Equation some speechless looked at Yan Lu, who rubbed her nose and tears on her body. What she said can fully prove that they still don't know where they are wrong. They even think that it is because of the great power of the Bei family, and their Yan Family and Hou family can't compare with each other, so they have to compromise! She cried because her son didn't eat well or sleep well in the detention center. She didn't feel sorry for her mistake!

"It's not me who captured your son. What can you do if you come to me? You seem to have worshipped the wrong gate? You begged me to let him go? I don't have this ability. He was arrested by the police because he committed a crime, not a three-year-old child who was locked up in a small dark room for fighting and making trouble! I said that if you don't educate the bear child, someone will teach it for you, but that person is not me, it's our people's police! "

Seeing that Yan Lu didn't realize the mistake he had made, he didn't understand that it was her wonderful work and wrong education method that made Hou Jingyuan look like this. He was surprised and ridiculous.

"didn't you ask the police to arrest him? As long as you tell the police that you don't sue him, my son will be released. Go and talk to the police. Please, I'll help my son talk to the police in the face that my son is your aunt father's nephew

The equation turned a big white eye in his heart. He could not help but look at his uncle standing on the side. Uncle, are you sure this is your sister, the talent educated by Yan family?

"I'm sorry, the crime committed by your son Hou Jingyuan is no longer what I said you can't do without prosecution. He committed several crimes together... It's not just my own business, so I can't help it, and I don't have the ability to take your son out of the detention center!"

"You are the little grandson of the Bei family? How can you not even get a child out of your beis family, which is rooted in Miao Hong, deeply rooted and powerful in Beijing? It's not that you can't do it, it's that you don't want to do it, do you? Brother, take a look at him... "

Yan Lu put on the expression of grievance again. It's really rare that the princess is so seriously ill at such an age.

" I said Yan Lu, what did you say just now? A child? Where are the children? You call a 28 year old adult a child? My God, giant baby? Our family is only 26 years old this year, with outstanding ability and successful career. Is your son 28 years old or a child? It's really funny...

beicen has always hated Yan Lu. This time, she can't look down on the equation. Where is the attitude of an elder?

"You... I'm talking to the younger generation. What does it have to do with you?"

Yan Lu said angrily to beicen. Beicen was a little stunned, and then retorted, "younger generation? Ha ha... Where are your younger generation? Please, ocean going, they are the small generation of our Bei family. What's the relationship with you? What's your qualification to say that you're talking to our children! Shouldn't you go back to the Hou's and talk to your little generation? Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that the younger generation of your family are still in the detention center...

beicen is kind-hearted in nature, but she is not willing to suffer losses, and she is extremely protective of the calf. Yan Lu wants to bully her own children, which does not exist! Her motto of her life is to live in the world, eat whatever you want, but you can't lose, and you can't speak fast! She Yan Lu dares to talk about ocean going. She, as an aunt, must bring the scene back!

Do you care, my wife

"Yan Lu, come on... You've made a lot of trouble. Now the scenes are all made by yourself, but you still don't repent. What did you say when you were in the Yan family? You say that you know where you are wrong, and you know that Xiaoyuan is not doing the right thing. How can you come here and say different things? "

Yan Chen yelled at his younger sister and repressed his anger with a face of helplessness.

"yes, I admit that we Xiaoyuan has done too much, but He Bei Yuanyang has nothing to do with it? I begged him so much, but he still refused to let go. How could he be so careful about this matter? "

Yan Lu's thought completely refreshes the equation's understanding of exotic flowers. He has no choice but to stride forward to the door of the Bei family. He really does not want to accompany the two goods in front of the house to be disgraced,

"Hey, where are you going? I haven't finished... "

" Yan Lu, you've had enough... "

without waiting for the equation to react, a man's sudden loud voice startled him. He looked back at the direction of the sound, and saw a tall, middle-aged man about 50 years old standing beside Yan Lu, wearing a pair of gold rimmed glasses, looking gentle, and now that pair of The eyes under the gold rimmed glasses are staring at Yan Lu in front of her angrily,Yan Lu was stunned at first when she heard the man's shouting. Then she changed her face and pointed to the man in front of her and cried out,

"Hello, Hou Mingshun, how dare you call me so loud? Even if you are angry at home, you won't shout at me. Did you take gun medicine today

It seems that Hou Mingshun is Yan Lu's husband and Hou Jingyuan's father. Hou Mingshun is an intellectual and a scholar. Originally, Hou's family is a scholarly family, and Yan Lu's husband is indeed a scholar, working in a research institute!

But how did these two people with totally different painting styles get together? If we say that it depends on fate, then the fate of Hou Mingshun is really not good, it is simply a bad fate! Just look at Yan Lu's arrogant and domineering manner, it must be very hard to be her husband!

"Yan Lu, my husband and wife for many years, I know you best! I would like to ask you, if your son was hired to kill someone, even though the murder was attempted, it was extremely dangerous. What would you do to the murderer who wanted to kill your son? "

Hou Mingshun finally showed what a man should look like. He did not flinch any more. He said one thing and two things.

"To kill my son? Who dares to touch my son? I'll chop off his hands and crush them to feed the pigs

As soon as she heard this, Yan Lu immediately brought in the scene. As soon as she thought that someone would hurt her baby son... He immediately got angry and said angrily!

"You see, your double mark is too serious, isn't it? Your children can't touch, then your children can hurt other people's children? What's more, you have to ask parents to forgive Xiaoyuan unconditionally. Can you do it? "

Hou Mingshun's words are very pleasant to listen to, which makes the equation nod,

"you Hou family At last there is a sensible man

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