Chapter 3112

After Li Zhaowen said this, everyone present was taken aback for a moment, especially Yuan Yue, who seemed to have not reacted, and stood there for a while. Fang Fang stepped forward and pulled her hand, and only then did she realize what Li Zhaowen had just said.

"You mean...Shang Yun is really dead? Is it the kind of death I understand?"

Yuan Yue looked at Li Zhaowen in surprise,

"Yes, it's the kind of dead that you understand. It's too dead to die."

Li Zhaowen nodded hastily, and said to Yuan Yue with a smile.

"Is he really dead? God, I really can't believe it. I thought that people like Shang Yun would never die! He will rack his brains and keep trying to live until we are all dead , he will not die."

Yuan Yue once really felt this way, as if Shang Yun was the kind of xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death, and his vitality was unimaginably tenacious.

"Well, I admit that Shang Yun is really strong in some aspects, but he is still dead, isn't he? Moon, he is not a god, don't imagine him too strong, I said I will get rid of him, then We will definitely get rid of him! Look, isn’t he dead now?”

Fang Fang looked at Yuan Yue and spoke seriously to her.

Seeing Fang Fang's serious face, Yuan Yue couldn't help laughing, and the hand holding Fang Fang tightened even more.

"Okay, okay, I got it, you are a god, you are the most powerful and domineering god, what is that Shang Yun, but a clown playing some dark tricks, and he deserves to be compared with you? It's ridiculous!"

Yuan Yue said that Fang Xihua was in full bloom, and his originally tense nerves suddenly relaxed. He looked at Yuan Yue who was smiling brightly like a flower in front of him, and he didn't care whether there were many people here. She hugged her, smiled and sighed.

"You! When I was in danger down there, I really thought about what would happen to you without me? Would you be very sad, sad, or... never recover from a setback, No longer living well, but wasting time."

Fang Fang whispered in Yuan Yue's ear,

"You are down below, have you encountered a particularly critical situation?"

Yuan Yue was very keenly aware of the difference in attitude between Fang Fang's words, and she immediately realized that Fang Fang and the others must have encountered some serious problem down below, otherwise he would not have easily said such hypothetical words.

"Yes, but we made it through! Don't worry, your man won't just die like that Shang Yun, I'm very resistant! The most important thing is, I'm afraid you will worry!"

Fang Fang intentionally teased Yuan Yue with a relaxed tone, and Yuan Yue naturally knew that Fang Fang was trying to divert her worries and fears, so Bian very cooperatively pushed Yuan Yue lightly.

"You think beautifully, who is worried about you? Tch, if you are really...really so unbelievable, I will turn around and find a man who is stronger and better than you. I don't have time to worry about you Ah, I have to hurry up and eat delicious and spicy food!"

Yuan Yue deliberately said to the equation with great disdain,

"Then it's impossible for you in this life, because I won't die!"

Fang Fang looked at Yuan Yue confidently, and said with a smile.

"You two are fine, the food we need now is not the dog food you sprinkled, okay?"

Yu Yien rolled his eyes very rarely, and then looked at Shu Qing who also rolled his eyes, and then they both laughed.


Hearing the two of them laughed unscrupulously, Xiao Si'er and Xiao Fei, the juniors beside them, no longer held back their own laughter, and laughed wantonly.

"All right, all be serious, let's get down to business!"

Fang Fang had a rare expression of embarrassment on his face. He tried his best to restore his expression, and then turned his head to look at the old tree spirit standing aside, who was also having a good time with the big guys.

"You laugh too, it's all like this now, aren't you going to tell us what that so-called sincerity is?"

Fang Fang looked helplessly at the old dryad who was having fun with everyone, and then the old dryad came to his senses and nodded hastily.

"Ah, that's right, I was thinking of telling you when I came up just now, but I forgot when I interrupted!"

The old dryad said hastily,

"In fact, the so-called sincerity is the former World Lord's World Lord's waist card, which is the key item that can open the barriers of each layer of the World Lord's Hall."

The old Dryad finally spoke out,

"The person who holds the World Lord's waist card is the chosen son, the one who can enter the World Lord's hall."

The old tree spirit made it very clear, that is to say, the one who walks into the Hall of the Lord with the waist card of the World Lord is the future World Lord in a legitimate way.

"I see!"

Today, Equation finally understands why so many people are obsessed with his World Master Token, even though they know that their own abilities are not their own opponents, they still try their best to steal it. That small waist card, so it is.

At this moment, Fang Fang suddenly felt that the world master waist card in the bag was so heavy, and the responsibility on his shoulders became heavier and heavier.

"Then how should the Realm Lord's waist card be used to unlock the enchantment of the Realm Lord's Hall?"

Fang Fang continued to ask, but this time, the old tree spirit showed a somewhat troubled look.

"God of the equation, this... I really can't tell you! I know you are a good person, and you saved my life, but I tell you that the key item that can open the barrier of the Lord Hall is The Lord’s waist card has already violated the big precept, and I will be punished, if you ask any more...I really can’t reveal anything more.”

The old tree spirit said to the equation very sincerely, even with a bit of pleading in his tone.

"Be punished, who will punish you?"

Fang Fang looked around incomprehensibly, to see if any law enforcement figures would appear in a while, but he waited for a long time, but he didn't see anything special appearing.

"It's an enchantment. The enchantment here is very terrifying. They are thoughtful and can monitor whether the guards here have committed any regulations that should not be violated."

The old dryad also looked around, as if those enchantments were everywhere around him.


Fang Fang looked at the old dryad in surprise, and then burst out laughing.

"Then it's been a while, have you been punished?"

Yuan Yue on the side smiled and said to the old tree spirit.

"Ah? Punishment, eh? It seems that there is really no such thing!"

The old tree spirit looked around in confusion, but he still didn't find anything unusual, so he couldn't help feeling puzzled.