Zhang Xiaotian looked down and saw that he didn't hold the hand of the equation. He felt a great sense of loss in his heart,

"the equation is... Don't you need me?"

He felt frustrated,


Come over every day and stand beside him,

"I feel that there is a gap in my heart, isn't it?"

She asked with a smile. Zhang Xiaotian shook his head with a bitter smile,

"he was not only lost, but also frustrated. He felt that he could not help him at all!"

"You are wrong!"

Looking at the direction that the equation left, he said slowly,

"it is because you are helping him to settle down in the rear, so that he can do those dangerous things with ease and without distraction! In his eyes, you are the most solid backing. He thinks that even if he can't come back, you can help him with all the aftercare work! "

Understand the heart of the equation day and night, and better understand the feelings between their brothers,

"is there a solid... Backing?"

Zhang Xiaotian murmured,

"he can't take you to do dangerous things, because he knows what his brothers around him are good at. He doesn't need you who are both literate and martial arts. He just needs to be behind him now... Like you!"

Zhang Xiaotian suddenly realized that he was not as good as Zhou Yan and Yu Yien in terms of skills. He was protecting himself in his way,

"I understand!"

Zhang Xiaotian laughed, laughing at ease and magnanimity,

"let's go, let me be the solid backing to take you to play the whole port city

Equation and Yu Yien drove to tufifei's house. Jason was sitting on the sofa with a pale face. Hearing their footsteps, he subconsciously hid himself for a while. Looking up, he saw that they were equations. Then he settled down,

"you finally came, Feifei was taken away. What can we do?"

Jason was crying, equation frowned, squinted at him, and then opened his mouth slowly,

"what's toffee? The one who was taken away with her is a big problem. If something happens to him, you and Tuffy will not be buried together! "

The fierce look of the equation shows that he is really worried, and Jason is stunned by the words of the equation, but he is an old man who has been mixed in the entertainment industry for many years. He immediately understood the meaning of the equation, and immediately sat down on the sofa with a sad face and said nothing again! He knew that if a criminal case rose to a political event, he would basically abolish it!

"What to do..."

he suddenly started to cry and howl, startling the equation and Yu Yien. He was already upset. He was even more upset when he scared the equation.

"shut up, and if you can't stay quietly, get out!"

After finishing the equation, he went up to the second floor. In fact, he was looking for the Phoenix crown which was used for trading. Unfortunately, he could not feel the strong aura in this house. He looked at the things that contained some aura, but they were not!

"I guess she's hiding things!"

Yu Yien pinched his waist and guessed. The equation looked around and sighed,

"forget it, we're not looking for anything, let's find someone!"

The equation looks at the mess in Tuffy's room. It is estimated that those people have also come here to look for that thing,

"how to find it? We have no clue! "

Yu Yien looked around and said helplessly,

"we don't need any clues. We just need wired people to...

with that, the equation came to the window of tuffeifei's bedroom on the second floor. Looking outside, a aura flashed in front of him. The world outside was different,

" I'll go... "

this amazing scene Yu Yien It's my first time. He knows... This is what the equation wants him to see!

Looking at the beautiful and ugly ancient birds and animals outside the window, equation quickly locked in a long armed White Ape walking in tuffeifei's yard, while the long armed White Ape who felt the ancient spirit suddenly raised his head, and his eyes showed humble and respectful eyes!

"Did you see what happened in the morning?"

The other party's White Ape has already received his question,


"where have you been

The equation continued to ask, and the White Ape thought a little,

"I don't know... But I can find..."

"lead the way..."

without much nonsense, the equation flew down from the second floor, and Yu Yien followed. Jason in the living room on the first floor watched two people jump off the second floor, but he was surprised because the other party was from the security company Members can also accept their skills,

"what are you doing? No help looking for FeifeiHe yelled and chased out,

"now is to find someone, don't follow, or I can't guarantee that I can have time to protect you!"

Equation said and then turned to rush out of the courtyard, sitting in his car, Yu Yien foot accelerator toward the front of the White Ape has run far away to chase!

Through the busiest block in Hong Kong City, the equation followed the White Ape to the suburb of Hong Kong City, a place called Hongyuan village. The equation confirmed that ye Lei and tufifei were locked here! Following the White Ape to the entrance of the village, it moved its nose, then raised its long arm and pointed out a direction, which was a two story building farthest from the village entrance and in the deepest part of the village!

See that small building moment, the corner of the equation's mouth cold up, and then he nodded at the White Ape, the White Ape will be obediently back down, in an instant it will disappear!

Equation and Yu Yien looked at each other and walked to the small building together!

Before he got there, the equation found that there were two people guarding the door, but... The gatekeeper met the equation and Yu Yien, which was just like the decoration! Yu Yien gently picked his mouth and flew forward. Before the two people could react, he punched in the back of his head and fainted directly,

"the two of them can't wake up without five or six hours..."

Yu Yien shrugged his shoulders and felt that his hand was a little cruel,

"we don't know that they are in that room, so let's go straight in! How about a quick decision? "

The equation suggests that Yu Yien naturally agrees. Seeing his approval, equation turned back and pushed open the gate of the yard,


the gate was opened, and there were several bandits standing in the yard, some were cleaning their guns and some were practicing boxing. When they saw that equation and Yu Yien were both stunned, they immediately responded and took the guy and fired the gun.

"be careful...


The equation threw Yu Yien down to the ground and hid behind the agricultural machinery nearby,

"are you really shooting?"

Yu Yien thought that these people would be more or less restrained in the village,

"if I deal with them, you can find someone!"

He said to the equation,

"OK, be careful!"

After finishing the equation and Yu Yi en, they rushed out of the back of the farm machinery vehicle at the same time. Yu Yi en rushed to those people in the yard, and the equation went straight to the small building!

As soon as the equation entered the door, he saw a young man shooting himself with lightning speed,


Equation instantaneous displacement, moved to the man's back, before the man from the panic to relax, equation a punch on the other side's head, he suddenly fainted! Hearing the sound of the gun, three or four men with guns rushed out of the room. Seeing the equation, they immediately jumped into the air and took the wall as a backing plate. Suddenly, they came behind the group of people!

"Where are the people?"

Because the action was so fast, those people didn't even see the equation clearly and ran there. The equation couldn't help but "cluck" and yelled,

"fools, I'm here!"

Hearing the voice from behind, they were surprised to turn back, but in the moment of turning back, everyone's face was severely slapped a mouth, and then opened his eyes, the person had disappeared!

"Did you... See that?"

Someone asked in horror,

"no, no one at all!"

"What the hell is it?" the other replied, trembling

They thought it was a little scary!

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