The wild boar lost its tusks, just like soldiers on the battlefield losing their weapons. In front of the enemy, they were almost slaughtered by others. The equation easily solved the huge boar, which made Zhao Xiaojun's eyes shine!

"Brother Fang, when I was in the hotel that day, I knew you could do Qigong and cure injuries, but I didn't know that you had such great strength and good Kung Fu?"

Zhao Xiaojun rushed to the equation and said, "ah... In fact, it's all Qigong. It's normal for people who practice Qi to have great strength."

The equation clapped his hands awkwardly. Then he turned to look at the sky and found that the fish belly was white in the East. After such a toss, everyone has no mind to go to bed. It's better to go down the mountain earlier and go back earlier, and then carefully think about where the half winged beast might be!

At the moment, the three men began to put away their sleeping bags and tents. When the equation came to the campfire, there was no water around, so the equation had to grab some soil on the side of the ground and press it up to the fire. Suddenly, his mind flashed with a flash of light and thought of something,

"I know it!"

He exclaimed, startling Yu Yien and Zhao Xiaojun, who were packing up their things.

"what do you know?"

Looking at the equation, Yu Yien asked,

"I know... Where is the thing?"

Yu Yien looked at him with a puzzled look on his face and patted him on the shoulder with a smile,

"tell you slowly, let's go down the mountain first!"

So the three men laboriously dragged the huge boar to the valley!

It was two o'clock in the afternoon when they got to the entrance of the village. The villagers who occasionally passed by looked surprised when they saw the boar they were pulling,

"Xiaojun, is this... Wild boar?"

"Yes, brother Fang is fighting in the back mountain!"

Zhao Xiaojun looked proud,

"so powerful!"

The villagers sighed with emotion,

"Uncle Qi, auntie, brother Dazhu, come to my house to eat roast wild pork in a moment, please call everyone

Zhao Xiaojun said with a smile,

"OK, I'll talk about it on the radio later!"

Dazhu said with a smile,


Zhao Xiaojun nodded. There were only about 100 people in the village. The wild boar was enough for everyone to eat!

The three men returned to the Zhao family with wild boars. Zhao's father and mother were very happy to see their son coming back safely. When they heard that the wild boar had harmed people in the valley, they couldn't help but sigh. They looked at the equation with respect and admiration!

A man cut wild boar into pieces to roast. It was covered with salt water, honey and cumin. The fragrance could be smelled 100 meters away. The equation stared at the wild pork and couldn't help laughing. The boar has aura to protect its body. Will the villagers live long after eating it? That's what he wanted!

When it was dark, the villagers came to the courtyard of the Zhao family one after another. The scene was really lively. Even the old village head came to join in the fun! This wild pork is delicious, but it's hard to eat. Moreover, it's such a big boar. Don't even see it!

The equation just needs to find the old village head. Seeing him coming, he rushed to meet him,

"old village head, here you are

The old village head immediately grasped his hand with excitement as soon as he saw that it was an equation.

"I heard that... You hit a very large wild boar? What's more, he said that the people who went to the back mountain could not get out for no reason, but might have met a wild boar? "

The old village head thinks that the equation is not only for the people, but also for the people.

"yes, the wild boar is very big in size, and it has strong attack power. It always likes to attack by surprise, so... There are very few people who can survive from its fangs!"

The equation nodded and verified the old village head's statement,

"good... Good! We haven't been to the back mountain for many years. If the real culprit is the wild boar, then we can go back to the mountain to dig wild vegetables and find Chinese medicine! "

The old village head patted his equation on the shoulder. It seems that he likes this young man very much,

"by the way, old village head, I want to ask you about the house you live in now... Or the house destroyed by the flood before?"

"Of course not. The flood destroyed the foundation of our old house, so I moved the foundation forward and built the house I live in now!"


When he crushed the campfire with the soil, he suddenly thought that it was not the flood, so there was another possibility that the head of the god beast was buried under the yard, but the water washed it out. On the way back, he was also worried about whether the old village head would build the current house on the original foundation, so how could he ask to turn over the soil to see if there was anything under the ground, but fortunately, the old village head made way for that position!"Old village head, I want to... Go to the place where your house was built before. Is that ok?"

The equation asks carefully,

"what's wrong with this? Of course, it's right behind the house where I live now, the open space next to the foot of the mountain

With the consent of the old village head, the equation wanted to fly to the old village head's house immediately. He and Yu Yien looked at each other for a moment, and then quietly withdrew from the group chat. They walked quietly to the old village head's home!

In the dark, the two men soon came to the open space behind the old village head's house. The equation was staring at the land. When he came to the old village head's house for the first time, he really felt the existence of aura. However, because he found that there were two porcelain vases and a jade Bi about the Han Dynasty on the cabinet of the old village head's house, he didn't really think about it at that time Because many rural families have such ancient objects! But now it seems that the aura at that time should also be mixed with the aura from the ground below!

"Is it here?"

Yu Yien looked at the equation,

"well, it should be here!"

The equation nodded and looked at it excitedly,

"but... Are we really going to dig this place? What do we say when the old village head comes back? It can't be said that there is an ancient tomb under his house! "

After listening to Yu Yien's words, the equation suddenly got a headache, but suddenly, both of them felt something strange behind them. They looked back at them at the same time, and saw that several Black Muzzles were directly aimed at them.

The equation lowered his eyes and slightly cocked his mouth. Then he raised his eyes and looked at the man holding the gun behind the muzzle of the gun. It was the black and thin man's men that day. This time, they had guns in their hands. It seemed that they had enough courage,

"you are indeed, and you are very quick! As the saying goes, it's better to come early than to come at the right time. As soon as I find a place on my side, you'll come. It's amazing

The equation said faintly,

"what? Are you going to kill people and take things for yourself? "

He glanced at the open space in front of him,

"but... It's not easy to start here. After all, in the village, how can you dig ancient tombs here in public

"In public? Hum, but a hundred people, the big deal... All killed! "

Suddenly, a voice came out from behind the people holding the guns. The equation looked at those people with some doubts, and saw a man slowly walking out of the dark. When he saw the face of the man clearly, he couldn't help being shocked,

"so... Is it you

Equation looked at Shen Yuzhou who appeared in front of him with a gloomy face and said in surprise! , the fastest update of the webnovel!