Seeing Wendy again, the heart of the equation seems to be severely pinched by something. Wendy is pale and thin, lying in the intensive care unit full of various instruments, with all kinds of pipes inserted in his body and brain. A teenager of 12 or 13, who is in the prime of the flowering and rainy season, is declared to be able to spend his whole life unconsciously in hospital bed, which causes this The result is just yourself!

The equation quickly walked to Wendy's hospital bed, mobilized all the aura to gather in his hands, and then put the palms of his hands on Wendy's head. The aura was continuously input into Wendi's brain meridians. At the beginning, the aura swam smoothly without any blockage. Suddenly, when the aura swam to the innermost meridians of Wendy's head, he felt the enlightenment Obvious retention and blockage,

"here it is!"

Just as Fang Cheng was about to exert his strength, he heard a voice coming from behind him,

"Mr. Fang, you are here!"

It was Shi Minghong who came back, so the equation quietly took back his aura and turned to look at the father of the child, Shi Minghong,

"brother Shi, you are too outspoken to call me Mr. Fang. Just call me equation!"

He quickly corrected Shi Minghong's address to himself,

"Oh, OK, equation, elder brother Shi. This is really in a hurry. Just now a friend recommended an old Chinese medicine doctor from a famous family of traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing. I went to pick up the old man in a hurry. Don't mind if you neglect me!"

Shi Minghong's big face seems to have lost a lot of weight. It seems that it is because of his son's illness that he is so anxious that he can't eat well and sleep hard.

"where is elder brother Shi? If the child is ill, he has to look for any hope! How could I mind? I also hope Wendy will get better soon! "

The equation said in a hurry. Just as he was saying this, a thin, but Hale old man came in slowly behind him. The little old man had grey hair and silver beard, and he had a rather strong character. He was followed by a young man, who seemed to be an attendant of the old man.

"equation, this is the master Hua Guihua, and the Huashi traditional Chinese medicine hall in the capital city is the old man's home Yes, Mr. Hua, that's the leader and leader in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in China

Shi Minghong hastily introduced the equation,

"Mr. Shi flattered me, but thanks to the protection of my ancestors, I opened a no small Chinese medicine clinic in the capital. It's not as exaggerated as you said!"

The old man, known as Hua Lao, has little expression. He says modestly,

"old Hua doesn't need to be too modest. Who in the capital doesn't know you're HuaLao, and Huashi traditional Chinese medicine hall is not something that anyone who wants to see can go to see it!"

I don't know whether it's because of asking for help from others or the ability of Hua Lao. Shi Minghong spared no effort to praise the old man, but the old man didn't seem to buy it very much, and he was still expressionless,

"Oh, Hello, old Hua!"

After listening to Shi Minghong's words, equation said hello to Mr. Hua. Although he was not very interested in this kind of master who was wrapped up in mystery, he was more than enough to be his grandfather, and he was worth asking himself in terms of seniority,


Seeing the equation, Mr. Hua just nodded his head clearly, and then he did not move again. He must have listened to Shi Minghong talking about the equation on his way to see Wendi!

Mr. Hua went to Wendi's hospital bed. First, he carefully looked at Wendy's face, palms, tongue coating and eyelids. Then he stretched out his hand to pulse for him. Gradually, Hua's brow was slightly wrinkled. After a while of face-to-face diagnosis, he closed his hand and turned to face Shi Minghong with his back.

"Mr. Shi, your son's illness What a strange thing

He said slowly, with a trace of doubt and perplexity on his expression,

"strange? What's the strange way? "

Shi Minghong asked in a hurry. Equation also looked curiously at Xianghua. He also wanted to hear what the "famous" old Chinese medicine doctor would say about Wendi's disease.

"silting is right. Previous doctors have also diagnosed and treated this result, but What's strange is that your son is not blood stasis, but gas blockage! Blood stasis occurs in a wide range of age groups, even if it's a boy of 12 or 13, it's understandable, but This air block is mostly caused by older people. How can there be air blockage when your son is still so young? Unless... "

Mr. Hua stopped talking, twirling his beard on his chin and thoughtfully said,

"unless what?"

Shi Minghong and his wife asked with one voice,

"that is, there is an external force that causes the son to have the phenomenon of gas blockage!"

Mr. Hua's words surprised the heart of the equation, and his attitude towards him suddenly changed. It seems that this old man is not a mediocre in vain!

People often listen to traditional Chinese medicine saying that all kinds of diseases start from Qi and blood stasis, but they don't know that blood stasis and Qi blockage are two different kinds of stasis. Blood stasis is common, but Qi blockage is difficult to meet. Even if occasionally encountered, most of them will be mistaken for blood stasis. At one glance, Hua can see that Wendi is Qi blockage rather than blood stasis, which shows that Wendi's medical skills are very good!

"External force? No, Wendy didn't get any injuries before he was comatose, but he kept arguing and uncomfortable. Because his head had been injured by accident about half a year ago, we always thought it was the sequelae of the previous trauma. We went to the hospital to see it. The doctor also said that it was the sequelae of the wound, which would recover slowly in a year and a half, so we didn't have any Treat it as a very serious one! "Wendi's mother recalled all the abnormal events before Wendi's coma,

"it is very likely that the accidental injury caused the son's gas blockage, but at that time, the gas blockage did not completely block the meridians, but gradually developed to this day!"

Hua said in a heavy and slow voice,

"that How can it be cured? "

Looking at Hua Lao's dignified expression, Shi Minghong's heart naturally also raised. He asked in a hurry,

"your son has been in a coma for several days, which proves that the blockage inside his head is very serious. In western medicine, this coma state is called" vegetative man ", which is caused by excessive brain damage caused by gas blockage! So far, I can only try with a needle! "

Hua Lao said, and then extended his hand to the young man on the side, and the young man quickly took out the needle bag that had already been ready for embroidery silk stretch surface and put it on Hua Lao's hand. It seems that Hua always wants to hand stitch himself!

"I've heard that Hua Lao's acupuncture is superb. If you can really use this acupuncture to save the boy, Shi is really grateful!"

Seeing that old Hua took out the needle bag, Shi Minghong hurried forward and said with gratitude,

"don't mention it first. I will try my best. As for whether I can succeed or not, it is still unknown! Go and shave off all the children's hair

After listening to Hua Lao's words, Shi Minghong and his wife quickly agreed to find out the hair and push the button to give their son to start shaving!

After listening to Shi Minghong's words, the equation may have some clues. It seems that the most famous stunt of Hua Lao is the needle in the needle bag. He stood quietly and watched the matter continue to develop. If he could use acupuncture to save Wendi from coma, it would be a good thing!

With a big wave of his hand, Mr. Hua steadily unfolded the needle bag on the table. The equation felt a strong and abnormal aura, which made him feel a little stunned,

"this needle..."

The equation looked at the needle bag and became very surprised and puzzled in an instant,

"why? Mr. Fang, do you recognize the needle

Seeing that the equation seemed to be interested in his gold needle, Hua asked leisurely,

"I don't know, it's just Hua Lao's set of needles At least a thousand years old, right? This kind of antiques can only be seen by Fang in his lifetime! "

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