The equation slowly paced to the side of the original stones, first of all, a general observation of the original stones out of the publicity! He really wants to know why Li family San Shao will lose so badly, what is the publicity routine, the result of observation after he found out the problem!

The original open hand of these stones have a very obvious feature, that is, the shell performance of very good raw stones, almost empty, broken, some even have wiped out the emperor green glass type of raw stone, but in fact, the inside surface so little green skin! And often this kind of glass species with skylight, the price of the imperial green stone will be hundreds of millions. If the volume of the original stone is bigger, the price will be even more terrible!

So there is only one possibility in this situation, and he can see or feel whether there is jadeite in the original stone! Only in this way can he lure others to hook the stones that are well behaved but have nothing in it, and buy expensive raw stones, but nothing in them! But his own unraveled original stone is also taken from this pile, the product is not very good but full of jadeite, which makes people more greedy! But the stone with bad shell will be gambled. He gets the good material because he knows which jade is in it, so... Even if someone goes with the wind to choose the raw stones with bad appearance, the result is still empty!

The routine is very good, and the equations want to applaud him!

"So many stones? Shopkeeper Zhang, where did you get so many stones? "

The equation looked at the original stone, and asked casually,

I have a friend doing the stone business in Yunnan. He often goes to Myanmar to buy the raw stones, so I will entrust him to bring some of them to me. This is the case all year round, so my original stone has never been broken

Zhang Yang looks like a man with a good mind. He observes the eyes and expressions of the equation while talking. When he sees the equation stop in front of a stone that has already wiped out the quasi glass species, the corner of his mouth rises slightly unconsciously,

this is very good, but the price is also very good, so he is afraid of you... "Br >

he intentionally stimulates the equation, equation After listening to the cold smile, I opened my mouth,

when it comes to price, shopkeeper Zhang, I think you remind me! These stones are yours. You know their situation very well. When I choose a stone, if you think it is very likely that he will go green and then sit on the ground to raise the price... It will be bad! So I think you still have better price of these stones! "

After the equation was finished, there was a voice of discussion in the crowd,

well, this young man said something reasonable. After all, the original stone is the master Zhang. He knows these stones very well! If someone really chooses the stone he thinks is very good, he can raise the price at any time without a clear price! "

"Yes, it's better to have a price marked by a clear code!"

Zhang Yang was stunned when he heard the equation, but he then recovered and said with a smile, "br >

" of course, the price of the clear code should be. The reason why I didn't have the price was that there were too many stones, so I really didn't have to mark them all! Now that you have mentioned it, I will mark it! "

Said that the public took out a marker, marked the price on the stone!

When it comes to the price, he certainly can't price the price one by one. He just divides the stones into several piles according to their performance! The worst performing pile is about 20 yuan, with a price of 2000 yuan and one yuan; the top point is more than ten yuan and 10000 yuan. Up there are 200000, 800000, 1.5 million and 3 million each! There are several more good ones in the back, and the price is very high. It is eight million two yuan, two 20 million yuan, one of 75 million, one hundred twenty million and one two billion! The two behind are all the glass species of emperor green with skylight open, and the volume is very big!

Looking at the price of the publicity mark, the equation smiled slightly, and then walked away from the quasi glass green, and walked to a 10000 yuan stone to stand! The original stone is about the size of a football, oval, gray on the surface, rough sand paper and large gaps. It is not good performance. But the equation seems to like it very much. He points the original stone with his fingers, and then smiles and looks at it!

"I'll have it!"

In a moment, the smile on his face solidified, because he knew that the spirit in the original stone proved that there was at least a piece of jade with high ice species in it. Of course, this equation is clear too! As for why the equation first chooses this one, that is because... This is the nearest one to him!

"Shopkeeper Zhang, what's wrong? Is there any problem with this stone? "

Yu Yien saw the strange expression, and he couldn't help laughing. For so many years, I'm afraid he has such an expression for the first time!

"Ah, no, of course not! But... The stone is not very good! "

Zhang Yang quickly closed his expression, and squeezed out a smile,"Oh, I've heard that the stones with good performance, manager Zhang, usually fail to gamble, so I thought... Otherwise, I'll take the opposite course and choose some that are not so good!"

The equation says,

"well, young man, even if you choose the one with poor performance, you will not bet on rising. The green probability of stone with good performance is much higher than that with poor performance! Good performance is not green, let alone poor performance! You're not manager Zhang...

equation smiles and ignores the crowd. He points to the cutting machine and says to Zhang Yang,

"how about manager Zhang? Are you going to solve it or do I do it myself? "

"It's up to you to solve it."

"Well, I'll solve it!"

Equation holding their own choice of stone came to the cutting machine, their own hands! Zhang Yang stood there, looking at the equation badly, but soon he returned to normal state, only the first piece, he was just lucky, the next piece... He could not have such good luck again!

"It's green, it's green!"

"It's good to plant water, at least ice...

" gambling is up! "

With the action of the equation, we can see that the original stone selected by the equation is really green,

"but... The light is not green. It's not sure whether there is green in the stone. It may be... Just a little bit!"

Some hostages suspect, equation smiles, washes the stone in his hand with water, and then continues to cut it. More than 20 minutes later, a piece of high ice jade about the size of an adult man's fist appears in front of everyone! Jadeite is almost transparent, with a trace of light yellow, is relatively rare yellow jade!

"Wow, it's so beautiful. It's Huang Fei! You can do it, young man

"I'll give you six million dollars. Sell it to me, young man. It happens that my family has a jewelry store."

"I'll pay eight million!"

"Ten million! Sell it to me, young man

Those who went to Zhang Yang's store to see things were not poor money owners. Those people who just ridiculed the equation's overstepping immediately grabbed the yellow jade like crazy!

Equation looked at them, raised his eyebrows, and turned his eyes to the publicity standing on the side,

"don't worry, good things are still in the back!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!