Although the Yang family insisted that they should not, the equation still put a large box of antiques brought by themselves in the Yang family, with a bank card containing five million yuan on it,

"what are you doing...

father Yang looked at the things under his feet and asked in a trembling voice,

" I have nothing else to give you. Brother Yang can't come back, and all I can do is feel guilty Self blame, that's all! Uncle, I absolutely have no other meaning. Although I have known brother Yang for a short time, we really treat each other with sincerity and chat with him! He once told me that every time he was on a mission outside, he would miss your second elder brother and sister-in-law most. He had mentioned more than once that he was never afraid of death. The only thing he was afraid of was that no one would take care of you after he died! So... From today on, I will take the responsibility that he should bear, take care of four old people, sister-in-law and Xiaokang Kang! All the affairs of the Yang family are my business. You are on call! "

"This box of things... Is the reason why we went out this time, and also the reason why brother Yang lost his life! This box is worth a lot of money. If you want to sell it, you can sell it to me, but if you want to keep a thought...

"I will stay... This is my son's life, I will stay..."

father Yang held the box in his arms... He cried loudly...

when he left the Yang family, the equation had collapsed. He was suffering from the Yang family and his own Self blame is hollowed out! Yang's family is very rational, Yang's father is also a veteran. They understand that everything can have accidents and dangers, but understanding is understanding, but the pain... Is unbearable! At the moment, the father, the family, no one can lose the pain!

Three people of equation squatted at the bottom of Yang's house, smoking cigarettes one after another. Seeing this scene, equation can't help but think of the situation when he invited Yang Shulin to help him open a security company:

"I always have an idea. I want to open a high-end security company in Qin'an, and train a group of high-quality and professional security personnel However, I have been suffering from the lack of separation and skills. I really don't have time to pay attention to the research in this field. If I say I want to give this stall to you, are you confident that you can support it? "

"Give it to me?"

"Well, the security company I want to do is not a low-end company like those in the market today who can find some people at will and can work without professional training. At most, that kind of company is even a security agency! I hope that my company can earn more veterans as our security personnel. Even if they are not veterans, they need professional and formal training before they can take up their posts. We strive to create a super high quality security team, so that the people who employ us can really feel safe and at ease. Of course, this will also bring us more abundant income and a higher social environment A bit! "

"OK, I'll take it!"

"Call back all your retired comrades in arms. I believe... With you, this company will soon be established!"

"You'll be very busy for some time in the future."

"I'm ready, life is nothing more than to fight for the people I love and the things I like. I'm duty bound to face such an opportunity!"

But now, he can no longer fight for the people he loves!

Next, the equation goes to Huanglong County, the hometown of wangquan! Huanglong county is subordinate to Yi'an city in Western Shanxi Province. It is adjacent to Luochuan in the west, Baishui, Chengcheng and Heyang in the south, Hancheng in the East and Yichuan in the north. It is a good place with good mountains and water! But now the equation of the three of them, can not be in the mood to enjoy those beautiful scenery!

Wang Quan's home is in a town in Huanglong. The conditions are not good or bad. His father is a post office clerk in the town. His mother works in a textile factory. There is still land in the family! There is also a sister who is in high school. Because the age difference between the two is more than ten years old, Wang Quan loves this sister very much. When he was in the security company, he often saw him buy beautiful clothes and shoes for his sister to send back to her!

Three people came to the front door of the Wang family. When the villagers saw two cars, one front and one back, one big and one small, parked at the gate of Wang's house, they could not help but stop to watch. When they saw that the van behind was actually a funeral car, they began to sigh in a low voice, thinking it must be... They also guessed that this is not a good thing!

The equation knocked on the door of the Wang family. A farmer about 60 years old came out to open the door. Seeing the posture of his own door, his simple face showed a puzzled expression,

"you are...

" we are colleagues of wangquan company... "

" Oh, it's quan'er's colleague. Come on, come in and sit in the room ”

as soon as he heard that it was his son's colleague, Wang Fu immediately became enthusiastic. He took the equation's arm and went into the house. He took the equation and walked a few steps into the yard, but his father suddenly stopped. He seemed to have just reacted and turned his body to the back and looked at the two cars parked at his door! When his father saw that one of the funeral carts was a funeral cart, he staggered back, and the equation caught him in a hurry. The king's father turned to look at the equation, and his lips murmured and wriggled,"What's wrong with my power son?"

As soon as his voice dropped, he heard a crisp and sweet voice coming from the door, and there was a trace of dislike in the voice,

"Dad, why is there a car pulling dead people at our door? How unlucky it is! Let them move away quickly..."

before the words fell, the little girl who hopped into the Wangs' house watched her father being helped Looking at herself with sad eyes, she suddenly realized that... This car should have been parked at her door,

"Dad, what's the matter? What happened? Why is there a car pulling dead people in front of our house? Who's the matter...

the girl was so nervous that her voice trembled, and her eyes became red,

"your brother... It's your brother..."

without listening to the equation, father Wang already knew that it was his son... Something had happened!

"My brother? How could... My brother... How could something happen to him? "

After listening to her father's words, the girl was stunned, then she screamed and cried. The queen mother, who was preparing dinner in the house, ran out to see her wife being supported and her daughter sitting on the ground crying. She looked at the equation in horror,

"what are you doing? ”

"old companion, our son is gone, and the king's son is... Gone!"

Until the car drove far away from the village, the cry of the king's parents was still ringing in their ears. He was the pillar of the family, the son who made his parents proud, and the hero of his sister. The family... Collapsed, which was something that no amount of money could make up for! , the fastest update of the webnovel!