!

"The teachers who were finally selected have already set quotas! According to your previous ideas, I have also used my own methods to prove the moral character of these teachers! Originally, I thought my test was too harsh, and I may not be able to retain several teachers! Fortunately, facts have proved that there are more kind people in the world, and nearly 20 teachers have passed my assessment , I left them all! Our spiritual training college is bigger. It's always useful for these teachers to stay! "

Yu Yien said his achievements to the equation.

Nod your head to show that you understand!

Yu Yien has already told equation how he tested those alternative teachers! It is similar to the way that the equation evaluates those teachers in the border town, but it is slightly different!

Yu Yien arranged these alternative teachers in a different hospital on the outskirts of the city to wait for a few days' examination! Then it rained heavily on the day of the examination, he sent several carriages to pick up the teachers. But on the way there was a waterlogging in a village. Because the young people in the village basically worked or opened shops in the city, the rest of the village were basically old people and children. The elderly and children are homeless, and their self-help ability is relatively weak, so they can only stand high outside the village and wait for others to rescue and help!

Of course, Yu Yien deliberately chose to let those candidate teachers into the city on the day of heavy rain! Originally, he wanted to arrange a fake accident when he entered the city to see if anyone was willing to help in such weather! But I didn't expect to encounter a real accident on the way! So Yu Yien decided to cancel the previous fake accident, but observed in the dark whether these alternative teachers could help the helpless old people and children in such a waterlogging!

As a result, there were five carriages, eight people in each, leaving two carriages and 18 willing to stay to help the old people and children. They were divided into two teams and drove the carriages back and forth four times in batches before they sent more than 40 old people and more than 20 children in the village to a safe city.

When the last batch of old people and children were sent to the city, the carriage was finally overwhelmed and scattered, and even the wheels were crushed due to overload! So eighteen young people, except five girls, held young children only two or three years old! The rest were replaced together. They carried the old man into the city and handed it to the members of the city patrol team. Then they ran to the spiritual college to participate in the last screening!

Of course, the result is self-evident. These 18 alternative teachers were left! The ability of teachers who can reach the last round of selection must be similar! At least in the three stages of high school and low school, they are all the best! Among the remaining 18 alternative teachers, there are high school and low-level teachers, so there is no problem for them to teach high school and low-level classes!

"Did the villagers settle down later?"

Equation nodded. He believed Yu Yien looked at people, so he focused on the affected villagers!

"Sure enough, it's the person who became the leader of Xinjiang, but it's different!"

Yu Yien smiled and waved at him!

"Compensation has been paid for the destroyed farmland, and the flooded houses have been rebuilt on the Highlands, so that they won't be destroyed when it rains again!"

Yu Yien patted equation on the shoulder, indicating that he didn't have to worry about it!

"That's good!"

With these words, the equation couldn't help laughing again!

"We are as like as two peas in the same way of testing people. Do you say... Will those who are eliminated will curse us in their back?"

After hearing this, Yu Yien smiled, and Wu Xiang and Wu Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Scolding is bound to scold! However... We have already told them before they leave. Eliminating them is not to deny them. There is no problem with their ability, but... They are not fully prepared for teaching and educating people! Teaching and educating people has a great responsibility. If you are not ready, don't take the post easily. After all, teach a person who is useful to society and territory It is different from the feeling of a talented but immoral, even heinous devil. In that case I'm afraid there will be a shadow in their hearts! So after hearing this, they left without saying anything more! "

Wu Xiang also said with a smile!

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