Chapter 2213

Red tea picked up the wine pot in front of him and drank it again. Only then did they look at the equation and continue to say it!

"But... In fact, I know what he does is not a good thing! He also brings some friends to the Hongyu building to drink. From their words, I can roughly guess the evil things they do. For example, I've heard of counterfeiting, smuggling, like... And things about children! These... I never ask!"

Red tea's words made the equation slightly stunned. It seems that something is still floating in his mind!

"But... I know he's upset! All these things he's done have a great impact on him! He can't sleep well at night and has nightmares. Every night with me, he doesn't have a good sleep. Occasionally... He can't sleep all night and keep his eyes open until dawn! To tell the truth, he's not born to do bad things, but he went astray!"

In the eyes of red tea, Cao Nuo is still that simple and kind-hearted teenager. It's just that the pressure of real life has changed his original appearance, but his heart But it's still the same!

"Isn't it right that he has done so many bad things and can't sleep? You are close to him and will love him! What about those who have been persecuted by him? When his family can't sleep all night and cry blind, who will love them?"

As soon as Li Zhaowen said his words, red tea immediately lowered his head and stopped talking. She knows, she just Now she doesn't know what to do!

The equation glanced at Li Zhaowen and motioned him not to mention that red tea is a reasonable girl. She knows these principles!

"Well... Since you are so close to Cao Nuo, you should know who he is working for!"

After a long pause, the equation continued to ask!

"For whom?"

Tea seems to think the equation of this sentence asked some surprise, so some strange look at the equation, his face showed a puzzled look!

"Listen to him... He's working for his cousin! His cousin lives so well because she does things that can't be seen!"

Tea mentioned the cousin of Cao Nuo, which seemed to be a little angry, and his words were not so polite!

"What's the identity of Cao Nuo's cousin? Do you know?"

The equation then asked.


Tea heard this question, still shook his head, said he did not know!

"I don't know who his cousin is or what she does. I just met her when Cao Nuo went to see her for the first time, and I haven't seen her since! Now it's Cao Nuo's turn to let me see her, and I don't want to go! She took Cao Nuo astray!"

Red tea face said unhappily!

Equation listened to her words and couldn't help looking at Li Zhaowen. He didn't think red tea was lying!

"Well... In the usual chat, Cao Nuo didn't disclose a little information about each other? Such as what's his name and what he usually does?"

The equation continues to be good at inducing in order!

"The other party's information..."

Tea tilted his head and thought hard. It seems that Cao Nuo talked to himself about the cousin before thinking hard!

"Oh... Cao Nuo seems to have mentioned to me that his cousin seems to be married very well. His cousin's father is the master of a large family. Although his cousin is not the housewife, she is also very popular. Moreover, his cousin has strong ability to handle affairs, and she is also asked to take charge of many things, like... What important other garden in the western suburb of Haicheng is left to her!"

Tea finally remembered something about the cousin, so she hurried to tell them the truth from facts!

"Xijiao bieyuan?"

Hearing this information, the equation was obviously stunned, and then turned to look at Li Zhaowen. Li Zhaowen nodded and said it was a clue to investigate!

The question was almost the same. Equation and Li Zhaowen stood up. The red tea opposite was obviously startled. He also stood up in a hurry and looked at the two people with some confusion!

"You two, this is..."

She asked softly.

"Want to come... Miss tea has almost told us everything she knows, so we have nothing more to ask, but... We may have to wrong Miss tea for two days. These two days... We have to take you away from Hongyu building for a while, and we can't send you back here until the situation is over!"

This is very polite, but it actually means "we can't let Cao Nuo know what we came to you. Otherwise, if you go to snitch, we'll scare the snake! So we can't send you back until we catch Cao Nuo smoothly!"

Red tea was obviously surprised when she heard the words of the equation, but after a moment, she understood the meaning! Since she has told the two people so much, that is to say, she has acquiesced that Cao Nuo should be arrested! It is because she is interested in Cao Nuo that she doesn't want Cao Nuo to go on like this all her life. If she mends up one day earlier, she can get a new life one day earlier!

So she nodded slightly to show that she knew!

"I see! Let me pack some clothes and tell my mother again. I will naturally leave with you two!"

Tea said and got up and walked towards his wardrobe. He wrapped several clothes and two embroidered flowers with cloth. It seems that he is going to take them away!

"This is the thick robe I made for Cao Nuo. It seems that... We should hurry up! It's so cold in prison that I have to prepare more clothes for him!"

Tea in saying these words, there is no sadness or pain, but a relaxed face, just like the rare relaxation of people who have been bound suddenly untied! It seems that Cao Nuo is in prison, but she can live more easily and comfortably!

Equation and Li Zhaowen looked at the things prepared by red tea and didn't say much. Then they followed red tea to find their mother. Red tea just said that equation and Li Zhaowen were relatives from their hometown. They brought some relatives from their hometown and wanted to see themselves! But it's really not suitable to see people in their hometown in the brothel, so I want to live outside with them for two days. I'll come back after meeting my relatives!

Originally, my mother wanted to say something, but Li Zhaowen took out a ingot of gold and stuffed it into my mother's hand in time! Mother looked at the gold in her hand, but she didn't show the greedy intention when she saw money before, but looked at tea with more worry!

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