When Zhang Xiaotian heard that they could finally get out of the mountain, he was the first to cheer. These days, he was suffocated. He urgently needed to return to human civilization,

"we can go out!"


"well, brother, can you lead the way?"

Mr. Fang, please wait for a moment with your friends. I need to hand over the work with the Deputy Supervisor first, or... You can go to my office to have a rest first

Cao Dayuan's acquisitive manner is so ridiculous to Zhang Xiaotian that he can't help teasing him and saying, "is that still your office? Isn't it time to give it to your deputy? "

after hearing this, Cao Dayuan's pale face trembled a few times,

" OK, you go to hand over, we won't rest, we will walk around here... "

seeing that the equation seems to be serious, Cao Dayuan said hello to him and went to find his own deputy to hand it over!

"It's really bad luck that the entrance has been destroyed just a few days after entering the mountain."

Dahan threw his knapsack on the ground and sat down on it. He said in frustration,

"don't say that, it's not bad luck, it's not a perfect solution! But Cheng Zi, when did you meet Jiang Liyao? Chairman of the Jiang Group, you can

Zhang Xiaotian now more and more admire the equation, now the equation is really from time to time will give himself a little surprise,

"this is a long story, go back to tell you! Well, you can watch here. I'll go and have a look around there. "

Finish saying, equation then two hands insert pocket, go to the other side!

The equation seems to have started to wander around unintentionally. He walked here and there to have a look. He really looked like a layman just visiting around! But if someone pays attention to his eyes, they will find that there is a trace of sharpness in his black eyes. Yes, he is looking for something!

From the beginning of dealing with Cao Dayuan, the equation has already felt that if there is any aura around here, it is very thin, but it gives him a very pure feeling, which is similar to the Tian Huangshi string on his wrist. The aura is very pure and free of impurities!

After scanning for a week, the equation found no objects or living beings that could emit this aura. He stopped and thought carefully, "is there nothing nearby? Where did this aura come from? "

He silently underestimated it in his heart. Suddenly, there was a flash of aura in his mind. There may be two reasons for the rarity of aura. The first reason is that the objects that emit aura have very little aura, so he only has a weak feeling. Another reason is that... Far away from himself, there must be a place with rich aura emanating outward With aura, thinking of this, the heart of the equation can't help but lift up his head and look at the mountain not far away. What is hidden in the mountain?

But he didn't allow him to think about it. Cao Dayuan came back with his clothes changed into sportswear and a big mountaineering backpack in his hand.

"let's... Go!"

His voice seemed to be full of reluctant to give up. He walked heavily and looked at the equation with frustration on his face. However, seeing that the equation did not seem to have heard him, he went straight to the mountain. The enchanted appearance was like that there was some monster in the mountain that hooked his soul.

"what's wrong with him

Cao Dayuan was afraid of the equation, and his divine appearance was even more strange to him,

"Cheng Zi, Hello, Cheng Zi..."

Zhang Xiaotian yelled at the equation, but the equation did not respond at all, and continued to move forward,


Seeing that the equation seemed to be in the evil, he ran up to him and took his arm.

"what's wrong with you? Equation, you... Don't scare us!"

I've seen a lot of strange things along the way. I've been afraid of snake bites for ten years!

"Every day, look at the mountain in front of you..."

the equation suddenly opened, and his voice was filled with a kind of excitement and excitement that was extremely suppressed, so that his voice seemed to be a little strange,

every night, he looked up at the mountain that the equation referred to and looked at the equation again. The equation was originally intended to be thrown away before it was taken out of his pocket The map points to the middle of the map, and then points to the mountain in front of it.

"is that mountain? Right? I read it right... "

I stretched out my head and looked at the mountain in front of me. It seemed that I understood the meaning of the equation, and her face showed an expression of joy, which was rarely seen on her face!"You mean... Maybe in that mountain?"

The equation nodded slightly, and everyone behind him also understood the words of the equation. They were all in a state of jubilation. Only Dahan and Cao Dayuan looked confused,

"do you know that the staff passage is in that mountain? If you don't ask me, would I not have to go home after being laid off...

Cao Dayuan wants to cry without tears,

"the staff channel is in that mountain?"

The equation was stunned,

Cao Dayuan was in a daze, but he didn't dare to express it on the surface, so he could only reply in a bad mood,

"yes... What's the matter?"

"Take us there

Equation picked up Cao Dayuan's collar and went to the mountain!

The so-called staff passage is actually a cave similar to the one they entered before. However, this cave should be formed naturally. Once you enter, you can see many kinds of stalactites on the top of your head and countless stalagmites at your feet! An underground river runs through the whole cave. At the other end of the cave, there should be only a small hole that can only allow the river to pass through, but it has been artificially cut open, which forms a free passage in and out!

As soon as the equation entered the cave, he felt that his whole body was surrounded by a pure and thick aura, which made him more sure that there must be jade mines in the mountain, so he called Li Daquan and said, "Captain, look at the rock structure here, whether there is a vein!"

He asked Li Daquan in a low voice. They found the vein together, so that people would not feel different. Li Daquan took out the head lamp and put it on his head. Then he took out his tools and knocked on the rock wall. The equation squatted on one side and studied with his old team leader from time to time to knock down some rocks from the rock wall Sample, Li Daquan shook his head, it seems that he didn't find anything,

"Captain, don't worry, there's another side, go there and have a look!"

The equation refers to the rock wall on the other side,


Li Daquan adjusted his headlamp and went to the other side of the mountain wall. The experienced man knocked down two rocks and stones from the wall. He found that there was nothing unusual. He put more force on his hand. With a bang, a bigger rock was knocked down. A big gap was left on the mountain wall, and the gap was emitting under the light of the headlamp A refreshing and crystal clear emerald green,

"look, Captain!"

The equation yelled with excitement,

"yes, it is! As the equation says, there is indeed a jade mine here....

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