Chapter 2165

In fact, the equation can really understand their ideas, but if a society wants to make progress, it must not stagnate! Education, medicine and transportation are all big problems that must be improved! When meeting a strong opponent, the first thing I think of is not how to improve myself, but how to suppress each other. Hum, such families and businesses will not last long!

So the Xu family must hate the equation very much, but they are afraid of the identity of the equation, so they can't attack the equation directly, let alone contradict and disagree with the equation in the open. Therefore, they can only make small moves in private and try to overthrow the equation with a long-term and deep-rooted influence!

"This... Can understand!"

Qian Yuyang nodded. This kind of thing They are not uncommon!

"But... Do you say that the person who wants to break the equation and Xu Jinchen only know what each other is doing?"

Qian Yuyang raised his own question!

"In fact... If there are only these two things, then I may really think they don't know what each other is doing! At least... Xu Jinchen doesn't know that someone in their family is dealing with me! But... With Mrs. Bai's dystocia, I have to doubt it!"

Equation thinking has always been meticulous. He can find the connection point between them in all things, and then connect them together!

"Xu Jinchen must have been involved in Mrs. Bai's dystocia! The Xu family is dealing with the Bai family while dealing with me. They are too ambitious and want the Bai family! So... Dealing with me is actually an important move for them to annex the Bai family! Now the whole situation is actually in front of us! The Xu family is ambitious and wants to deal with me and all the people in charge of the Bai family. What they want is the Bai family! But Xu Jinchen is still doing the business of abducting and selling children in private, and the business of abducting and selling children is probably just the protective color of the thing that he provides some people with children's spiritual power, so I can also think that the people behind the scenes who provide young children's spiritual power can not be the people behind their contention for the white family's property? "

Li Zhaowen, Yu Yien and Qian Yuyang didn't think of so many and so deep things in the equation! There are too many people and things involved in this matter. It's really difficult to find that thread from such a mess of thread!

"Also, are the people who want to deal with me in the Xu family the same group as those who want to rob me of the Lord's waist token? What's the use of their waist token? Do they want to use it when competing for the property of the Bai family?"

I know that my biggest enemy now should be the Xu family, but He doesn't know, don't understand, some confused actions of the Xu family have alcohol for what!

"Come on, don't worry, they will have action! Anyone with desire can't suppress their desire. If they want... They will do it. Let's continue to live our life and wait and see what moths they can produce!"

Li Zhaowen doesn't take the Xu family seriously at all! Like the character of equation, after staying in modern society for a long time, he is more integrated into that social atmosphere, and it is difficult to change his fixed ideas! We can't kill people casually. We must have evidence to judge whether others are guilty or not, and maintain the awareness of fairness and justice!

But Li Zhaowen is different! Although he also grew up in modern society. But it may also be because he is a divine beast, and his body is born with animal nature! If he decides this matter, it is If you doubt someone, you can call directly, convince the local people, and have to admit that you have a problem! Of course, this situation also has disadvantages, that is, it is relatively easy to be beaten into a trick, and others have never committed a crime at all!

So Li Zhaowen always listens to the equation. He himself is very powerful, so he should be more cautious in doing things, otherwise It will really hurt by mistake!

After discussing some recent events in the study, several people broke up! When we arrived at the restaurant, we found that we had just finished dinner and left a lot for them! So the four people stayed at the table to have dinner while discussing going to the spiritual college tomorrow to see if there were any suspicious problems in the college!

Fang's residence is very happy today. Everyone is at home. Recently, there are too many things. It's really rare to be so relaxed and happy!

I looked at everyone's state, and my worries subsided a lot. Why bother about what didn't happen? The boat goes straight to the bridge, just as Li Zhaowen said. If you can't, use force. Anyway, there's no way to hurt his Fang family!

The next day, equation took Yu Yien and Li Zhaowen to Xiuling college, and Qian Yuyang helped Ma Shao with the welfare home! Several orphaned and widowed old people have come to the welfare home these two days. The horse spoon plans to make a big room for several old people on the first floor, so that the old people don't have to go upstairs and downstairs back and forth, which is much more convenient! If Gu Yuliang doesn't help, he will go to the Ziyang family alone!

Early in the morning, the playground of the spiritual college was already full of students. They were all exercising spontaneously! The teacher told them that a strong body is the foundation of spiritual cultivation, so students will exercise spontaneously on the playground almost sooner or later!

Xiao Si'er, Xiao Fei and Xiao bin, who went to school with them, also saw their familiar classmates. After greeting their adults, they went to their own small groups and began to exercise hard.

From a distance, I saw Wu Xiang taking a group of teachers to exercise on the playground. It's good to get together with the children! Obviously, the local government also saw the equation and immediately greeted it with a smile!

"Equation, why do you have time to come today? I thought you forgot you had a spiritual college!"

Wu Xiang was full of fun. He naturally knew that he was too busy to beat the back of his head every day!

"With you... What else am I worried about!"

Equation smiled and nodded to Wu Xiang to say hello! Seeing Wu Yun following behind Wu Xiang, he nodded his head and said hello!

"You're a little shirking responsibility. Your college... Your students, who cares if you don't care!"

Wu Xiang joked again!

"Oh, I've come to care about it. I heard that the recent stage of the exam, so I want to see the results. I have to have a general standard in my mind to see what the children are weak. It's good to compare them together in the next stage of the exam."

Equation quickly proved that he was also concerned about the teaching of the college!

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