Just now I was worried that Fang Yuan would be afraid of the equation. Seeing that my sister was not worried at all, and even felt a little bit exciting, I put my heart down! Look, she also knows to use the curtain to connect a lifeline to escape, not bad!

"You slow down, one by one, and I'll follow you below..."

Fang chenglian made a speech and finally conveyed his meaning to the children upstairs,


Fang Yuan just put his leg out of the window on the second floor, but he was scared by a sudden explosion and retreated again,

"there was a blast Play? "

The equation was stunned and looked at the window on the second floor above his head in a hurry,

"come on, get down first... Don't think about anything else, you can walk one by one!"

The equation thinks that these gangsters can even use explosives. It can be said that they are crazy. The longer these children stay here, the more dangerous they will be!

"Fangyuan, you are the first..."

the equation tries to lower his voice and calls out that... People are selfish, that is his sister. Of course, he hopes that she can come back safely and safely. After her sister lands safely, it is no problem for him to save as many as possible.

"OK, brother, I'm down!"

The whole process is very smooth, but the equation is very impressive,

"Oh, yes! Come on, run to the door and walk in the green belt beside the wall. It's not easy to find out there! "

"What about you?"

Fang Yuan looked at the equation with some worries,

"you are still worried about my ability, you go quickly, I can rest assured only if you are safe!"

Equation with a smile touched round soft hair, although not really blood relationship, but from small to large feelings are real, no one can replace!

"Good, little brother, be careful!"

Fang Yuan turned around and ran to the green belt. Equation watched her sister run out of the campus and reached a safe position. Then she looked back at the next child in the window on the second floor!

"Come on, come down, come on..."

a little girl climbed down the curtain lifeline. When she was halfway up the first floor, she fell down because she was out of strength. The equation reached out to catch it in a hurry,

"run outside the school gate, remember, run along the green belt!"

The equation says,

"OK, get it!"

The little girl quickly ran out, and then the third, the fourth, the fifth... And just when the equation was here to secretly rescue the hostage, the police in front had already called out to the bandits,

"listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded, please think about the current situation you are in, put down your weapons and come out The choice of

Equation sweat face, can this shout have no more creativity?

After a pause, the bandit did not respond, and the police yelled again, but this time it was Chu Xiaoxiao,

"listen to me! There are hundreds of young girls in that building. Please think about your yearning and expectation for life at this age, so please don't take away the hope of others and let them go! We can satisfy whatever you want and demand! "

Chu Xiaoxiao's yelling is still a little level, the equation curled his mouth, and then looked up to the upstairs,

"Hello, upstairs, send a person to call the candidates from other classes carefully..."

"it's all here, big brother!"

As expected, they are all 17-8-year-old college entrance examination students, and their brains are really enough,

"good, good... Slowly, one by one!"

Hold the lifeline carefully!

Soon, the children on the second floor have all left, the equation looked up to the higher third floor, thinking about how the children should do! Now it seems that there are three stairs in the building, which are left, middle and right. There are bandits in the middle. It is not clear whether there are left and right guards. However, there are bombs, so children can't take risks. What should be done?

thinking hard, the phone of equation rings again,

"Hello, what's the matter

Equation answer the phone, it's Chu Xiaoxiao,

"equation, bad news!"

Chuxiaoxiao's voice is very low, it sounds like... This news is really bad to the extreme!

"What's the matter?"

"Not only the examinees here have been hijacked in the whole city, but also the examinees from six test centers have been held!"


The equation immediately froze, six test sites, thousands of students, have been hijacked?

"How big is this gang? Why do they choose candidates to hijack? What does that mean? Is... The central idea is to destroy our hope? "When it comes to the point of the equation,

"we analyze... Almost that's what we mean!"

Chu Xiaoxiao agreed with the view of returning home,

"I Cao, they are sick!"

The equation was forced to curse,

"OK, I know, let me think..."

he hung up the phone, sat down at the wall of the teaching building and lit a cigarette impatiently, but then he remembered that the smell of smoke might make the bandits find out, so he quickly went out again. He began to feel that these bandits were strange before, and that it was not groundless. The whole thing was through from inside to outside It's weird,

"why... Always feel like they are affected by something? It seems that their mental state is not so good...

the equation recalls the state of those armed bandits, who are dull and confused, have no communication and never speak. Are they... Related to aura? Can do at the same time to confuse so many people, the equation can only think of this! Suddenly, he thought of a way!

If they are influenced by people with aura, can their aura change them? Thinking of this, he got up and quietly looked inside from the window. He saw a man in a crazy color dress and put the aura into his body!

In a flash, the man's whole body trembled violently, and his confused eyes immediately became clear. When he saw where he was, he showed a puzzled expression, raised his head and saw the scene around him. He was even more frightened and frightened,

"what's the matter

He yelled in horror, and pushed away the examinee who had been holding tightly in his hand. At the moment, he found that he had a gun in his hand. He threw the gun to the ground and looked at the strange environment around him at a loss!

His soberness attracted the attention of other bandits. They slowly turned back and looked at the frightened man,

"publicity? Li Wei? Wang Yihan? What's wrong with you all? Why are we here? What about the rest of the company? We... Didn't we train in the west mountain? How did you get here? "

The man seemed to know other men, but even though he asked, the others were still staring at him without answering. Suddenly, one of the men held up his gun at the man in camouflage clothes, who was still in shock,


the equation was just about to raise his hand to shoot the gun in the man's hand, but he was severely pulled by one hand Live,


the man in camouflage clothes was shot in the middle of his forehead and fell to the ground and died on the spot!

Equation angrily looks at the master who holds his hand, but Yu Yien is a little stunned, but he still can't help complaining,

"what are you doing? If you don't hold me, I can save that man! "

"And then? What about the candidates? You've put them in danger! "

Yu Yien didn't get angry when he saw the angry equation. He said in a light tone,

"these puppets are controlled by some people, and some people have performed puppet techniques on them! The executor can control them from a long distance. If the person who controls finds out your existence, he will immediately order these people to kill the hostages! "

After listening to Yu Yien's words, the equation immediately extinguished his anger. He looked at Yu Yien in horror and seemed to be asking him, "is what you said true?"

"I won't lie to you!"

Yu Yien understood what he meant,

"so... What should we do now?"

He took a long breath, stabilized his heart and asked,

"leave first, we have to find the person who controls them..."

Yu Yien said, pulling the equation and leaving there!

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