Chapter 2286

Li Zhaowen always spoke frankly. After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he seemed to understand what he meant. He immediately nodded his head to show that he understood!

"Well, that's pretty much the same!"

Lizhaowen nodded and said he was very satisfied with his explanation!

The atmosphere on the dining table went up all the way. After all, it was an annual reunion festival. Although the family really had no blood relationship with each other in a strict sense, except Xing Yulou and Xiao Si'er, who were real mothers and children, others were strangers without blood relationship. It was the equation that made them a loving family. Up to now Their feelings are even more harmonious and intimate than those of some real families!

After eating and drinking to the same degree, the children began to sit still. Niuniu and Xiaobin take Tuan to one side to play games. They just squat and watch happily!

When they look at the children, they inevitably feel some emotion!

"Niuniu and Xiaobin have both grown up for one year, and we have been in the Pantheon for more than a year!"

He sighed softly!

Time really passed quickly. In fact, I didn't feel that I had been in the Pantheon for a long time. However, it has been a year and a half since I calculated! This year and a half They passed in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, you have been acting as the leader of Xinjiang and the family for more than half a year!"

Yu Yien also nodded,

"Even three spiritual training colleges have been established!"

Do not count do not know, a count Equation was surprised that he had done so many things!

"The equation... Seems to be working faster recently. Is... What's your plan?"

After all, Xing Yulou is old there, so he thinks more and more carefully than others. She seemed to see that the equation had a plan and thought that it was all her own people, so she didn't mind too much and asked directly!

"Well... I've been in the world of gods for so long, and I don't think you can believe it! So... I really have ideas to plan to go back! But... This plan is still in the plan and hasn't been actually carried out! There are many elements here that haven't been achieved, and I have to arrange a lot of things! The most important thing... Is that there must be a suitable person to take over the position of my Xinjiang master and my family master, and since I have done these jobs , it is impossible to leave a mess to the people behind. I must finish what I have to do Leave a more clear situation for future generations! Another key thing is I haven't found the way back! Although the Lord mentioned to me about the way to leave the world of gods, I have no spare time to find it! After the ferryman was sealed off by the Lord, there was no ferryman, and no one could send us out that way! Now the only way to leave the world of gods is probably the clue mentioned by the Lord! "

At this point, equation couldn't help looking at the people present.

"But... It still needs me to look for it in detail, so... It can only be put on the agenda after I have finished all the things I have in hand or achieved initial results!"

Equation said that we should leave a better world of gods to the people of the world of gods. This is not a joke!

"I remember seeing someone say such a sentence in an anecdote. Although it sounds strange, I think it's very reasonable! He said... In the historical changes of all dynasties, there will always be a great man to speed up the flow of history. This is an inevitable process, because only in this way... People will cross the better and continue to thrive for a long time, otherwise What awaits them will be a cruel death! Now think carefully I suddenly feel that this sentence is very reasonable and far sighted... "

Xing Yu Lou looked at the equation with a light smile, and was embarrassed to see the equation!

"That's right... I don't think I can bear the weight!"

He said lightly!

"I don't know if you can bear the weight, but I know it must have been said by people from our world. I'm not praising our time, but people's cognition is not the same, and the thinking logic of the people in the Pantheon should not reach this level!"

Li Zhaowen is telling the truth again!

"Well, I also don't think the person who said this doesn't look like a person in our pantheon. I want to come here... It's really said by someone who may have come from your world! And... There is indeed a rumor that our ancestors in the Pantheon seem to have come from another space!"

Xing Yu Lou didn't care, she nodded and said!

"Well, that's very believable!"

Yu Yien nodded too!

"So, what I really want to say is..."

At this point, equation looked up at Xiao Si'er, Xiao Fei and Niuniu and Xiaobin who were playing not far away!

"In my opinion, the Pantheon belongs to you children! To tell you the truth, I need you to be mentally prepared. In the future, all the functional departments of the Pantheon may have earth shaking changes! On the basis of the original system, I will add many functional departments and people in charge of this department. Then these people... Must come from you young people. You are young, energetic, have more ideas and stronger abilities So what I need you to do now Is to study hard and learn various skills. You can learn anything that you feel can help you grow. If you don't understand it, while we are still Come and ask us. We will teach you what we know without reservation. Do you understand? "

Ask the soul!

Xiao Si'er and Xiao Fei seldom see equation talking to them so seriously and seriously, so they suddenly get nervous, stand up and nod to equation together.

"Yes, we know!"

They said loudly!

"We know, brother Fang!"

Niuniu and Xiaobin are relatively young. They don't have too much emotion about the serious appearance of the equation. They smiled and nodded happily, saying that they knew it!


The equation doesn't want to put too much pressure on them. After I mentioned it today, I think they should work harder and more seriously. There are too many others I will not force them any more!

"Let's eat! You don't have to have too much psychological pressure. We won't leave for a while... But you should know exactly what direction you are going to work hard in!"

Equation smiled and pointed to the delicious dishes left on the table, telling everyone to continue eating!

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