Chapter 2939

While Fang Fang was talking, he saw that people from the city patrol team had already entered the gate of the Spiritual Academy.

"As for you, let's leave it to the patrol team! Remember, you are not suitable to be a bad person. Your best choice is to plead guilty and strive for a short-term punishment. After you get out, be a simple ordinary person Bar!"

The equation gave a very pertinent opinion to the young killer.


The young killer wanted to say something, but after thinking for a while, he still kept silent and didn't say anything more.

"Mr. Fang, you asked someone to call us over. What's the matter?"

After seeing the equation, the members of the patrol team asked very respectfully and politely.

"Well, this person... together with the corpse you just cleaned up at the alley, tried to attack our spiritual academy. Fortunately, we arrived in time and rescued the students, otherwise the consequences would be terrible." It's very serious. The middle-aged killer was eliminated by me in the process of hunting him down. This young man has surrendered himself, and you can punish him according to your discretion."

Fang Fang explained the incident to the members of the city patrol team, and pleaded for the juvenile killer in a timely manner, striving for a commutation of the sentence.

"Okay, we got it. We'll take him back to the City Team for interrogation, and we'll let you know the final result."

The city patrol members hurriedly nodded in agreement.

The members of the city patrol team have always respected the formula, and they have no doubts about what he said. So they took the young killer away and returned directly to the patrol team.

Fang Fang looked at the backs of the city patrol team members going away, and then turned to look at Li Zhaowen.

"That Shang Yun should have almost rested, shall we... go see him?"

Fang Fang said proactively.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Zhaowen nodded, as if he had figured out a different feeling in the tone of the equation.

Shang Yun was arranged in a single dormitory. At this moment, he seemed to have just woken up and was sitting on the bed. He opened his eyes and looked at the window in front of him in a daze, as if he hadn't done anything for a while. Know exactly where you are.

"Master Shang, have you rested?"

The sudden sound from the door made Shang Yun withdraw his thoughts, he withdrew his gaze, and looked in the direction of the door.

"I've already rested, just wait a moment."

He had already recognized that the person speaking at the door was Equation. He immediately got up and went to open the door, only to see Fang Fang and Li Zhaowen standing at the door, looking at him with a smile on their faces.

"Young Master Shang, rest now? I was thinking at the door just now, will it affect your sleep if we come to find you?"

Fang Fang said to Shang Yun with a smile.

"Ah, no, no, I've been awake for a while. Although such a long time of eating and sleeping outdoors has indeed made me very tired. But it may be due to the long-term mental stress and depression, but I can't sleep for too long For a long time, this is also a very painful thing.”

Shang Yun smiled wryly and shrugged his shoulders, then invited Fang Fang and Li Zhaowen into his room, and let them sit down at the table.

"The tea that the dormitory teacher sent me before I went to bed was hot when it arrived, but it's already cold now."

Shang Yun took the teapot and cups and poured them two cups of tea, but after pouring out, he found that the tea was already cold.

"It's okay, we'll drink it as herbal tea."

Li Zhaowen took a sip from the teacup with a smile, showing no sign of disgust. They do not have such a strong tea culture, and they pay attention to drinking hot tea, and the herbal tea is the same, but the herbal tea is more bitter.

"We have already caught the two killers who attacked you. This time, Mr. Shang no longer has to worry about someone chasing you."

Before Shang Yun returned to his original position, Fang Fang started to talk straight to the point.

Shang Yun's hand holding the teapot paused slightly. He raised his eyes to look at Fang Fang, but saw that Fang Fang was also looking at him. expression.

"Really? They've all been caught? That's great, I don't have to hide anymore."

There was an unconcealable surprise in Shang Yun's tone,

"Then... did they tell me why they wanted to kill me? Or, did they tell me who wanted my life?"

Shang Yun looked at the equation very curiously and seriously, waiting for his answer.

"I haven't asked about this yet. The older middle-aged killer was dealt with by me in the process of escaping. The young killer is still alive and is cooperating with the city patrol team in the investigation of the city patrol team. As for the specific situation So, I don’t know yet, the people from the patrol team haven’t come to tell me yet.”

Fang Fang spread his hands and said indifferently, and then he also took a sip of the cold herbal tea.

"Oh, I see!"

Shang Yun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief slowly, his body retracted and no longer leaned forward. Obviously, he just looked eager to know the result.

"It's just that I'm still a little strange, and I also asked the middle-aged killer before he died, but he didn't give me an answer. That is, they said that they came to kill you under the order of the young master. But you didn't They were not killed by them, and their mission was not completed. Why did they think about disarming and returning to the fields and retreating to the mountains? This has always been something I haven't figured out. Now that you think about it, you are also the person involved. After all, they have been chasing You are the one who killed, do you know what their purpose is? Why are they thinking of retreating to the mountains and forests because the task is obviously not completed and you are still alive?"

Equation asked strangely.

Shang Yun couldn't help but froze in place after hearing the words of the formula. He lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something. There was no sound in the whole person, he just lowered his head and quietly thought about what Fang said just now.

"What? Did you think of anything?"

Seeing that he was quiet, Fang Fang couldn't help asking.

"Ah? No, I'm also wondering why they left just like that? They have chased and killed me all the way, why are they leaving now! Maybe...I think it's too easy to get me, so I want to Or they think that after I enter the spiritual academy, they are less likely to kill me. It is impossible for them to attack the spiritual academy and take me out of here, so... ...and gave up on chasing me."

Shang Yun raised his head, looked at Fang Fang's face and analyzed for himself.

"Well... Indeed, we are leaning towards the latter possibility as well."

Fang Fang nodded and agreed with Shang Yun's statement.

When Shang Yun saw that Fang said he agreed with his second statement, he showed an unnatural look on his face.