Chapter 2335

The corner of Ding Xingyang's mouth showed joy, it was exactly as he imagined! Seeing the equation of the three Mo family's father and son began to soften their hearts, and seeing the savior, the Mo family's three father and son must also want to hold on to the equation and not let go, and want the other party to save themselves! In this way, it seems that the Mo family's three fathers and sons will not be so far away in exchange for the world lord's token! He looked slightly proudly at the two groups of people in front of him, yearning in his heart that the scene he wanted would appear in front of his eyes immediately! I saw Mo Chengjun staring closely at Fang Fang's eyes for a long time before opening his mouth without haste.

"Equation, I have a request, I hope you can promise me 1

When he opened his mouth like this, Ding Xingyang became even more excited, but it was not so obvious. Lord Mo Jiang, please say, as long as Fang can do it, Fang will do his best.

Fang Fang looked at Mo Chengjun and nodded very firmly.

"Okay, then please remember...the world master token must never be handed over to Ding Xingyang! The three men of my Mo family are not so afraid of death. To exchange our three lives?

Hmph, we're really not that valuable! So, Equation, you don't care about our lives! Of course we also hope to be rescued, but what if we are exchanged for the World Master Token?

Then I would rather die in the hands of Ding Xingyang than live like this 1

Mo Chengjun finished what he wanted to say very calmly, and the two sons behind him didn't show too many expressions. It seemed...they also agreed with their father's thoughts from the bottom of their hearts , They are of the same lineage, and their personalities are also very similar. This kind of backbone... is continued in the flesh and blood! As soon as Mo Chengjun said the words, Fang Fang felt the most complicated.

While admiring Lord Mo Jiang's benevolence and righteousness, not fearing life and death, he felt bitter that the other party could go to death so righteously, without any hesitation, and his thoughts were so clear and clear, not selfish, and he didn't have those self-pity and feeling like God Unfair complaints! At this moment, Fang Fang suddenly felt that he was a little powerless, and he who had always been calm and self-sufficient began to feel that in fact, it is possible to be strong and rob people! Ding Xingyang made a mistake first, so why should he hesitate if he was saving someone?

Although the opponent's strength is not weak, I conservatively estimate that there is absolutely no problem in protecting the few people I brought with me at the critical moment! There are three more fathers and sons of Mo Jiang... Actually, it is not impossible at all! At this moment, he feels that he can definitely fight for it! But Fang Fang and the others were very comforting, but Ding Xingyang was about to go crazy. He couldn't believe that this was what Mo Chengjun said. He stared at Mo Chengjun for a long time before he realized that "you... Mo Chengjun, are you crazy?

You really don't want to live anymore? "

He exclaimed incredulously that 0 wants to live, but he doesn't want to live under your hands! So...Among the two options that I am alive, the world lord is you and I die, and the world lord is replaced by someone else, I choose the latter! At least the people of the entire Pantheon Realm will not be in dire straits like me.

Speaking of this, Mo Chengjun suddenly laughed. His pale face showed such a bold smile, which made people who saw it feel a kind of indescribable sadness and sadness. I have to thank you, you actually want to Want to exchange the lives of the three of us, father and son, for something as important as the Lord's Token?

You really think highly of us too much! If I can be carried to this position in my lifetime, I think I will die without regrets 1

Mo Chengjun was deliberately mocking Ding Xingyang, meaning that he didn't distinguish the pros and cons of the matter at all, and he tried to do such an impossible thing, and he was really blinded by profit and squinted by money. You..." "Yeah! I may be a little young, and I don't know much about things! But I really don't understand this matter, exchange the three of us with the fortune of the entire God Realm?

I have one foot in the gate of hell now, I can't even figure it out, if it were me, I wouldn't change it! Then I have to be scolded to death by the people, right?

Then I would rather die quietly now than be scolded to death by the people! Don't you think so, Brother 1

Mo Lang took the lead, and after he finished speaking, he wanted to bring Mo Yuan in too. Well, indeed 1

Mo Yuan doesn't talk much, but his three views are surprisingly consistent with his father and younger brother. No wonder it's a family. You guys are really not afraid of death! People only live like this once, wouldn't it be too bad if they don't think about themselves?

What righteousness?

What common people?

What does it have to do with me?

I only know that the greater the power, the more things I can get, and this is what I should do for myself as a human being 1

Ding Xingyang was furious, and finally stopped putting on that righteous and dignified appearance, stood up and shouted angrily at Mo Chengjun and the three people, "Alas, different ways do not conspire with each other!" People like you... will never know what we think! As if we also can't understand you 1

Mo Chengjun shook his head, then raised his eyes to look at Equation 0 in front of him... Haicheng, Kuohaijiang... are they all right? "

Lord Mo Jiang has been working hard for Kuo Haijiang all his life. During the half a year he was imprisoned, besides his family, he was most worried about the people of Kuo Haijiang. Lord Mo Jiang, this is... The reason why I called you! I want...I want to tell you about the current situation in the vast sea! Let you...don't worry too much1

Everyone can understand the subtext of this sentence, that is... before Mo Chengjun leaves this world, he wants to tell him what Mo Chengjun most wants to know.

Because if any bad accident happens, only in this way can he really go on the road with peace of mind. Okay, tell me, let me listen.

Mo Chengjun smiled and nodded! But Ding Xingyang saw the two groups of people talking about the past affectionately in front of him, and a large part of this reminiscence was his last words, how could he bear it, and immediately yelled "What are you talking about?"

Come on, put the three fathers and sons of the Mo family under arrest immediately..." But before Ding Xingyang finished speaking, Fang Fang had already made a move before him! Fang Fang gave the other three people first One person with one look, the three of them understood that the equation still needs to be done! So when it was too late, the four of them jumped up at the same time in an instant, and rushed directly towards Ding Xingyang's men who were holding Mo Chengjun, without any buffer I said I wouldn't change it, but I didn't say I wouldn't grab it..." Fang Fang flew up, said with a sneer, and rushed towards Ding Xingyang!