The red satin is wrapped in a square shape. It's not big. It's about the size of a moon cake box. But when Hou Mingshun holds it, the small object seems to have some weight.

Now equation is really interested in all kinds of antiques. Although he doesn't want to accept the so-called thank you gift from Hou's family, he is still curious about what's in it? Hou Mingshun saw his curiosity, so he quickly opened the red satin wrapped with things, and a carved wooden box appeared in front of everyone!

"This wooden box It's exquisite

The equation couldn't help sighing because he had already felt the aura of the things in the box,

"yes, it was handed down by the ancestors of the Hou family, and it has a history of about six or seven hundred years!"

With that, Hou Mingshun gently opened the box in his hand, and saw a pair of big red jade earrings on the red velvet surface of the box, shining in the sunlight, the ultimate beauty! Even beicen, who is used to seeing all kinds of jewelry, can't help but cry out,

"this is also How beautiful

The colorful color seems to have aura, which is extremely smart and exudes Soul-catching luster,

"what kind of material is this?"

Beicen looked at Hou Mingshun and asked, while the equation on the side was staring at the pair of earrings in his hand, and said, "is this blood jade?"

"Yes, it's blood jade. Young master Bei really deserves his reputation. He is really a rising member of the antique circle. He can easily see the material of this thing..."

Hou Mingshun's face showed a look of admiration,

"blood jade jewelry is very rare! You Hou family has such a good thing

Bescen's words did not have the slightest irony, but the blood jade in recent years is really can be met but not sought!

It is said that the blood jade refers to the jade that has been soaked in blood. It is not natural but changed after the day. Whether it is jadeite, Hotan jade or topaz, as long as it is soaked in blood, it is called blood jade! But in fact, modern scientists found that the view of blood jade Qin blood is not correct. In jade ware and antique shops, blood jade refers to some ancient jade which was put into the earth together with the iron objects or the soil containing iron element oxidized and decomposed and then penetrated into the interior of the ancient jade, forming a bright red blood Qin. That's why blood jade appeared!

But now, the real Xueqin jade has almost no more, because the ancient jade has been very few, and the ancient jade of Xueqin is even less. Some bad traders will use iron salt solution to soak jade for a long time or soak jade in red dye to make jade turn red, and then substitute inferior jade as expensive blood jade to make exorbitant profits !

But the pair of blood jade earrings on Hou Ming's hand are really real blood jade. The real blood jade here refers to the red jade in the ancient jade, which is indeed dyed by blood. The equation can feel the difference among them!

Equation's eyes have been fixed on that pair of earrings, but not because of the rarity and rarity of the earrings, but because He didn't know why, but somehow he felt that the earrings were very familiar to him. The sense of familiarity was as if he had seen them a long time ago, but He couldn't remember, when and where he had seen it!

"I Can I take a closer look at them? "

Equation can't help but stretch out his hand to the wooden box. He seldom behaves like this, but I don't know what happened today?

"Of course, this is for you

Hou Mingshun handed things to the hands of the equation, equation almost obsessed with looking at the pair of earrings in his hand. Suddenly, some pictures that have never been seen flashed in his mind. He was a little surprised, but he could look at those pictures in his mind with even efforts!

The scene seems to be an ancient wedding. There are antique carved corridors and bright red veil curtains. People are coming and going in the courtyard. In a flash, the scene changes to the new room. A graceful bride in a bright red wedding dress sits in the middle of the bed. A bamboo pole suddenly uncovers the red veil on her head, but You can't see the face of the bride A pair of blue jade earrings are gently shaking!

Suddenly, she stood up and drew a sword from the scabbard hanging on the edge of the bed. Without hesitation, she drew a sword to her neck,


The sword fell, the dead, the bride fell in the pool of blood, the earrings on the ears were gradually infected by the blood overflowing slowly, and turned into bright red!


The equation felt as if he had been pinched by someone's neck. He was suddenly excited and finally woke up from the picture. He was covered with cold sweat and collapsed."Ocean, what's the matter with you?"

Bei Yuanfeng was beside him, looking at him nervously,

"ah, I just What's the matter? "

He asked in a slightly embarrassed way,

"it's like being trapped by a nightmare. His eyes are open but there is no response at all, but his expression is extremely nervous, and there is a layer of cold sweat on his face..."

Bei Yuanfeng said in surprise that he had never seen an equation like this before,

"are you uncomfortable?"

"Well Maybe it is... "

He nodded, but then shook his head. He didn't know why he reacted so much. Did the bride in the picture have anything to do with him?

"Uncomfortable? Come in and have a rest! We Don't disturb me... "

Hou Mingshun knew that he had been disturbing Bei's house for a long time. Now he saw that the equation was not comfortable, so he had to leave in a hurry. After listening to him, Yan Lu, who had stood aside for a long time without saying a word, could not help being a bit anxious,

"husband, we are still in Xiaohai..."

Naturally, her meaning is that this equation has not yet rescued her son from the police station,

"Yan Lu!"

Hou Mingshun glared at his wife,

"the young master of the Bei family is not feeling well today. We can't disturb him any more! Besides, since young master Bei has promised us to let go of the stinky boy, he will certainly do it. Let's not worry. Besides, it's a good thing for him to suffer for a few days, so that he can have a long memory and know that what he has done is wrong, so that he can understand Not everything we can do to help him

Hou Mingshun is a very wise father, he knows not to rush, but also understand that Hou Jingyuan should be taught a lesson, but once the lack of education in Hou Jingyuan made this child become what he is today!

"Well All right

Yan Lu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. She also began to try to change her education method.

Looking at the couple's appearance, equation couldn't help laughing. It's always good to have changes.

"you can rest assured about hou Jingyuan's affairs. I'm a little uncomfortable today. When I'm ready, I will go to the police station to withdraw the case! And this pair of EARRINGS I'll take it as a compliment, because I'm really interested in it

The equation is simple and to the point,

"OK, no problem, then My husband and wife are waiting for your good news. Have a good rest

With that, Hou Ming took his wife Yan Lu, who was still hesitant, and left! , the fastest update of the webnovel!