The night has been very deep, the equation ended with the way of two brothers talk, then returned to their own room! Lying on his big soft bed, looking at the white ceiling, he suddenly remembered the little hamster that had appeared in this room many times! That once brought their own change, luck and surprise of the little things, is no longer! It was... It was crushed alive by the mutants underground! At the thought of that cruel scene, the equation can't help but close his eyes!

My life... Is from the small hamster after the occurrence of earth shaking changes! The equation is clear, hamster is absolutely kind, all its advice... Have a reason! But now it seems that things are going to develop a little bit!

He still remember that time when he entered Beijing, the little hamster stood in front of his luggage and refused to let himself go! It seems that it was that time that he met xiaorou, Pei's family, and ye Sangge. Then he went to Myanmar and met the mutants. So... The reason why the little hamster didn't let himself go to the capital was that he foresaw these people and these things?

However, it was impossible to verify these. The equation sighed and sat up. Suddenly, he felt that his neck was a little empty. Then he remembered the strange story about the jade pendant! He quickly got up and went down to the ground and found out the jade pendant he picked because he heard the story of Ye Lao! Then the equation paused for a moment, and then rummaged the jade pendant that ye Lao sent himself also took out from the cabinet! The

equation as like as two peas, put together two jade objects. Apart from the slight difference in shape, the two jade objects are exactly the same as the material, gloss, hardness, and even the outward outward aura. It's hard to imagine that they are really the scales falling from the tail of the Aeolus snake, as the mutator said. He looked over the two pieces of jade under the lamp for a long time, but he didn't find out what was special about the two jade scales!

"By the way..."

the equation suddenly remembered one thing. He quickly pulled his suitcase, sat cross legged on the ground, and then searched in it. In a short time, he found out the piece of expensive raw material he had taken from Qin Wei! He quietly felt the two different auras emanating from that piece of wool, thinking about it!

The reason why equation bought this expensive wool at that time was not that he had money and money, nor was he really fond of glass or imperial green jadeite, but because... In this wool, there was the same aura as these two jade scales. He bought it because of this, because he was suspicious that... It was in this wool In, the same package with these two pieces of the same... Jade scale!

The equation sat on the ground thinking for a long time, and finally decided to solve the stone by myself! First, he didn't want to let others know that there was a jade pendant like that hidden in it, so that other people could not answer their questions. Second, after listening to Ye Lao's words, he felt that the jade pendant was still dangerous. If other people didn't cut it, it would be terrible to see him again and again! But if you cut it, maybe it's not so serious. At least you have aura in your body. It won't kill you at once!

With this in mind, the equation was taken out of the cabinet, and the small cutting machine and grinding machine he had bought before he was ready to learn how to solve the stone, put it on the desk, and then he rolled up his sleeve to start to solve the stone! In fact, he was a little timid in his heart. After all, old general Ye described the event as so tragic, and he also held a certain skepticism about the jade pendant. Is its energy really so powerful?

The grinding machine is mainly friction, how to be safer than the direct cutting machine, so the equation carefully took the grinder, boldly began to polish on the edge of the piece of wool! It is worthy of a sky high price of wool. The ground area has begun to turn green before five minutes! The equation looked at this green place, but also couldn't help but take a breath!

It is a refreshing green, crystal clear, bright and dripping, looking at this Wang Zheng green, I feel like it is really flowing in general, I wish it could flow out of that stone in the next second! There is no doubt that this is pure glass Imperial Green Emerald, just wipe out the edge of the product has been so excellent, then the inside of the jade is not to the sky!

Unfortunately, the mind of the equation is not on the king green, which is the most expensive glass species. He just hesitated for a moment, then took the small cutting machine on the side, and without hesitation, he cut down the amazing Imperial Green without hesitation!

With this knife, the equation felt the abnormality of wool in the hand. It was shaking, shaking violently! He took the cutter away and looked at the stone which was shaking more and more violently! At this moment, the equation is also surprised to find that the other two jade scales beside the desk are shaking slightly, as if they have mutual induction!

Trembling more and more intense, on the desktop issued "Deng Deng Deng" collision sound! Equation surprised at the scene in front of him, can't help but slowly stand up and backward! Even if bold as he, to see this strange phenomenon will also feel fear and fear! All of a sudden, the equation just felt a dazzling light like lightning exploded in front of him. His world suddenly turned pale, and his eyes seemed to have lost their function! The body seems to be broken down by a strong current. The equation trembles violently for several times, and then "bang" falls to the ground! In this moment, his mind flashed countless complex, broken, and does not belong to his memory of the picture, like a movie in his mind! After a moment, the strong light disappeared, the equation expression lay on the ground in pain, no more sound!At night, Fang Yuan opened his eyes vaguely, sat up from the bed, stretched out his hand to lift the curtain and looked out of the window,

"it didn't rain... How could it be struck by lightning? Idle...

She mumbled vaguely that she wanted to get out of bed to have a look, but she was so sleepy that she fell back and fell into a deep sleep again!

The night is deep and everything is quiet. A man in a black robe stands in the boundless darkness and looks at the window with a lamp on. For a long time, he silently lowers his head and murmurs in his mouth,

"are you still going to wake up after all?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!