Chapter 2893

The little spiritual power left in Wang Jiabao's body began to grow rapidly with the help of Fang Fang's spiritual power, and everything was developing in a good direction, but...

Fang Fang sat on the edge of the bed, ignoring those men crying in pain, and fixed his eyes on Wang Jiabao in front of him.

"It doesn't make sense!"

He muttered involuntarily,

"The spiritual power in the body is already very abundant, why...he hasn't woken up yet?"

Equation can't understand the child's current condition, he has checked everything about the child, everything is normal, but...he just can't wake up, and Equation can feel that his brain has nothing Reaction, which proves that he doesn't have any autonomous thinking ability so far, what the hell is wrong with him?

Fang Fang thought about it, and he couldn't delay any longer. He stepped forward to pick up the child and walked out the door. When he reached the door, he paused, and turned to look at the men in the room.

"Go back and tell the person who made you do these things, one day when he falls into my hands, it will definitely be a thousand times more painful than you at this time."

After finishing speaking, Fang Fang hugged Wang Jiabao and walked towards the Spiritual Academy!

Let's look at the Spiritual Academy.

It was completely dark, and Zheng Ziyun followed those sneaky men to the vicinity of the Spiritual Academy. They began to wander around and peep around the outer wall of the Spiritual Academy in two groups, trying to find the loopholes in the guards of the academy, and then took advantage of it.

It's a pity, since Wang Jiabao's disappearance, the security level of Xiuling College has reached the highest level they can reach, and every wall is guarded by dark guards. Even with their ability, it cannot be said that they can absolutely guard the academy, but as long as someone wants to break in, they will be discovered immediately. It is still possible to make a sound and send a message to Zheng Ziyun and the others, so Cong Jiabao disappeared. After that, no children disappeared anymore, because they really couldn't get into the spiritual academy.

Seeing that they couldn't get into the Academy of Spirituality at all, those men started wandering around the academy again, wanting to wait to see if any single students showed up around the academy and let them pick up on mistakes.

But what is the situation now, which teacher would let his child leave the academy alone? The number of teachers in charge of guarding the dormitory building has changed from two to six, and the teachers in charge of teaching have also started to patrol the college alternately. It is simply impossible to get out of the college.

And after Wang Jiabao's incident, for those children who have something to ask for leave to go home, which parent is likely to let the children come back to school in the middle of the night? And even if the children returned to the academy after the holidays, the parents would personally send them to the entrance of the academy, and they would only leave after watching the children enter the academy!

Therefore, since Wang Jiabao disappeared, these people have never succeeded.

Zheng Ziyun found it interesting to see these people scratching their ears and cheeks in the dark, and couldn't hold it back, so he walked out of the darkness slowly, deliberately passing by several of the men as if inadvertently.

And those men suddenly found someone coming out of the alley beside them, and they couldn't help being startled. They have already surveyed the terrain around the Spiritual Academy clearly. That alley is a dead end, and logically speaking, no one should be in it. These days, they haven't met anyone else. Where did this person... come from today?

Taking a closer look, the young man in front of them who was smiling coldly at them turned out to be Zheng Ziyun, the teaching director of the Spiritual Academy. Their hairs were so frightened that they spread out, and cold sweat flowed out.


"Brothers, are you... helping us patrol the spiritual college? I know that you guys really like to help others through the incident of Jiabao's mother, Sister Wang! Is it because you didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and you made that mistake of being helpful again?"

Zheng Ziyun looked at the men in front of him, and said sarcastically.

"I...we ate too much at night, so we went out for a stroll. And...and we also went out for a walk anyway, why don't we help Elder Sister Wang find the child, there is nothing wrong with it !"

The men were stubborn and refuted Zheng Ziyun's words.

Anyway, they both know very well that the other party is lying, but there is no way to expose it. Because there is no evidence for each other, and... there is really no need to expose it. Anyway, Zheng Ziyun knew that Equation must have saved the child, and these men...he still has a role in tracking clues.

"Okay, then you can help find it! Thank you for your hard work!"

Zheng Ziyun rolled his big eyes, then turned his head and walked towards the gate of the Spiritual Academy.

After Zheng Ziyun returned to his office, he saw Lu Yanlin sitting on a chair in the reception area of ​​the office, drinking a pot of hot tea!

"The city lord!"

Zheng Ziyun called out,

"You're back, eh? Where's the equation?"

Lu Yanlin glanced behind Zheng Ziyun, but he didn't see the equation, so he couldn't help asking a little strangely.

"Those men were divided into two teams. One team came to the vicinity of the Spiritual Academy, and the other team went to another place where Wang Jiabao was suspected to be detained. So I and Fang Fang separated, and he followed the other team to detain Wang Jiabao. The place of Jiabao. I followed the other team to the vicinity of the Spiritual Academy. This team has been around the academy for a long time but failed to enter the academy, and there are no students around. They... I can't catch the child at all, and I'm angry outside!"

Zheng Ziyun sat down on the chair next to Lu Yanlin while talking, and wanted to laugh when he mentioned those men outside.

"They... are here to catch children?"

Lu Yanlin was a little surprised,

"Well, that's what he said, that's why the equation is sure that Wang Jiabao was probably taken away by this group of people!"

Zheng Ziyun nodded.

"These people are so rampant, they are simply audacious!"

Lu Yanlin was a little angry. He was indeed very angry that there was such a person who was playing tricks on children in the city under his jurisdiction.

"Money can turn ghosts around, I guess, the person behind the scenes must have given them a lot of benefits, otherwise, who would do such an outrageous thing!"

Zheng Ziyun shook his head, his face was full of contempt.

"By the way, City Lord, have Zhang Kaizhi and Wei Xiaolian been sent back?"

Zheng Ziyun cared about his students, thinking that this matter must not affect the study and life of other students.

Hearing Zheng Ziyun mention those two children, Lu Yanlin couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I sent them back. I sent them to the door of the dormitory in person. Let them go to sleep when they go back. No need to think about it!"

Lu Yanlin replied.