When Zhou Yan came out of Pudong airport with Zhou Yan, it was exactly nine o'clock in the morning. The time was just right. Because they had caught the early flight, they both seemed to be in a bit of a low spirits and drowsy!

Originally, Zhang Xiaotian wanted to come with him, but there were too many things at home. Although the bookstore could be left to Su Mengying for help, Yang Shulin needed him to handle some formality matters, and his ability in this aspect was really much better than Yang Shulin. Dahan also had to look at the store. If anything happened, an old man in the store A woman and a child can't bear it! The reason why Mr. Wen didn't go with the equation was that the equation, as a guest, needed to report to the expert committee in advance!

The hotel is very close to the exhibition center where the Expo is held. Two people first go to the hotel to put down their luggage, and then one person will walk to the exhibition center! When he came to the gate, a security guard in the security room squinted his eyes and looked up and down the equation. Then he asked, "what do you do?"

"I'm going to the Committee of experts!"

After all, it's not necessary to educate a security guard about his service attitude.

"expert committee? What are you doing at the expert committee? Are all the forensic experts equipped with assistants now? Hum

The security guard snorted coldly,

"without the exhibition card, no one can enter! Don't talk about experts, even if the heavenly king Laozi comes, you have to get the exhibition card! "

The equation can't help being speechless. You can't help saying it at the beginning when you want the exhibition card. He takes out the exhibition card from his backpack, and the security guard takes a look at the above picture and the equation himself, and can't help turning his eyes,

"OK, go in and hang the exhibition card around your neck next time!"

The little security guard is still very fond of educating people. With a silent smile, he strides into the gate of the exhibition center and hears the little security guard muttering to himself behind him,

"can anyone be an expert now? Cut, it's really more and more ridiculous. Look at his age... Is he older than me? "

It's also true that all along the equation's impression on experts is the image of an old man with gray hair and rich experience. Even if it's not an old man, he has to be a middle-aged man of 40 or 50 years old with rich experience. It's really rare for an expert who is only 25 years old. It seems that his age alone is not convincing enough!

The idea of the resulting equation was confirmed as soon as he stepped into the expert committee! The moment he appeared at the door of the meeting room, the five experts who had already sat in the meeting room all cast puzzled eyes on him! Looking at the equation, an old man, who is about the age of Huajia, is sitting on the first left hand side of the conference table in a elegant gray Zhongshan suit. Opposite him, there is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is handsome and dignified. The most important thing is that he understands the equation. He is master Chen Qiyuan, who went into the mountain with every day and night Not surprised, nodded to him slightly, equation also busy nodding to say hello! Next to Chen Qiyuan was a middle-aged man with a big belly and a rich appearance. He was looking at himself with a smile on his face, just like the Maitreya Buddha in the picture. Opposite the fat man, there was a thin, short, middle-aged man in his fifties with deep and sharp eyes. At first, he was a master who was not easy to offend, and the last expert was a woman Sex, about 50 years old, can be seen from her charming face that she must have been a gorgeous beauty when she was young. She sat quietly beside the westerners, her eyes did not pay attention to themselves, but to a paper material in front of her!

Equation stood there awkwardly, neither in advance nor in retreat. After a long time, he found his language ability again,

"Hello, predecessors and teachers, my name is equation, and I am also one of the members of the expert committee of this antique exposition!"

After the self introduction of the equation, the scene was still silent. Everyone still looked at the equation in front of them,

"do they think I am a liar?"

At the critical moment, Chen Qiyuan opened his mouth to ease the embarrassing situation,

"equation, please sit down first!"

He pointed to the position next to the skinny man,

"Oh, good!"

Equation slowly sat down under the eyes of the public attention, but just as his butt got on the bench, the skinny man next to him opened his mouth,

"can anyone in our expert committee come in now? Don't you think it's uncomfortable to have a hairy boy sitting with us? My old Han has a straight temper. I have to say whatever I think of! "

The equation sank, and he was really aiming at himself. When I took over the job, I could have expected that it would not be an easy job, but how could Wen's recommendation be rejected easily!

"Brother Han, this equation is recommended by Wen Lao. It must be something extraordinary. Don't you believe that he still doesn't believe him?"

The fat man looked at the thin man with a smile and said that he didn't believe in the equation very much. He was just doing something to make peace,"Well, it's not that I don't believe in Wen Lao, but I don't believe in the character of the young people now. With a little luck and the skill of playing tricks, I don't know how to get into wenlao's eyes!"

The thin man seems to be following the equation, which makes the equation very depressed. How can he offend the master? It's worth him to slander himself so much,

"the equation is a good young man. I've seen his treasure identification ability, and it's still very good. He's a gifted child, worth training!"

Chen Qiyuan's speech is very fair. He neither exaggerates the words of the equation to offend thin men, nor does he ignore the ability of the equation to please anyone present. After listening to Chen Qiyuan's words, he felt that he should say something,

"this time I came to the expert committee, and I was very surprised. Thanks to Wen's approval and recommendation, I was admitted to this session of the expert committee, and I know my ability is not good They are shallow and inexperienced, but the appreciation of Wen Lao is not respectful, so they dare to sit together with teachers and experts! "

All of you even nodded, and the skinny old man had nothing to answer. They had to "hum" gently and turn around,

"well, since it's recommended by Wen, it's no accident that it must be able people. It's useless to talk about it here. It's only when you really start to identify. All of you here come from young times, you When you were young, you never thought that someone would give you such a chance? "

The Huajia old man sitting at the top of the table interrupted the conversation. From his age and position, we can see that he is the most important person here. After all, he is a superior person. His words are good. A few words calm down the restless heart of the equation.

"OK, now let's talk about the business!"

The old man spoke again!

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